Lin Xuan never thought about it.

An African chief who has never won even five yuan in lottery tickets since he was a child.

One day I will be so lucky that I can evolve into the European Emperor.

But Ou Huang's lifespan seems to be very short... Lin Xuan laughed at himself.

Gou Jiyun also reacted at this time.

His expression gradually became surprised, and he looked coldly at the earthy Zheng Yutong in front of him.

It was like seeing a pie falling from the sky.


Hit it in the face!

But at this moment.

Suddenly, something happened.


There was a crisp sound.

rang on the floor-to-ceiling windows of the living room.

A flash of light flew past as fast as lightning.


Hitting the back of Zheng Yutong's head, it penetrated.

Lin Xuan's expression changed.

Watching Zheng Yutong fall forward.

I saw an... arrow stuck in the back of her head!


In his previous life, Lin Xuan once watched a short video.

I once saw a high-precision and powerful crossbow that easily shot through the skull of an adult elephant at a distance of 150 meters!

And in the special military field.

This kind of crossbow that can kill people "silently" often appears.

Lin Xuan didn't expect it either.

One day, someone would actually take a crossbow and kill people in front of him.

How dare you?

"call the ambulance."

Lin Xuan roared in anger.

The body flew away like a loaded cannonball.


The floor-to-ceiling windows exploded and shattered under Lin Xuan's strong body.

Standing on the balcony among the glass fragments in the sky.

His eyes were moving and scanning frantically, looking for the person who shot the crossbow.


His eyes were fixed on the rooftop of the residential building opposite.

I saw a dark figure getting up quickly and disappearing from the rooftop.

Did you really run away?

At this moment, Lin Xuan's chest was filled with anger.

His hands and feet were shaking uncontrollably.

This is not fear.

Instead, a person is angry and adrenaline is surging.

The expression of extreme anger.

Commonly known as the top!

When people get on top, they will do things that they might not dare to do on ordinary days.

Lin Xuan, who was standing on the third floor balcony, instantly put his palms on the guardrail.

The body rose into the air and jumped out of the building like a leopard.

I'm afraid I'm not a fool... Lin Xuan suddenly woke up while in the air.

An unspeakable fear exploded in my heart.

Will he fall to death?


A pair of feet planted firmly on the ground.

The body squats half-squat under the inertia and releases its force.

A slight pain appeared in the calf but disappeared in an instant.

That's the third floor. Is it okay if I jump off?

Lin Xuan was stunned.

I deeply feel how abnormal this body is now!

The daze lasted only for a moment.

His legs suddenly shot out and flew out.

Tyrannical power erupted from Lin Xuan's body and acted on his legs.

Like a real cheetah galloping across the land, it flies by like lightning.

Rush to the residential building opposite!

A few dozen meters away, arriving in the blink of an eye.

Boom... Lin Xuan's body hit the unit door.

After realizing how powerful my body is now.

Lin Xuan was already unscrupulous and not afraid of getting hurt at all.

The violent violence and violent impact made his body look like a violent and crazy monster when it hit the unit door.

There was a loud bang.

Knock the unit door directly from the door frame and send it flying.

Lin Xuan's attacking figure only paused slightly.

He rushed into the corridor and rushed to the stairwell.

He's too fast.

The figure is as flexible as an ape.

Sprint around the stairwell.

However, just as Lin Xuan appeared on the jogging platform on the third and fourth floors.


His steps suddenly stopped, and the forward figure stopped abruptly.

But his neck was twisting rapidly, and he looked at the window in the stairwell.

Just now, a figure flew down from the window.

Not only that.

Lin Xuan also saw a swaying... rope outside the window.



His expression changed instantly, and without any hesitation, he jumped up on his feet.

There was a bang.

His body smashed the window and stood on the windowsill.

While smashing the glass, he grabbed the window frame with one hand and leaned out.

I happened to see a person using a rope to fall to the ground quickly.

Playing this with your father... Lin Xuan laughed angrily.

Without hesitation, jump out of the window.

But this time he didn't dare to jump directly.

When the body appears in the air on the second floor.

Snap, Lin Xuan's palm grabbed the rope.

Buffer, let go, and jump down again.


When his feet hit the ground, the opponent happened to fall to the ground as well.

He forgot to untie the rope on his body and was looking at Lin Xuan dumbfounded.

This is a man in his thirties.

He is about 1.75 meters tall, with not a trace of excess fat on his body.

There was a hideous scar on his cheek, which looked particularly cold and terrifying in the dark night.

It's just that his expression now is as if he has seen a living ghost in broad daylight.

Don’t blame this person for being confused.

Because no one would have thought that someone would dare to jump from the third or fourth floor.

Not only did he jump, he was able to stand in front of you unscathed, with a sneer on his face.

If it were you, would you be confused?

"Why don't you run away?"

Lin Xuan's face was filled with a playful smile, "You look a little ugly."

The man's face was not only ugly, his heart was cold.

His whole face was gloomy in an instant, and he raised his hand quickly.

A black crossbow as long as his arm was aimed at Lin Xuan in front of him.


A crossbow arrow shot towards Lin Xuan's face in a flash.

However, in Lin Xuan's vision and perspective.

Time seemed to become slow, sticky, and stuck at this moment.

The flying speed of the crossbow arrow also became slow, like the normal speed of a person's punch.

And this speed can be easily avoided by Lin Xuan.

But he did not dodge.

Instead, he stretched out his hand and grabbed the flying arrow.


When the palm grabbed the crossbow arrow, there was a strong shock and stinging.

You can also feel an unprecedented impact and penetrating force.

Pull Lin Xuan's arm back, as if you can't catch it.


He cursed in his heart and used all his strength.


Not only did he hold the arrow tightly, but he also broke it into two pieces!

The man opposite was completely dumbfounded and confused.

Looking at Lin Xuan who raised his arm.

Looking at the broken arrow in his palm.

His scalp began to numb and his back felt cold.

A huge question mark popped up in his head: Is he still a human being to catch a crossbow arrow with bare hands?

This scene was completely beyond the man's understanding.

It hit his blind spot in knowledge.

But it was accompanied by fear from the heart.

It made him shudder and his heart was extremely terrified.

Looking at the young man who looked like a monster, he slowly put down his arm.

Throwing the broken arrow in two pieces in front of him.

A chill ran from the soles of the man's feet to the top of his head, and he shuddered.

Seeing the other party's frightened look, Lin Xuan's eyes flashed with a hint of teasing.

"That's it?"

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