In the bedroom.

A smart speaker is placed on the bed cabinet.

It has many functions.

Can connect to the Internet, voice control, remote control...

Lin Xuan stared at the speaker for a long time.

Return to the living room.

Looking at the hypnotized Yuan Cuiling, she asked, "Did you and your wife buy the smart speaker in the bedroom?"


Yuan Cuiling shook her head, "My husband's classmate gave it to us."

Wuhu... Lin Xuan had a sarcastic smile on his lips.

Is it it?

It just so happens that this speaker is placed in the bedroom.

Suppose someone uses the speaker to connect to the Internet for remote control.

Is it possible to control a couple who has been hypnotized for a long time?


Professor Qian gave an affirmative answer, "If the subject is under long-term hypnosis, there is no need to use auxiliary tools. The practitioner can guide the subject into a hypnotic state with just words."

This is like an old couple.

Husband slaps his wife on the butt.

My wife just knows how to change her position.

Something is imprinted on the mind and body.

Just one action, one word, one inducement.

It's that simple!

The so-called 'ghost on the bed' incident is just a joke.

Not a demon slaying, but a murder!

As for the other two suspected supernatural incidents, Lin Xuan no longer needed to investigate.

The so-called future murder cases are four supernatural events involved in the comic.

It should all be man-made!

Later, Professor Qian released Yuan Cuiling from hypnosis.

When the woman woke up, she remembered nothing.

She had no idea that she had just experienced hypnosis.

"I found the ghost you were looking for for you."

Lin Xuan looked at Yuan Cuiling, whose expression changed drastically, "There are no ghosts in this world, the person who killed your husband was a human!"


Tell about Yuan Cuiling and her wife being hypnotized.

Her husband's classmate was the murderer.

There was no ghost on the bed. What she saw were all post-hypnotic hallucinations.

His husband did not die of cardiac arrest or respiratory failure, but died of hypnosis.

Tell it to Yuan Cuiling exactly as it is!

"How can it be?"

Yuan Cuiling had a pale face and couldn't accept it, "How could it be him, my husband's classmate?"

Ge Yang took out the smart speaker in the bedroom.

Place it in front of her.

Yuan Cuiling simply couldn't accept that she would be controlled by the speakers.

Only then did ghost pressure appear.

And her husband was also killed because of this speaker.

It’s like a fantasy!


If Lin Xuan hadn't thought of hypnosis, the Special Criminal Case Task Force would have invited Professor Qian from the capital.

Who would have thought that hypnosis could be so terrifying?

This is why the police who handled the case of "Ghost on the Bed" at that time could not find any clues.

Who would have thought at that time that someone was controlling the speakers to kill people?

This kind of killing method, when you don't know it is hypnosis.

No matter how powerful the police is, can you find clues at the scene?


"I'm curious……"

Lin Xuan stared straight at the smart speaker, "What is your purpose?"

Ge Yang, Mr. Qian, and Yuan Cuiling were all stunned.

The expression and eyes seemed to ask: Who are you talking to?

Lin Xuan did not explain.

His eyes were still looking directly at the smart speaker, looking at the reminder light showing that it was working.

About twenty seconds.


"You actually discovered it!"

A low, hoarse voice, cold and ruthless, slowly sounded from the speaker.

It was a woman's voice.

But after hearing her words.

It was as if there was a cold snake entangled in everyone's heart, making it impossible for people to break away.

Everyone was shocked.

He also guessed who was speaking.

They stared at the speaker and looked at Lin Xuan in surprise.

How did he find out?

"Don't think that you are the only smart person and treat others as fools."

Lin Xuan sneered, "Are you worthy?"

"If I don't deserve it, why did you police find me now?"

The woman's words were so sarcastic, "If I hadn't been discovered by you, the other police officers wouldn't even be qualified to talk to me, would they?"

"What's the point of saying this? I still found you."

Lin Xuan sneered, "If I can find it, I will definitely find you."

"Ha ha……"

The other party laughed unbridled, as if he heard a joke, "Okay, I hope you find me soon, otherwise... someone will die!"

The speaker suddenly became silent.

It was as if no one ever spoke through the speakers.

"No, she is not my husband's classmate, her voice is wrong."

Yuan Cuiling screamed, "My husband's classmate is a man!"


Lin Xuan looked away from the speaker and looked at her, "Then can you still remember the appearance of your husband's classmates?"


Yuan Cuiling was stunned on the spot as if struck by lightning.

She found that not only could she not remember, but she could not even remember the voice of that classmate.

It was her subconscious mind that was telling her that the other person was a man, not a woman.

Why is this happening?

"This is hypnosis."

Lin Xuan said: "Not only can it control you, but it can also change your memory and make you forget some things."

"Why is this happening, why..."

Yuan Cuiling was trembling all over, her spirit seemed to be out of control again, she kept muttering and roaring from time to time.

"You are very tired now, don't think about it anymore, take a rest first."

Professor Qian couldn't bear it, and patted Yuan Cuiling on the forehead.

He then began to use words to comfort her and hypnotize her again.

But this time, he just hypnotized Yuan Cuiling to sleep.

Let her stay away from grief temporarily...

Lin Xuan sighed, and Ge Yang also looked reluctant.

But there was no way, they were just policemen, not gods.

And what they could do was to bring the bad guys to justice.

Let those criminals get the punishment they deserve!

When Yuan Cuiling's relatives arrived, the three left.

In the police car.

Lin Xuan asked Professor Qian, "Mr. Qian, what do you think is the psychology of bad people in this world?"

"In psychology, there are many kinds of bad people."

Professor Qian sighed, "There are indeed people who are born bad. We call them patients with super male syndrome."

"As policemen, you know that some children kill and set fires, and do all kinds of evil."

"This is super male syndrome. They are born demons, born bad."

"But born bad is not scary. What is scary is the bad people who are cultivated."

"Because when such people become bad, they are almost all adults who have learned to disguise."

"They will hide under the mask of hypocrisy, making it difficult for people to find them."

"They are the real bad people, the devils in the world."

"As for their psychology..."

Professor Qian sighed, "Sometimes you don't need a reason to do bad things!"

"Don't need a reason?"

Endless frost appeared on Lin Xuan's cheeks, and his eyes flashed with icy coldness, "Then let them die!"


The phone rang, and Wang Meng, the leader of the special criminal case team, called.

Lin Xuan answered the call before he could speak.

Wang Meng's voice came quickly.

"Something happened, come back quickly!"

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