Song Ye gave his own suggestions.

When Han Jun hung up, he couldn't calm down for a long time.

Although there is always a voice in her heart telling her, this is not a surprising speculation, because the woodpecker case in Shishan is very similar to the woodpecker case in Jiangzhou from the beginning.

But what Song Ye said narrowed a very similar circle to a very small circle.

The most important thing is that Han Jun thought of two possibilities that made her shudder.

One is that she really missed a terrible murderer.

Second, the murderer she caught may have cultivated a more terrifying murderer before he died!

Especially the second possibility increased the pressure on Han Jun.

The murderer she had caught before committing crimes in Jiangzhou was already powerful enough. If there is another murderer who can evade all the defects of the opponent, the difficulty can be imagined.

However, while thinking of this, Han Jun also understood that this murderer may be difficult to obtain evidence, but if all of this is correct, the possibility of finding her is not high.

Between the two dead!

Thinking of this, Han Jun was alone in the simulated office, ignoring the dead animal, holding a marker on the whiteboard and began to comb.

At this moment, inside the detective team.

Qin Feng with a marker had already sorted it out first.

"Once our speculation is correct, then the relationship between the two deceased can be analyzed in the same way, and even the motives of the two murderers may be similar!"

"The motive of the murderer in the Jiangzhou Woodpecker case was based on the words of the deceased during his lifetime. She had been in contact with the murderer before she died. Because the deceased looked down on the murderer so much, the murderer found the right time to kill!"

"So I was wondering whether the perpetrators of the Stone Mountain Woodpecker case were also killed because of the words spoken in their mouths"! "

The first guess Qin Feng sorted out was the murderer's motive.

Song Ye followed his combing and said:

"There may be similar motives for committing the crime, but there are still too few grounds to rely on. However, following this one, the relationship between the two dead can be sorted out."

"Hua Lingyu, the deceased in the Stone Mountain Woodpecker case, was a single mother. And it hasn't been long since I came to Shishan. Because I haven't found a suitable job, I stayed in the rental house."

"From the information of Hua Lingyu, she and the deceased in the Jiangzhou woodpecker case must have no connection. But according to Qin Feng's speculation, is it possible that the murderer in Jiangzhou did not finish killing at the time? Everyone?"

"The people who appeared in Shishan are his heirs, in order to get rid of everyone in the Jiangzhou Murderer Plan!"

After Song Ye finished speaking, Guan Hongfeng's eyes were a little brighter.

"If that's the case, the contents of the Jiangzhou Woodpecker case file may not be all true!"

"Yes, there may be changes in the motives recorded in the Jiangzhou Woodpecker case. There may be conflicts between the murderer and the deceased, but the real conflict is not because of verbal humiliation, but because of other reasons!"

"This reason happens to be able to connect the dead in Jiangzhou and Shishan." After Song Ye returned, Qin Feng and Fang Mu fell into a brief contact.

Qin Ming had been watching Xia Mi dissecting the corpse, without saying a word.

Song Ye took out two documents and said: "One of the two documents is the scope of the deceased's activities compiled by Han Jun when he was investigating the woodpecker case. Judging from her scope of activities, she has always been in Jiangzhou. , And never went out."

"As for the other piece of information, it is an activity scope table that I obtained from the consumption and travel records of Hua Lingyu, the deceased in the Shishan case, a year and a half ago."

"I will send you these two documents now. Let's compare them."

Song Ye sent the information to each team member, and after sending it, he also compared it.

However, to his surprise, there was no overlap in the data comparison.

In Song Ye's thinking, the intersection between the dead cannot be so obvious.

But the lack of overlap does not mean that there is no target between them.

"In comparison with the data, Hua Lingyu was in another city more than a thousand kilometers away from Jiangzhou a year and a half ago, so it seems unlikely that there will be a connection between them at present."

Song Ye first told the result, Guan Hongfeng retracted his look, and said:

"Does the captain still insist that there is a connection between the two?"

After Guan Hongfeng finished speaking, before Song Ye had time to respond, Qin Ming suddenly said:

"¨. I insist that there is a connection between the two!"

"What did Qin Forensic Doctor find?" Song Ye asked immediately.

"You didn't notice the autopsy just now. A feature just appeared behind the ear of the deceased Hua Lingyu."

Song Ye immediately retracted his gaze into the projection. At that moment, Xia Mi turned the ears of the deceased again. At that moment, Song Ye's memory seemed to be constantly looking back.

Three seconds later, Song Ye and Qin Feng replied in unison: "There is a mole behind the earlobe!"

"Yes, there is a mole behind the earlobe!" Qin Ming said affirmatively.

Qin Feng squinted his eyes and said, "This discovery is shocking. There is a mole behind the earlobe, and it is also a mole on the right ear! Is it because this mole has a problem?"

"Regardless of whether there is a problem with this mole, all relatives and even friends of Mu Xuexin, the murderer of the Jiangzhou Woodpecker case, need to find out!"

Song Ye said, not in a hurry to call Han (Li Zhao) Jun.

Xia Mi’s autopsy was videotaped throughout, and all her actions will be sent to Song Ye afterwards.

It can be seen from the projection that Xia Mi's autopsy does not take too long, at least the apparent examination is about to end.

Song Ye suppressed his thoughts and once again observed the mole behind the earlobe of the deceased in the Jiangzhou Woodpecker case.

Then Song Ye searched on the computer for the explanation of the mole behind the earlobe.

In this search, Song Ye saw a lot of introductions. The earlobe has always been a place of wealth in physiognomy.

People who have full earlobes are often said to be rich and wealthy.

The earlobes of the deceased in the woodpecker case in Jiangzhou and Shishan seemed to be full and fleshy, and the moles behind the earlobes of both were moles!

Such a face is even more prosperous!

Could it be said that the murderer's motive for committing the crime was because of this mole of the master's wealth? sentence.

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