Song Ye has already informed Han Chongshan of all the plans he thought of.

After the latter finished the phone call with Song Ye, he immediately went to Han Jun.

Seeing his father's sudden arrival, Han Jun still looked surprised.

After Han Chongshan said all the plans, Han Jun was stunned.

"He, why would you do this?"

"Perhaps for Mr. Song, he doesn't just care about solving the case, he cares more about whether he can maximize all the benefits after the case is solved."

"But Dad, we are the police."

"The police are also human, and the police also depend on what kind of bowls and chopsticks they eat. As Mr. Song said, there will be no more variables. Since there will be no variables, why can't you get a better harvest? ?"


"It's nothing, Mr. Song has analyzed everything with me. This case is not your responsibility, so you don't need to take it to heart, just wait for the arrangement. There are at most ten minutes, and Jiangzhou will release it. Warning notice. You are ready to close the net at dawn!"

After Han Chongshan hung up the phone, Han Jun sat in the car with his mobile phone and looked at the night outside the window.

I don't know how long it has passed, and a soft "thank you" came from the car.

Time passed by every minute.

Outside Jiangzhou City, in Hongshan Village.

The whole village was plunged into darkness, and every household had already finished a day's work, taking advantage of the dark night to rest.

No one knew that a team of men and horses sneaked in in this dark night, and then ambushed outside every exit in the village.

The moment people arrived, a warning notice appeared in Jiangzhou.

"Tonight, a major criminal case occurred in Haoting Community, Dongjiang District, our city."

"At the corner of the stairs on the 7th floor of Building A6, an abandoned skeleton was found. The deceased was identified as a female, and the age at the time of the killing was about 25 years old."

"Hundreds of small holes were dug in the bones of the deceased by the murderer with extremely cruel methods, and the small holes were all filled with acorns like woodpeckers!"

"I would like to remind every citizen living alone not to open the door for others at will. This is the second woodpecker hiding an oak case in Jiangzhou after a year and a half!"

"A similar case occurred in Shishan City a few days ago. After the incident, the Municipal Bureau set up a task force overnight, and Han Jun, who solved the woodpecker hiding oak case one and a half years ago, will again serve as the task force leader!"

As soon as the police information was released, there were many comments that night.

"Fuck, there is that woodpecker killer in our community? TMD, this is too scary!"

"When the case happened last year, my whole family moved out of the mansion. I didn't expect that after such a short period of time, someone would kill someone in this way!"

"The case of last year has been solved, and the murderer has been caught? Why are there still people?"

"It should be imitation and killing. Isn't there often such a bridge in movies and TV? Besides, creation comes from life!"

"Yes, those criminals with high IQ like to choose the most difficult way to kill. It is said that in the previous woodpecker case, Captain Han of Jiangzhou took only two or three days to catch the murderer, right?"

"Yes, this time the Korean team is in charge. I think it won't take long to catch the murderer!"

"Hurry up and see the official Weibo of Ping An Jiangzhou, Jiangzhou Criminal Investigation Brigade has issued a military order!"

"Hi, one day! 24 hours! Is the Korean team so confident that they can catch the murderer in 24 hours?"

"You don't have to look at it for sure, otherwise the police won't issue such a latest notice. Or maybe the murderer's method of committing the crime this time is not as good as the previous one. Maybe this is a fool who imitates others."


There were not many comments late at night, but it was still very lively.

In any city, there are always ignorant night owls tasting late night wine.

More and more news, more and more people know.

The reporters who were moved by the wind had already lurked at the door of Jiangzhou City Bureau and Jiangzhou Criminal Investigation Brigade, watching the rush of the police coming in and out, the reporters knew that something really happened this time.

At this time, in Hongshan Village, in a western-style building.

The sleepless man was lying on the bed and playing with his mobile phone. When he saw the top news on the news client, he was first stunned and followed by an accident.

"There was a police report, and Han Jun even issued a military order to solve the case within a day."

"Why did she do this? Shouldn't the Jiangzhou Municipal Bureau hide it deeply?"

"No, I watched Han Jun for so long, and she didn't find it at all... Is it because I was so lucky that in just a few hours, someone found her bones?"

The man thought silently, but soon a comment appeared in his line of sight.

"I believe the Korean team, if he can catch the first woodpecker, he will definitely catch the second woodpecker. Let's not mess with the police now, wait for 24 hours and the murderer will come back!"

This comment seemed to stimulate the man's nerves, and he smiled sternly when he looked at it.

Silently put on his pants and got up.

Did not turn on any lights, just took a lighter and went downstairs.

There is a censer on the incense table downstairs, as well as a boxy thing.

It's just that the square things are covered by black cloth.

After the man went downstairs, he uncovered the black cloth.

It was a black and white photo of a young man in the photo.

With a confident smile on the youth's face, the man looked at it quietly for a while, then took out two fragrances to light it.

"Bless me smoothly, as long as I get revenge, I will take them to another place to enjoy the blessing in the future."

"You, don't worry, knowing that you were embarrassed when you were alive, and now you are down there, you can bless me and parents with peace of mind, you know?"

The man said, holding the fragrance and praying three times.

But when he was just about to insert into the incense burner, suddenly a cold face appeared behind him.

The man immediately turned his head, and when he saw that face, he smiled and said, "You haven't slept yet?"

"What are you doing? Didn't I say not to make a little bit of light at night?"

"Don't worry, it won't happen."

"Be careful to sail the ship for ten thousand years, this is what you said, how can you forget it yourself?"

After speaking, the old man who appeared afterwards directly put off the fragrance, and said solemnly: "Han Jun is not an ordinary policeman, be cautious."

"Well, as long as my plan goes well, she will be ruined. When she is most desperate, I will make her feel the same pain."

The man's voice echoed in the cold and merciless darkness! .

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