If the reasoning is valid.

The four dead did not know each other.

How did they get together back then?

The perpetrator who killed them.


How did they find them?

Lin Xuan's mind was spinning like a turbofan, and it was even more like carp fighting for food.

His brain was boiling like seawater.

Suddenly, it seemed as if lightning struck, splitting all the fog.

Lin Xuan's eyes widened with a look of surprise on his face.

Is it because of the suspect Bi Wenhua?

Could it be that this Bi Wenhua was also a participant back then?

The perpetrator used some method to make him... one of his own?

If so, it also explains why Bi Wenhua could draw those four supernatural and terrifying comic stories.

It was also him who told the perpetrator the identity information of other accomplices?

For example.

Yu Xiaoli, the deceased in the funeral home supernatural incident, is his friend?

The four dead who did not know each other may not know each other.

But, they can have a common friend.

Bi Wenhua?

Still not right...

If that's the case, they want to use the police.

Why not tell the police directly?

Why take off your pants to fart, it's unnecessary?

When Lin Xuan was about to enter a rigorous reasoning state again.


A hand patted his shoulder, "You can't do this, your body can't stand it, eat something."

"I'm not hungry..."

Lin Xuan looked at Wang Meng and was about to explain something.

Gurgle... The stomach was already groaning.

Okay, he's hungry!

The two walked out of the lounge and passed by the detention room where Bi Wenhua was detained.

Nodded to the criminal police on guard and walked towards the elevator.

Coincidentally, the elevator door opened.

A female police officer came out with a special dinner plate.

Seeing the special dinner plate and tableware.

Lin Xuan and Wang Meng knew that this was prepared for Bi Wenhua.

The female police officer smiled and nodded to the two.

Lin Xuan glanced at each other and prepared to walk into the elevator with Wang Meng.


Lin Xuan raised his foot and paused in the air.

His posture was very strange, as if he was in a state of immobilization.

Wang Meng, who entered the elevator, was startled and asked in surprise: "What's wrong?"

After his footsteps fell, Lin Xuan turned his neck and looked at the back of the policewoman, with a cold chill in his eyes, "Something is wrong!"


Wang Meng was stunned, walked out of the elevator, and looked at the back of the policewoman.

Police uniform, epaulettes, hat...


Why would she wear a hat?

Although the police need to disguise their uniforms neatly and neatly.

But in daily life, even if they are wearing police uniforms, few people wear hats, which is inconvenient.

Unless it is a formal occasion, they will wear a police hat.

After Lin Xuan's reminder, the policewoman not only wears a hat, which is strange.

Even the epaulettes are wrong.

First-class superintendent?

Under normal circumstances without meritorious service, a policeman needs seven years of police service to be promoted to first-class superintendent.

There is a prerequisite, which is after the reform of police ranks.

After joining the police force, the police service starts from the rank of superintendent.

If you joined the police force before 2016, before the rank of superintendent.

There are also first-class and second-class police officer ranks.

So on this basis, add six years.

It can be said that from becoming a formal police officer.

The police service starts from the second-class police officer.

In the absence of meritorious performance.

If a police officer wants to be promoted to the first-class superintendent, it takes 13 years of police service!

Most female police officers are civilians, doing internal work, and rarely go out on field duty.

So their promotion process will be very slow.

Most of them rely on police service to be promoted.

And the female police officer in front of me looks about 28 or 29 years old.

The police service is at most six or seven years.

Even if she has made merit once, she can't have such a high police rank.

Unless she has made merit twice, the minimum is the third-class merit.

So, why is she a first-class superintendent?

There is another point.

The police uniform of the female police officer in front of me seems to be a little ill-fitting.

The women's suit pants are obviously a little shorter.

The strangest thing is that her half-long hair is draped over her shoulders.

There are very strict rules and regulations in the police force.

Male police officers are usually not allowed to have long hair unless it is required for work.

Female police officers' hair length cannot be longer than shoulders.

Even if you like long hair, you must put it up when working.

Who has ever seen a female police officer dare to let her hair down when wearing a uniform?

Combining these anomalies, there is only one answer.

This female police officer is pretending!

At this time, she is holding a meal tray.

The meal tray that is about to be given to the detention room where the suspect Bi Wenhua is detained.

Its purpose is obvious!

Wang Meng's face changed instantly.

But he quickly turned his head to look at Lin Xuan.

Just a passing by can find the abnormality. This little brother's eyes are poisonous enough!

However, when he looked over, he only had time to see a residual image.

Lin Xuan was like a cheetah that entered the foraging state silently.

In an instant, it was ejected...

In Wang Meng's hazy vision, he could only barely see a shadow.

When the haziness becomes clear.

Lin Xuan is already standing in front of the policewoman...

The policewoman paused, with a surprised expression on her face.

She seemed to not understand why this person appeared in front of her.

Lin Xuan was staring at the policewoman's eyes.

He saw her pupils shrinking rapidly.

At the same time.

The super hearing also heard the policewoman's heart beating violently.

Lin Xuan's sense of smell also smelled two strange smells.

One was the smell of gun oil.

The other was the smell of human blood.

But there was no blood or guns on the policewoman!

"What's your name?" Lin Xuan said coldly.

"My name is..."

The surprise on the policewoman's face turned into confusion.

As soon as she opened her mouth.

Lin Xuan's face showed disappointment.

Originally, he thought that this policewoman was the perpetrator in disguise.

However, he had heard the perpetrator's words through the smart speaker.

The voice can change, but the tone cannot change.

So this woman is not the perpetrator!

"It doesn't matter who you are. I will only give you one chance."

Lin Xuan stared into the policewoman's eyes, "Hold your head with both hands and kneel down."

The policewoman's expression finally changed.

Became cold, and her eyes became cold.


The plate in her hand flew up instantly and hit Lin Xuan in the face.

When the plate left her hand, a silver light appeared in her hand.

It stabbed at Lin Xuan's neck.

The bloody smell came from the dagger.

At the same time.

The policewoman's other arm swung quickly.

A small pistol came out of her sleeve and was held in her hand.

Pointed at Wang Meng who was running not far away.

Prepared to pull the trigger.

It must be said that her movements were very fast.

She was able to attack two people separately in an instant.

Unfortunately... Snap!

A hand grasped the wrist of the policewoman holding the knife.


The palm holding the dagger was broken in an instant.

The dagger also disappeared at this moment.

Appeared on a slender white palm.

The knife flashed.


The policewoman's hand holding the pistol was broken at the wrist.

The whole process took less than a second.

The danger was lifted!

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