"Our people can't do it?"

"How is that possible!?"

Hearing the words of the captain of the mesh mirror, the high-level leaders on the scene felt a little incredible.

You must know that this world's Great Xia is in a leading position in all aspects, and the research and development and application of computer technology, or the world's hacker rankings and the like are all dominant.

How could it be impossible to conquer it?

"Because the other party is prepared!" The mesh explained with an ugly face.

"There are a lot of people on the other side, but they are stopping us in an orderly manner, if my situation is correct, it should be that all the official computer masters in the Star Building over there in the Star Country are dispatched, and they also organize these things in an orderly manner to the civil hacker alliance."

"Before I came, I had organized my subordinates to take action, and even issued a summoning order to the hackers in the private sector, but it was too difficult to overcome in a short period of time, and it was basically impossible to turn off the live broadcast."

It is true that the individual strength and overall strength of the Great Xia hackers are better than those of the Star Country, but the other party is prepared this time, and the forces of the government and the people are all taken in an orderly manner.

In the case of mental calculation or unintentionality, it is impossible for Daxia to conquer the other party in a short period of time, even if a very few masters join, because there are many people on the opposite side and there is order.

"Seven-eight-zero" and they don't need to be too head-to-head, they just need to stop those who are trying to shut down the live stream!

"Very good, Star Country!"

Realizing this, the crowd became even angrier, and at the same time smelled of conspiracy.

From the very beginning, the cruise ship video was "accidentally" discovered by the hackers of the Star Country, and then "indignantly" posted on the networks of major countries.

But they felt that the hacker's approach was a bit radical.

Now it can be determined that they are deliberately embarrassing Great Xia, deliberately exposing the filth of the Foot Basin Country to disgust Great Xia.

Otherwise, how did this large number of hackers come to be on standby and take action for a long time?

"I'll call the top!"

Qin Zhen understands that although these things have happened in Jiangsu and Zhejiang Prefectures, this matter has developed to the point where it is no longer just a problem for Jiangsu and Zhejiang Prefecture to deal with.

To deal with the Star Country, Jiangsu and Zhejiang Prefecture are definitely not enough!

The reason why he didn't report it at the beginning was not to conceal it and not report it, just like Qin Zhihai, the above authorities would not get the news slower than Qin Zhen, but only faster than him.

The reason why I didn't report it at the beginning was that it was a tacit understanding within the system, and when things were still under control, the following people would solve it by themselves, which was an opportunity to make up for it, and if you were lucky, you could get benefits.

But this doesn't mean that the people above will not care, they have already begun to pay attention to this matter, and when the gaffe cannot be contained and reaches a critical point, or Qin Zhen takes the initiative to report, then they will take over.

But once this happens, the position of the governor of Qin Zhen will be a little dangerous, and what will happen depends on the outcome of the final matter.

Even if Qin Zhi's position is not lost, her influence will decline, and even the time to enter the center will be postponed indefinitely.

But in the current situation, Qin Zhen knew that he could only let the people above take over.

At this moment, Xu Luo, who had interjected just now, asked again: "Governor, there is actually one person who can solve this crisis!"

"Even, help Da Xia get back the lost face exponentially!"

On the off-road vehicle, Xu Luoyan had two more laptops in front of him.

One of them is the current situation on the Daxia network platform, and there are people who say anything under the live video, and Xu Luo is too lazy to pull out the number of words.

In the other computer screen, the picture on the cruise ship in the footbasin country is played, which is not the same lens as the live video on the major networks, but the major screens monitored in the cruise ship monitoring room.

As early as the previous analysis of the case, Xu Luo had already intruded into the completely defenseless network system on the cruise ship with a dual-purpose laptop, so he knew the situation on the cruise ship well.

At this time, seeing Ito Makoto's speech, a dangerous light also flashed in his eyes.


Qin Zhen stopped his movements and asked with a hint of anticipation.

If he could, of course he didn't want to call the top and solve the matter himself.

If Xu Luo has a way, as long as he thinks it is reliable, he doesn't mind trying it.

"Dark Enforcer!"

Xu Luo quietly spit out five words, but it made Qin Zhen stunned.

Dark Enforcer?

How could the Dark Enforcers help, or how could they help.

Not to mention, to lose the face of Great Xia.

Is this a joke?

Qin Zhen didn't speak, although he hadn't known each other for a long time, he thought that Xu Luo was a reliable young man and would definitely give a reasonable explanation.

"Actually, the Dark Enforcer is on that cruise ship!"

Xu Luo exposed a shocking revelation.



Lin Qin glanced at Xu Luo, and then at the computer screen in front of her, she really wanted to ask.

Where is the Dark Enforcer?

Xu Luo, what kind of trouble is this?

But soon Lin Qin thought of Xu Luo's teleportation back and forth to Hong Kong and Guangdong City a few days ago, and thought of the changes in himself.

Yes, this person is the embodiment of a god walking in the mortal world, and nothing is impossible!

"The Dark Enforcer on that cruise ship?" Qin Zhen reconfirmed, with an unconcealable surprise in his voice.

"That's right!"

Xu Luo gave a positive answer!

In fact, if it had been two days later, this would not have happened today.

A few days ago, when he was idle and bored, he used hacking technology to study the secrets hidden in the computer by the spies of the foot basin people in Hong Kong and Guangdong City, and found several encryption action plans!

The footbasin people have different plans implemented in different bays, and there are three main places where the program is implemented.

One is the bay of Hong Kong Yuezhou, that is, the place where Xu Luo found a secret base in the cliff in Hong Kong and Guangdong, this operation is codenamed "Tengu", which mainly talks about long-term human trafficking and experiments.

In other words, on the side of Hong Kong and Guangdong, it is mainly for smuggling, and human beings are for trafficking.

One is in Menxia Bay in Minzhou, Anhui.

For Xu Luo, Menxia Bay is still out of reach for the time being, so he didn't pay much attention to it.

One is in the bay of Hanghai City, Jiangsu and Zhejiang Prefecture.

The main purpose is to abduct and kidnap the long-legged woman of Great Xia and provide it to the country to improve the genes!

Here, Xu Luo felt that he could get involved immediately, so he focused on it.

Because he knows this, he has been collecting cases related to the disappearance of women through his own means recently, focusing on the disappearance of women who are beautiful in figure and appearance.........

It is also because of this that he has long noticed those model bidding companies.

Then, he locked onto the cruise ship on Footbasin Island.

Originally, he planned to go to this cruise ship to explore it himself, or go to the vicinity of the cruise ship to collect signals, and then use hacking technology to invade.

Who knows that after a step, something like this has happened, but it doesn't matter, he still has a way to remedy it and prevent the tragedy from happening!

"That's what he told me when I contacted the Dark Enforcer!"

"He found out about the strange disappearance of a large number of girls, and these girls are all tall women, so he intervened in the investigation, and the cruise ship was opened!"

"When I asked him for help, he was about to make a move on the dwarves on the cruise ship, and then rescue the kidnapped heroines, I asked him to stop and leave the opportunity to the state hall!"

"If you allow it, Governor, we can let him go ahead!"

What to do with the action?

Murder, of course!

Qin Zhen and everyone in the conference room fell silent all at once.

In fact, this proposal made them very actionable!

Now everyone knows that the Dark Enforcer's force value is very high, and the killing methods are very clever, since he had a plan from the beginning, he must be sure to deal with those dwarves while ensuring that the women are something!

And if you let the dark enforcers take action.

One: They don't need to rush to report to the top, it's in their own benefit!

Two: They don't need to rush to a showdown with the foot basin country, they can continue to arrest spies and traitors, which is conducive to their layout!

Three: The woman of Great Xia will not encounter danger, but everyone will see the situation of the dwarf being killed, and people all over the world will not only not be able to watch the good show of Great Xia, but will also see the strong side of Great Xia!

All in all, the benefits are many!

The only thing that makes them helpless is that the person who does everything is a dark enforcer, he is defined as a criminal, is it okay to be in such a limelight in front of people all over the world?

"With ~~"

A thought of 0.7 suddenly appeared in Qin Zhen's mind, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that this idea was okay!

If he succeeds, he will be the biggest winner of this incident, and he will repay the dark enforcers!

"Then bet on it!"

"I hope the Dark Enforcer won't let me down!"

A hint of determination flashed in Qin Zhen's eyes, and he said in a deep voice: "Xiaoluo, let the dark enforcers take action!" "


Everyone present looked at Qin Zhen, not knowing what he was thinking.

But one way or another, the governor made a decision, and they just listened to it!

"Yes, Governor!"

Xu Luo's eyes narrowed, and he wrote a line on the death note next to him.

At the same time, he took out a verdict announcement sheet, and with a move of his mind, the content he wanted appeared on the publicity sheet.

Immediately after, the notice disappeared out of thin air!

The next moment, no one noticed.

A black card suddenly appeared on Ito's head!

It was also at this time that two dwarves came to the deck threatening a Daxia woman who was several heads taller than them with their pistols.

It was also at this time that no one noticed that several great white sharks appeared near the cruise ship!

"The verdict has begun!" _

Feilu reminds you: There are three things to read - collect and push

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