Solving the case is a little bitter, but my sister is super sweet

Chapter 84 Not all doctors are angels in white

Human organs?

The faces of all the members of the special criminal case task force changed.

If possible, they didn't want to analyze it in this direction.

Because whenever it involves human organ crimes.

What it might be, many people have already thought of the answer.

Organ trading!

People who do this kind of trading are no longer crazy.

They are conscienceless and inhumane.

They are no longer human, but a group of beasts!

"There is a question."

Team member Zhao Dechen looked at Lin Xuan, "Even if the reasoning is valid, how to find them through this clue?"


If it really involves human organ trading, how to find the perpetrators?

At this time, Li Long, the most taciturn member of the team, suddenly spoke, "You want to find them through matching?"

The word matching, many people don't understand its meaning.

To put it bluntly.

It is a matching test between people.

It's like blood type, such as blood transfusion.

Blood types must be consistent in most cases before blood transfusion can be performed.

Organ transplantation is more complicated than matching blood types and requires more stringent matching.

Sometimes, even the organs and bone marrow of a close relative may not be matched successfully.

Like in the movies, if you cut off a person's organs at random, you can transplant them to someone else.

Or the organs are removed in advance and then the buyer is found.

Isn't this bullshit? Do you have brains?

Organs have a "shelf life"!

Before Li Long joined the special criminal case team.

I was fortunate to participate in an investigation of a human organ trading case in my original unit.

That's why I learned about matching and organ transplant crimes.

The real organ transplant crime is that criminal groups "raise pigs" in advance.

These "pigs" are people who are waiting for their organs to be taken away and transplanted to others.

They may be controlled by criminals, or they may be ordinary people.

It may even be... you!

Do you think it's a joke?

Have you ever thought about such a possibility.

All your physical data reports are now in front of someone.

And you are a pig.

One day this person needs to use your limbs, your blood, and your organs.

Then, you, the pig, will have an accident and die inexplicably.

Your limbs, your blood, and your organs will appear on this person!

Does anyone still think it's a joke?

In 2022.

A medical system scandal occurred in the United States.

The above-mentioned things have not only happened in the United States.

There have been hundreds of cases!

Many civilians in the United States have experienced various "accidents".

Without exception, these people have signed a "donation" statement.

After their death, some people can legally obtain their organs.

It was the outbreak of the medical system scandal in the United States.

Someone has done an authoritative investigation.

Any civilian who has signed that "donation" statement.

Their average accidental death rate is 600% higher than that of ordinary people.

Does anyone still think it's a joke?

Li Long is very glad that he was born in Longguo, not in the United States.

Because in Longguo, unless it is a crime, ordinary people will not have any intention of hitting you.

Don't think you are so awesome that you think that big people will be interested in those parts of your body.

You don't deserve it!

In Longguo, if some big people really want it.

There are countless people who would beg and shout to donate themselves!


Lin Xuan glanced at Li Long and nodded with a smile, "Matching."


The murderer really wanted to obtain the organs of the victim's family of three.

The first thing the murderer had to do was to understand the victim's physical data.


Would anyone be so stupid as to let a stranger know your body?

Would you take the initiative to tell a stranger your physical data?

Definitely not.

So, what method did the murderer use.

To know the physical information of the victim's family of three?

There is only one way, and it is the only way.


First of all, organ matching requires routine blood tests, coagulation function tests, electrocardiogram tests, etc.

And in the hospital.

Inpatient medical records are generally kept for 30 years.

Outpatient medical records are generally kept for 15 years.

Suppose, a bad guy bribed a doctor who manages pathological data.

Wuhu, take off!

There is a good saying: Not all doctors are angels in white, there may also be a few demons in white.

In every industry, there are always some bad fish and shrimps!

If the murderer in this case is indeed after the organs of the victim's family.

Then the only way they can obtain the physical data of the victim's family is from the hospital.

Of course, there is another very scary and incomprehensible possibility.

That is, the victim's family voluntarily.

Give their physical data to the murderer!

And this data has even been handed over to the murderer a long time ago.

Wait until the murderer finds someone who is a successful match and urgently needs organs.

Then he can start with the victim!

"Zhan Shaoyang, take two team members to the major hospitals in Lucheng and check where the victim's family of three has been treated in the past."

Lin Xuan issued an order, "After finding it, if there are test reports on routine blood tests, coagulation function tests, electrocardiogram tests... etc. Check whether their medical records have been retrieved by anyone, how many times, and if so, Exception, control of personnel managing medical record data.”

The reason why Zhan Shaoyang was asked to go was because this guy was really good at computers.

Any data anomaly on the computer cannot escape his eyes.

Suppose someone had accessed the medical records of the victim's family many times and frequently.

Then there must be something wrong with this person, and maybe he is related to the crime of organ trading.


At present, it is just a guess and an inference.

As for whether the victim's family of three were killed because of their organs, it is too early to tell.

But whenever possible, the task force will definitely investigate.

Finding clues is like unraveling the yarn.

If one thread is wrong, replace it with another thread.

Sooner or later it's right to have a thread and untie the ball of yarn!

"Guo Xu, take a team member to investigate for clues about soldiers."

Lin Xuan's expression was solemn, "Check to see if there are any suspicious foreigners wandering around the area where the crime occurred recently, or... some retired Long Kingdom soldiers. You also said that those who know how to use fishing lines should be some special soldiers, go Look for it.”


Guo Xu had a sullen face and left with a team member.

"Liu Changjiang, you and Li Long go to the forensic identification center."

Lin Xuan continued to order, "Re-do an autopsy on the victim's body to see if we can find any new clues."

"Okay." Liu Changjiang and Li Long also left.

at this time.

Only Lin Xuan and Wang Meng remained at the scene.

"Is there anything you want to say?"

Wang Meng looked at his little brother with an ugly expression.

"Maybe, I just said maybe..."

Lin Xuan felt vaguely uneasy.

"Something big is going to happen!"

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