Seeing Song Ye gone, Li Bo's thoughts were completely confused.

After he was in prison, his heart was particularly quiet.

That kind of quietness lies in accepting failure, but the reason for accepting failure is not because of how powerful Han Jun is.

He always thought that Han Jun must be lucky, and guessed that he was at Mu Xuexin's house.

But now suddenly another person appeared in front of him and told him everything.

It turned out that all this was not because of my luck at all, but because someone was really so powerful, able to break the case he had planned for a full year and a half in just two or three days.

And that person, he was still teaching himself how to kill.

If he followed the method he taught, Li Bo even felt that he might escape forever.

But he has no chance, a little chance is gone!

Looking at Song Ye's back, Li Bo suddenly rushed to the door, shouting loudly:

"Why tell me this, why!"

Song Ye heard Li Bo's roar, and the guards who followed couldn't help but frowned: "Mr. Song, do you need to clean up?"

"There is no need. People who are sentenced to death for killing people should not go so calmly."

The prison guard didn't understand it at first, but quickly reacted and said, "I understand Mr. Song's meaning, no matter what, can't let them go too easily, right?"

"That's for sure. He and Mu Xuexin are virtuous people. You can see that when Mu Xuexin breathed his last breath, he finally showed a little unwillingness and regret. The time before his death was too proud. ."

With that said, Song Ye suddenly thought of Peng Zhiyou, who specializes in the execution of the death penalty in the prison. He once said that Mu Xuexin did not close his eyes when he died.

Did Mu Xuexin think of the life with Jin Meng when he died?

Or are you regretting what you have done?

Song Ye didn't bother with such things, and the prison guards didn't follow him all the time.

After leaving Li Bo's cell, Song Ye returned to his new office.

Song Ye knew that the entire office was made according to the highest specifications given by the Jiangzhou Municipal Bureau, and opened one of the computers, which contained several folders.

Some accounts and some network entries are stored in the folder.

After Song Ye entered, soon the entire Jiangzhou City Bureau's sub-bureaus and county bureaus and even the township police station's information came into view.

As long as he clicks into one of the entrances, Song Ye can inquire about the historical cases that have occurred in the local area.

Although the current Song Ye searched the archives of the entire Jiangzhou City without any hindrance, the difference is that now he can come in justifiably, and there is no need to find excuses to cover up.

Seeing that nothing happened right now, Song Ye looked up historical cases in Jiangzhou City.

He had seen many of them before, but there were also cases that he had never remembered.

However, homicide cases are still limited after all, and most of them are ordinary criminal cases.

Song Ye's reason is to consolidate his memory and increase his criminal investigation experience.

When the time was almost up, Song Ye returned to his residence.

Now he has two places in Jiangzhou Prison.

One is a residence and the other is a dedicated office.

Although Song Ye actually only needs one of these two places to live in, since Jiangzhou City Bureau wants to do this, it is natural to see their wishes.

In the next few days, Song Ye would often go to his office, but stayed in his residence most of the time.

Another week later, Song Ye has already accumulated 300 skill points.

But he did not recruit players, nor did he expand the scope of sanctions.

For him, at least the immediate sanctions area is not so important.

But in the future, once the area of ​​sanctions expands beyond the provincial level, or even within a country, it will be able to truly feel its magical effect.

On this day, Han Jun came to the prison again.

It's just that this time she didn't come alone, there were still several people who came.

Xia Mi, the director of the forensic department, Nie Kai, the leader of the Shishan Criminal Investigation Team, and Jiao Jing, the leader of the Qingcheng Criminal Investigation Team, all followed.

Song Ye naturally understood the reason why the latter two came to Jiangzhou, and it must be because of Li Bo.

After all, Li Bo's murder case involved three places. As the captains in the criminal investigation field of the other two places, it is impossible for them to come here once.

As soon as the two parties met, Jiao Jing and Nie Kai couldn't help smiling bitterly after seeing Song Ye really set up a home in prison:

"Mr. Song is really a strange person. When we came, we always wondered why Mr. Song was willing to stay in prison instead of being in the colorful world outside..."

"Now that I think about it, what the Korean team said may be right. The real strangers can't be guessed by common sense at all."

"Are those two people complimenting me or making fun of me?"

Song Ye teased, Jiao Jing and Nie Kai laughed one after another: "Mr. Song don't want to misunderstand, we really just can't achieve your level. But having said that, whether it is me and Nie or the Korean team. We. We all know the procedures in handling the case. To tell the truth, the motive of Mr. Song's case cannot be verified at all."

The case Jiao Jing mentioned was naturally a case in which three members of Zhang Yao's family were killed, and the motive mentioned was Huang Qinying's motive for the murder.

Nie Kai also focused on hearing the words: "When we came, we also talked to the Korean team for a lot of time. In fact, the motive of committing the crime was just impossible to prove, and it was not impossible to guess. Mr. Song, the Korean team has also been to Shishan, we Shishan But it is a very famous scenic city."

Hearing Nie Kai's words, Han Jun didn't panic at all, thinking: "Do you think that just a few words can get Mr. Song out? It's impossible. If it's that simple, why should I worry about it every day? "

Han Jun didn't speak, but Nie Kai looked at Song Ye with some expectation.

Only Song Ye shook his head and said with a smile: "Anything can be answered. I have already done what I should do. Next, the Korean team will check it out."

"Mr. Song..." Nie Kai wanted to say something, but Jiao Jing immediately said, "Lao Nie, this is what you are wrong. We are criminal investigators. Whoever does it is the turn of many things. Naturally, whoever should do it. Did Mr. Song do it all by himself?"

Han Jun narrowed her eyes at this time. When Nie Kai and Jiao Jing arrived, she knew that one purpose was for Li Bo, and the more important one was for Song Ye.

Sure enough, just as she thought about it, Jiao Jing directly threw out a big move and asked with a serious face:

"To be honest, Mr. Song's various analyses in the woodpecker case made me and Lao Nie shocked. It can even be said that I have never met someone like Mr. Song in the police for so many years."

"Now that the woodpecker case has been successfully solved, I have repeatedly thought about what Mr. Song had said to the Korean team. I suddenly felt that if our first case in Qingcheng had Mr. Song's help, maybe the day would not be far away!" .

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