After Han Jun was stunned for a few seconds at the scene, he finally couldn't help but opened the doors of other rooms.

When all the doors of the room were opened, she still didn't see the picture she wanted to see.

Now that I haven't even encountered what I want to see, how can I implement my own plan?

When Han Jun came out of that room, Han Jun's mind was completely immersed in this variable.

Song Ye had considered the variables before, but the variables were almost in Li Bo's home in Qingcheng.

But no one thought that there were no variables in Li Bo's home in Qingcheng, but in Jiangzhou instead.

Qin Ming said that the murderer possessed tremendous patience that he had never seen before.

He can bear it!

As Fang Mu had guessed, he was so anxious that he couldn't wait any longer.

On the contrary, he was very patient and did not do anything in the place everyone thought.

Han Jun has gone downstairs and sat in the car. She has been thinking, thinking and even forgetting to answer the phone call to Song Ye.

Song Ye did not call Han Jun at this time, but silently looked inside the team.

Whether it was Guan Hongfeng and Qin Feng, who were the first to join the team, or Fang Mu and Qin Ming, who joined the team later, they were all lost in contemplation at this moment.

Although Qin Ming said that the murderer was extremely patient, everyone was thinking about the murderer's next plan at this time.

In other words, what should they do next to be able to print the murderer!

"Everyone, do you think Li Bo is in Jiangzhou right now?" Guan Hongfeng asked first.

Song Ye replied: "Yes, he must be in Jiangzhou, because he has no need to stay in Shishan, Jiangzhou is the real main battlefield!"

"Then where will he hide now?"

"His eyes should be closely watching Han Jun's every move. We weren't sure what his final goal was before, but now that there is no change at the scene of the crime, it is enough to prove that his final goal is Han Jun!"

Song Ye said, suddenly Han Jun's closed eyes in the projection suddenly opened.

She opened the car door again and walked upstairs.

"Team Korea, what are you going to do?"

Han Jun's subordinate immediately asked, and Han Jun replied: "He is playing tricks with me, but I can also check his methods. Let the trace check come over, I want to see if there are any traces of him in the room! "

"But the Korean team, didn't you say that you shouldn't be too aggressive?"

"Since the play of Yin didn't work, then I'll tell him. If his final goal is me, then I will create countless opportunities for him, depending on which one he wants to catch!"

Han Jun's words are very serious, Song Ye smiled bitterly after hearing this: "This is a way."

"Yeah, if you can't come to Yin, you can only come to Ming. The opportunity to create for him depends on which opportunity Li Bo wants to seize."

"But having said that, it is indeed a good way for the Korean team to let the trace inspection enter the scene. If there is a trace of someone entering, then it is certain that Li Bo has indeed come."

"Such monitoring can also be checked."

Song Ye spoke, and directly called the monitoring of the floor of the community site, and what was checked was tonight.

The monitoring was brought over through the system, and Song Ye opened it for viewing the first time.

The screen flashed quickly, until 8 o'clock in the evening, that is, two hours before Han Jun looked for it, a figure appeared in the surveillance.

The surveillance camera is still dressed in short sleeves and jeans, and there is still a long hair draped over the back.

The most conspicuous is the pair of red high heels on the feet, and the black mask on the face hides the facial features of the figure and cannot be recognized.

Song Ye paused the monitoring and let everyone on the team see this picture.

"Sure enough, he still showed up."

"Yes, he appeared, and he is still dressed up. The weather in Jiangzhou is no better than Shishan. Jiangzhou has gradually cooled down, but he is still dressed up with short sleeves to tell us that he has been here, but he Did nothing!"

Song Ye said, his eyes locked tightly on Li Bo's figure, and then he pressed the play button.

Li Bo calmly walked from the scene of the crime to the surveillance during the surveillance. His steps were not hurried, but when passing by the surveillance, he suddenly stopped again.

He raised his head!

Just as when Mu Xuexin committed the crime, he raised his head.

The only difference is that Mu Xuexin arrogantly offered a salute back then, and that salute exposed the scar on his finger.

Mu Xuexin is like a naive lunatic, but Li Bo is very steady.

He watched quietly, watching for one second, two seconds, three seconds... even for ten seconds, he hadn't moved anything.

Seeing this, Song Ye asked: "What does he want to do? Just look directly at the monitor, what would he think?"

"Thinking about the mistakes Mu Xuexin made back then?"

"Or maybe he is thinking about the series of consequences caused by one thing?"

"Will he remind us?" Fang Mu said abruptly, Song Ye asked:

"What is he suggesting?"

"I don't know. You look at him so indifferent, just watching him quietly. There seems to be no mood swings, but those eyes are actually looking at us."

"He looks at us and wants to tell us something, but he won't show it clearly. He wants to compete with us!"

Fang Mu stared at Song Ye's screenshot of Li Bo looking up at the camera and said.

Song Ye glanced a few more times, but soon he withdrew his gaze again and said:

"No, we must now clarify everything about the case, otherwise one of his eyes may lead us away."

"The captain is talking about the death of Li Kuanhai?"

"Yes, if Li Kuanhai's death is the cause of this series of cases, then we have to figure out what Jin Meng did. He was probing and clamoring, even he guessed every move of ours."

"Now his temptation may have ended, that is to determine that we did not investigate so much, but based on guessing to find back to the scene of the murder. It is precisely this point that he knows that we don't know exactly how Li Kuanhai died!"

After speaking, Song Ye directly contacted the system to try to obtain all the information of Jin Meng.

Jin Meng has been missing for three years, but Jin Meng's account has not been cancelled.

As long as there is no logout, Song Ye can get all her information!

But at this moment, Qin Ming said without warning: "Before the investigation, I want to ask you a question, that is, do you think it is possible for Li Bo to be at Mu Xuexin's house?"

At this question, everyone looked at it incredible! .

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