Song Ye in the prison opened his own system.

"What's the matter with the captain? What's the matter?"

"Has this case been solved?"


Qin Feng Fangmu and the others said each and every one of you.

But Song Ye did shook his head.

"The case has not been solved, and it is now at a deadlock. Team Zhao and Team Han went to solve the case five years ago, but according to the death of Bai Yu last time, the Jingci Master that we suspected today has also died. It was beheaded."

Song Ye Jiang informed these players about the current situation.


"Isn't it a coincidence, isn't the real murderer Shira Yu and Jingji Masters?" Kiko looked in disbelief.

After all, it was her speculation last time.

But the circumstances that are happening now make them think that there are other murderers behind this incident, and perhaps this last murderer is the real murderer of the serial homicide that year.

"Leave aside, Team Zhao and Team Korea have integrated all the information and sent it to me. I have also sent it to your mobile phone 21." Although it is not a world, Song Ye and these players have a relationship. Means of contact.

"Okay, the captain received it."


After that, the team members also checked all the clues of the integration of information sent to them by Song Ye.

At this moment, Fang Mu said while reviewing these clues.

"Leave aside the serial homicides that year. Bai Yu has no trace in recent years. Team Zhao is suspected of being illegally detained. Bai Yu drowned to death in a sinking pond. Master Jingci was decapitated on the way to worship Buddha. According to these clues, it is difficult for this case to proceed further."

You know that Fang Mu is a genius called a detective, but now he is also very frustrated based on these clues.

"That's right, the captain, now we can no longer rely on guessing." Qin Feng also responded.

Guan Hongfeng and Qin Ming did not speak, but were carefully reviewing these clues, including the forensic identification results.

After a while, Qin Ming spoke.

"I looked at these forensic appraisal results. No matter which one of the two copies is, there is no problem. However, it is not easy to cut the case of Master Yu Jingci with a single knife. If there is no experience in slaughter, It's absolutely impossible."

Forensic doctor Qin Ming said vowedly.

"What do you mean?" Song Ye asked.

"I agree with the meaning of this clue. All butchers in the surrounding towns must be carefully investigated, including their social activities. I believe these things are related to the serial murders of the year. "

"After I integrated these information clues just now, there was a speculation. I don't know if the speculation is correct." After Qin Ming finished speaking, Song Ye also thought about it.

"Say Captain, please."

"I just integrated these information clues. Starting from the serial homicides that year, the murderer must have wanted to prevent the development of the poverty alleviation project. That's why they hunted down the main person in charge of the poverty alleviation project repeatedly. In this case, it should be for money. After all, the Shuixian Niangniang Temple is the place where all the wealth in the entire Narcissus Town gathers, and the perpetrator must have a relationship with the Shuixian Niangniang Temple."

"Furthermore, plus our previous speculation, Pu Xin's death is too related to Jingci, because after Pu Xin's death, Jingci became the new host of the Narcissus Temple, plus the Narcissus Temple is It is very likely that these incense money will be embezzled, and it is very likely that it was the place where the four heads were hidden."

Song Ye analyzed it very carefully, and everyone was listening carefully, and Song Ye has not finished speaking now.

"As for Bai Yu's death and Bai Yu's past few years, it should also be in this Narcissus Niang Niang Temple. However, the perpetrator of Bai Yu's death should not be Master Jingci. There is still a person behind this scene, and this person should be there. Before the poverty alleviation project, I had already thought about the Shuixian Niangniang Temple."

Speaking of this, Song Ye made his discovery and his thoughts clear.

And these clues themselves are piecemeal, but Song Ye used his own ideas to connect all these clues. By this time, everyone also understood what Song Ye meant at the moment.

"The captain is right! I understand what you mean."

"The captain said that the serial homicides back then were not just two murderers but three murderers, two for money and one for revenge!"

Everyone is also thinking about the meaning behind Song Ye's words at this time.

According to Song Ye's thinking.

There were four serial homicides that year. One of them was the person who started the idea of ​​the Narcissus Temple before the initial poverty alleviation project, the other was the Jingci teacher in the Narcissus Temple, and the remaining talent was Bai Yu.

Because this malicious person found that the Narcissus Niangniang Temple had gathered all the wealth in the entire Narcissus town, he went to contact the Jingci Master he had met, and after conspiring with Jingci, he secretly murdered Puxin Master. Too much, let Jingci Master take the presidency, and then this Narcissus Niang Niang Temple will become a tool for them to collect money.

Since the implementation of the poverty alleviation project, the biggest problem has been that the people in Narcissus Town have sent their wealth to the Narcissus Temple. In order for the poverty alleviation project to continue, in addition to driving wealth, it also needs to create shackles in people’s minds. Traditional imagery.

Therefore, these responsible persons in charge of the poverty alleviation project have blocked the financial path of Master Jingci and the people behind the scenes, so the person in charge of the poverty alleviation project was taken action.

And one of the people in charge of the poverty alleviation project is Wu Jinshan. It is possible that by coincidence, Master Jingci and the people behind the scenes met Wu Jinshan’s illegitimate daughter, Bai Yu, and promised to avenge Bai Yu, but Bai Yu must cooperate with them to cover up the matter. The truth.

Then Purdue became a tool to cover up the truth about their murder.

But the people behind the scenes may be very worried about Bai Yu, so a few years later, after the whole incident subsided, Bai Yu was detained, and then Zhao Yang and Han Jun re-investigated the case. The people behind the scenes were afraid of the whole thing. Leaked, so Bai Yu sinks into the pond.

As for the death of Master Jingci, it should have been done by someone behind the scenes.

Only with the current idea, can all these clues be stringed together, and there is no abruptness.

"Then say so, what is going to be investigated now is among the people who were related to the poverty alleviation project?"

Fang Mu also suddenly realized.

"That's right. This person must have a very quick thinking and planned everything well. That's why it took so many years to play this big game, and he must be an experienced person such as a butcher, and he must be Narcissus. In town."

"It is amazing to have this kind of thinking trap, but how should we investigate this person next!".

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