Solving a Case: I Am The Strongest Crowd

Chapter 534 Really! (5/5 seeking automatic)

There are no questions about any of Xia Shihu's answers.

Even his every emotion is very reasonable.

But because it was so suitable for cleaning up, Chen Luo felt that Xia Shihu was even more strange.

Xia Shihu is clearly...the person involved in the case, and a person involved in the case with a very complicated relationship.

He is not only a friend relationship with the suspect, but also a cousin relationship with the victim Xia Qing.

And he also provided a possible killing site for the suspect, although this cannot be completely determined.

But Xia Shihu is really so clean. Chen Luo flipped through Xia Shihu's information. The latter saw that he had been playing with his mobile phone and asked curiously: "Mr. Chen, can I continue to eat?"

"Oh, Mr. Xia, just eat, don't worry about me."


Xia Shihu nodded, but when Chen Luo flipped through it, he suddenly saw a message that he couldn't believe it.

That message made Chen Luo look at Xia Shihu for the first time and asked: "You are still here: Ding Yi Pharmaceutical has worked"

Xia Shihu replied naturally: "Yes, I went to work at Dingyi Pharmaceutical in 2001, but I was just a general worker and later became a team leader with a lot of energy."

"Hey, this is why, after knowing that my brother-in-law is... the owner of Ding Yi Pharmaceutical, I wanted to let my children in the pharmaceutical company.

I have worked there, and the corporate culture there is really good."

Chen Luo squinted his eyes and said, "In what year did you become the team leader?"


"What permissions does the team leader have?"

"Hey, just take care of a few people, and of course there are some recommended places.

Of course, the recommended person can only start from the general attack. After all, I am not the kind of... educated person."

Chen Luo laughed at this time and said, "Mr. Xia thinks that Leng Yi will also be in Dingyi Pharmaceutical"

Xia Shihu's face turned immediately.

He changed, and said: "How could it be possible that if he was in Dingyi Pharmaceutical, I would still not know him"

"Then what if someone deliberately pretended not to know"

Xia Shihu was about to say something, but Chen Luo smiled and said, "Mr. Xia, don't worry, I am not...

Because you said it yourself, you have the recommended permissions."

"So if Leng Yi who has changed his name and identity is recommended by you to Dingyi Pharmaceutical, it will not be troublesome. I will ask Mr. Tan to see if their company can still find out the files of the year. See if Mr. Xia recommends it. Who has ever entered the company"

"No, Mr. Chen, what do you mean by this? You hide Leng Yi with me"

"It's not the first time you hide cold."

Chen Luo said, did not give Xia Shihu a chance to speak again, and sneered: "Let me guess. It has been 20 years since Leng Yi has climbed to any position. There must be more than one workshop. Maybe it is already in a certain department. A manager, even he is already a senior of Dingyi Pharmaceutical"

"I can't believe how scared of Tan Ding you are, that's why you came up with such a dangerous trick.

That's right, the closer you get to the danger, the more you can understand what kind of person is who creates the danger."

"This is not the most dangerous place or... the safest. This is to use the courage to understand your enemy, so that you can best confuse your enemy's eyes."

"Smart, awesome, really awesome!"

Before that, the group members had discussed where Leng Yi would hide.

The members of the group are also very experienced, and have encountered many murderers hiding in unexpected places.

But it was precisely because of the many encounters, coupled with Leng Yi's cunning, and the situation at that time, it made people feel that the possibility of Leng Yi entering Ding Yi Pharmaceutical was too low.

However, when Xia Shihu entered Dingyi Pharmaceutical a year after Xia Qing's death, Chen Luo's thinking would naturally think that Leng Yi would be there.

It's just that I think about it carefully at this moment, Chen Luo shook his head and said: "It's not right, Leng Yi may still be a general attack until now, right"

"He wants to hide himself, it is absolutely impossible for him to enter Tan Ding's line of sight.

Next to you, Xia Shihu, you must have made some mistakes to leave Dingyi Pharmaceutical."

"You are still only fifty years old. Your brother-in-law is the boss of a big company. It is normal for you to seek jobs for your children, but it is more reasonable for you to seek jobs for yourself.

Especially, you are still: Ding Yi Pharmaceutical has worked.

But why didn't you ask your brother-in-law for help"

"Because you know that as long as you have that idea, maybe Tan Ding will know that you were fired because of some mistakes."

"Let me guess, Mr. Xia didn't reveal any secrets of Ding Yi Pharmaceutical, right?"

The information in Chen Luo's hand is very clear, so even if he is all questioning at the moment, the original natural face in Xia Shihu's ears is constantly changing quietly.

Seeing Xia Shihu's reaction, Chen Luo knew that the group members were right.

Xia Shihu is too normal. Normal people know that he is deeply involved in the case, but he can't bring up the slightest thoughts of suspicion.

Xia Shihu opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but Chen Luo had already got up at this time, picked up his mobile phone and called Tan Ding.

"Mr. Tan, do you have any veteran employees in your Dingyi Pharmaceutical... who have worked for more than a decade or even have been there since the beginning of the establishment"

"Yes, there are several.

Some have been promoted to the top of the company by me.

Sometimes condolences to their lives, or hold a commendation meeting to commend them for their contributions to the company."

Tan Ding said, but he also asked curiously: "Why did Mr. Chen suddenly ask about my company?"

"Let's not talk about the reasons, is there any in your Dingyi Pharmaceutical... I have not been willing to be promoted for more than ten years, and I have been working in the most basic position."

"Yes, when you said that, I remembered that there was an employee named Lao Bing, and it seemed that he was only willing to work in low-level positions for more than ten years."

"Then have you met him?"

"It seems to have seen it once. In that year, he relied on technology to save the company a lot of costs.

After the management of the company was reported to me, I specifically approved for his family cash and a car."

"Mr. Tan is really generous, no wonder there are so many people in your company who are willing to stay and work there for more than ten years."

Tan Ding had already noticed something and asked: "Mr. Chen, what do you mean?"

"Now immediately.

Let Aang and Xiao Nian control that person, remember to control it now.

However, Mr. Tan, I have to remind you that it is still impossible to prove that he is... Leng Yi, so you must first calm down!"

When Chen Luo finished speaking, there was no longer a word on the other end of the phone, only the gradually heavy gasp kept resounding...

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