Lao Wu's eyes changed.

He has become emotionless and cold, as if he is not human.

His movements also changed.

Becoming equally not a person, but a killing machine.

It was as if a leopard was hunting and pounced on Lin Xuan.

Eyes, throat, armpits...all attacks are done with all possible means.

His moves are deadly and vicious.

Extremely fast and extremely fierce.

Trade your life for your life, be brave and fearless of death!

Faced with this kind of killing method, Lin Xuan was shocked.

Damn it, you melon kid, what kind of hatred or resentment do you have?

But this is what a soldier is.

They are the kind of soldiers from the older generation who fight like dragons in the wild and whose blood is black and yellow!

Lin Xuan no longer evades, instead advances, rubbing his body close to Lao Wu.

Bang bang bang bang...the two fists and feet collided violently.

At this point they have no so-called moves.

There are no more grinding flowers.

Fight for speed and strength to see who is more ruthless and whose bones are stronger.

The Mu sisters were stunned by the two incredibly powerful men in front of them.

Watch them show a brand new fighting style to the world.

Looking at the blood splattering from the two men in the hall.

Looking at the two men who looked like monsters, the excitement on their faces was ferocious.

Their breathing became a little faster without realizing it.

In today's era, men are becoming more and more like women, and women are becoming more and more like men.

Some men have long forgotten their masculinity, their bloody nature, and even their responsibilities as men.

Just, from ancient times to the present.

Men are always the most destructive and powerful creatures on this land.

Prey, territory, and ethnic groups are all produced by men with their blood, sweat, and lives.

Killed out!

A woman's bones are also imprinted with the gene of being attached to a powerful man.

Because only strong and powerful men can protect their offspring.

At this time, the two women looked even more powerful.

Lin Xuan pressed Lao Wu down and beat him.

Mu Qingyan's eyes had already become brilliant.

Some are amazed, and some are appreciative.

Mu Qingtian stuck out her tongue and licked her pink lips.

It seems that I am hungry and want to eat something.


Lin Xuan grabbed Lao Wu's neck and slammed him to the ground.

Looking at Lao Wu who had no strength to get up, he said, "You lose!"

Lao Wu smiled bitterly.

Yes, it was such a complete loss.


What kind of monster is this guy?

He is obviously not as ruthless as me, can fight like me, or can fight like me.

But he just lost.

Losing to the opponent's inhuman strength, speed, endurance, defense, and agility.

There is a saying that goes well: High-end ingredients only require simple cooking methods.

And fighting, the same is true.

In the face of absolute speed and power, the so-called moves and ruthlessness.

It’s all so flashy!

In the bathroom.

The grinning Lin Xuan soaked in the warm bathtub, feeling pain all over his body.

Visible to the naked eye, the bruises on his body are quickly dissipating.

The physical pain is also disappearing rapidly.

Very magical!

It seemed, seemed, possible... Lin Xuan was frightened.

Became a monster yourself?

This resilience is simply unhuman.

And his current fighting ability.

It seems even more exaggerated.

If it was him in the previous life.

In the hands of Lao Wu, he couldn't even make three moves.

If Lao Wu wants to kill him, he will die in one move.

This is no joke!

Thinking of the power of Lao Wu, a word came to Lin Xuan's mind.

King of soldiers!

The King of Soldiers refers to some of the strongest men in the military in various military fields.

Fighting, combat, technology...the top soldiers in each field.

It's obvious that Lao Wu's fighting skills are terrifying.

What's even more terrifying is Lin Xuan himself.

Looking at his hands, his heart was pounding.

Excited, excited, and happy, it was impossible to describe his mood at this time.

Never thought of it.

Not only will he be reborn, but he will also become a loser one day!

Leaning against the bathtub, Lin Xuan closed his eyes comfortably.

With this terrifying ability.

I am facing those kidnappers in this life.

It shouldn't be difficult to kill them!

Siheyuan living room.

The Mu sisters are looking at a piece of information about Lin Xuan.

In fact, they had already seen Lin Xuan's file information.

But here comes the problem.

The... strength that Lin Xuan is showing now.

It is completely inconsistent with what is recorded in the archives.

They knew very well what kind of existence Lao Wu was.

Before becoming a guard, he was a strong man in the army.

He has won the Army Combat Championship several times in the Army Special Forces Contest.

And there is such a person who comes from a special forces background and is king in the field of combat.

He actually lost in a single fight.

Can you believe it?

The reason why Lin Xuan was re-investigated was also Lao Wu's prompt.

Lin Xuan was so capable that he was so strong that it was inhuman and unreasonable.

The Mu sisters re-read the information in front of them.

Looking at each other.

I have never learned martial arts, let alone fighting.

From childhood to adulthood, he seems to be an ordinary child.

I graduated from the police academy last year and passed the recruitment exam.

In a few days, I will report to the Criminal Investigation Brigade and become a trainee police officer.

Faced with such a file.

Is there something that cannot be understood by such a young man?

Why can he defeat a strong man in the army in combat?


Mu Qingyan narrowed her beautiful eyes, "He has so many secrets."

"Who cares what secrets he has."

Mu Qingtian held her sister's arm like a little nympho, giggling, "Don't you think he is very strong and handsome?"


Mu Qingyan's face froze, and then she was annoyed, "You have only seen him for one day, you are not in love with him?"


Mu Qingtian pecked at his head and scratched his jade-like fingers, "He is tall, handsome, and can fight. He has never had a girlfriend at the age of 22. How many girls would not like such a boy?"


Mu Qingyan opened her mouth, but was speechless.


"Are you trying to say that even if we have someone we like, our parents and grandpa won't agree?"

Mu Qingtian raised her pretty face and smiled, "Hmph, I'm not afraid, at worst we can elope!"


Mu Qingyan was amused by her stupid sister and rubbed her head, "Naive, when will you grow up!"

The two sisters can never leave Longguo.

If they are controlled abroad, it will threaten their family.

But if they are in Longguo, where can they run to?

"Oh, why think so much?"

Mu Qingtian smiled, "Just be happy, at worst we can run away with the ball, if they have the ability, they can beat their grandson to death."

Mu Qingyan was speechless by her sister's crazy and bold idea.

Have you read too many romance novels?

But the elders' ideas are not that terrible.

They just want their sisters' future partners to be well-matched.

The problem is, there are boys who are well-matched with them.

In Longguo, you can count them on one hand.

And now is not the time to think about these things.

A cold light flashed in Mu Qingyan's eyes.

Let's get rid of those kidnappers first and then talk about the future.

Thinking of Lin Xuan's plan.

Mu Qingyan almost laughed.

It's really a crazy and bold plan.

How dare he?

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