Criminal Investigation Team of the County Bureau.

Zhao Yang also came here at the moment.

After seeing Zhao Yang coming, Lu Feng quickly got up, and then came to Zhao Yang's.

"How is the situation? Has something been found out?" Zhao Yang asked quite puzzled.

Because at this moment, Zhao Yang didn't know all the actions of the county criminal investigation team after he captured Zhao Tuhu.

So if you want to know these clues at this moment, you can only ask Lu Feng.

After hearing the sound, Lu Feng said quickly. "The situation is not very good. Zhao Tuhu has been in the interrogation room since he was captured, but he does not admit anything."

Lu Feng was also quite helpless at the moment. After all, Zhao Tuhu didn't say anything, which made him wonder what to do for a while.

Zhao Yang thought for a moment.

"Is the person in the interrogation room now?"

"Yes, Team Zhao, people are locked in the interrogation room right now."

"Then I will go and interrogate myself now."

After speaking, Zhao Yang walked towards the interrogation room, and at this time the call with Song Ye in the Bluetooth headset was also connected.

When he was still outside the interrogation room, Zhao Yang didn't rush in either.

"Mr. Song, what should I do in this situation now?"

"The evidence we have found in the Shuixian Niangniang Temple is not enough to prove that Zhao Tuhu is related to this matter, nor is it enough to prove that Zhao Tuhu was the murderer in these cases and now."

Zhao Yang asked Song Ye.

After Song Ye pondered for a while, he said to Zhao Yang. "Go in for the interrogation, and I will tell you if you should ask later."

That’s right, as Zhao Yang said, their biggest problem now is that they can’t find clues about Zhao Tuhu’s connection with the serial homicide that year, and Zhao Tuhu’s involvement in the case of the sunken body of Bai Yu and Master Jingci’s being hacked. The case of the head is related.

Therefore, for the current situation, one can only take one step at a time.

Zhao Yang also nodded after hearing this.

Now it is true that I can only go in and interrogate first. As for the final result of the interrogation, Zhao Yang himself doesn't know.

Then Zhao Yang walked into the interrogation room.

Lu Feng did not follow up. There was only one recorder left in the interrogation room, and there was no one else.


Zhao Yang sat on the chair, and then asked Zhao Butcher in front of him.

"Police officer, my name is Zhao Guo. You see, I'm too old, how could I be involved in a criminal case?" Zhao Tuhu quickly explained.

Zhao Yang did not reply to Zhao Tuhu's remarks.

At this time, Song Ye's voice came from the earphone.

"Team Zhao, ask about Master Jingci."

Zhao Yang nodded quickly after listening.

"Do you know Master Jingci?" Then he asked Zhao Tuhu.

But when Zhao Yang greeted Zhao Butcher, he hesitated for a moment.

"Are you talking about the master teacher in the Narcissus Niangniang Temple?" Zhao Tuhu said while thinking.

Zhao Yang picked up the file on the desktop at this moment.

"Master Jingci, whose real name is Zhao Wenzhi, is from your Zhaojia Village, and your age is similar to yours, don't you know you?"

Zhao Yang was right at the moment. This Master Jingci is in the same village as this Zhao Tuhu, both from Shang Zhaojia Village in Shuixian Town.

However, what Zhao Yang said at the moment was already known to Zhao Tuhu for a long time.

"I know people, and they don’t know me. The Narcissus Empress Temple is the most famous temple in Narcissus Town and the nearby towns, and everyone will go to worship. The host in the Narcissus Empress Temple is not ordinary. People can see it." Zhao Tuhu defended himself.

"Then did you know each other before? Before she became a monk?" Zhao Yang asked immediately.

However, Zhao Yang's question was too fast, and there was no time for Zhao Tuhu to think.

Zhao Tuhu was also utterly uttered at this moment.


Zhao Yang looked at the scene in front of him, and the corner of his mouth also evoked a smile.

"If you don't know you, I don't believe it, it's about this time, there is no need to bite to death." Zhao Yang said lightly afterwards.

At this time, the butcher Zhao in front of him said again.

"Knowing is indeed knowing, but it was a long time ago, at least thirty years." Zhao Tuhu continued to defend.

But at this time, Zhao Tuhu no longer said anything.

And Song Ye's voice did come from Zhao Yang's headset again.

"Don't make the atmosphere too dull for now, just chat about some other things, and ask about where he has been three days ago, and then ask where he has appeared today, and what witnesses are there?"

Song Ye captured the surveillance video in this interrogation room with the system, which means that everything that happened in the interrogation room at this moment was under Song Ye's gaze, so Song Ye was also watching here carefully.

At this moment, Song Ye has informed Zhao Yang of the method.

After Zhao Yang heard the sound, he also followed Song Ye's words, and immediately continued to ask the Zhao butcher.

"How many years have you quit working as a butcher? I heard that you were famous in Narcissus Town before, so why did you suddenly quit?"

"Police officer, I'm not as young and strong as your young people, and killing pigs and selling meat is an individual job. My old bones can't do it anymore. I haven't done it for several years."

"Then what do you use to make money after you don't work as a butcher? How do you live? I heard that you have no family." Zhao Yang also kept asking based on the clues he had.

But just in Zhao Yang's greetings, the butcher Zhao did not speak suddenly, lowered his head in thought, and then let out a long sigh.

"It's really pitiful like me. I really haven't married a daughter-in-law in my life, but now it's not that we have good treatment and welfare. I also give one hundred and eighty yuan a month, which is enough to buy some vegetables and grow something by yourself. If you have nothing to go out for a stroll, you should exercise."

Zhao Tuhu's remarks felt very helpless.

Zhao Yang carefully listened to what Zhao Tuhu said at the moment, and did not notice anything wrong. After all, what Zhao Tuhu said was indeed true.

Since the serial homicide case, although poverty alleviation projects have not been established, there is still a general poverty alleviation policy. People of the age like Zhao Tuhu can still receive one or two hundred yuan a month.

"Where have you been in the last few days? Especially three days ago?" Zhao Yang continued to ask.

"Three days ago, I have been watching TV at home, and I haven't recorded the specific time. Don't you know that you can put the antenna in now, there are many villains in the TV."

But at this moment, Song Ye suddenly realized that Butcher Zhao was carrying a watch on his wrist.

"Let's take a look at what watch Zhao Tuhu is wearing?"

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