"Xiao Song, please tell the experts about the current progress of the case. At the same time, you should learn more from the meritorious experts and try to solve the case as soon as possible!"Gu Ming said. Just as

Song An was about to speak, Guan Hongfeng's cell phone rang.

"Got it. Wait a minute. I'll ask Xiao Song's opinion now."

Guan Hongfeng covered the microphone and looked at Song An in the last row."Xiao Song, the blind man named Meng Xuan went out and hailed a taxi. He said he was going to the TV station. What should we do?"

The other people attending the meeting were fine. After all, they were used to it.

But several old experts were dumbfounded.

What's the connection?

A criminal police detachment leader discussed with a new policeman what to do next?

Isn't this a mess!

The expert group hasn't recovered from the shock yet. The new police officer named Song An actually ran directly to the detachment leader and"two three seven" took his mobile phone directly from him?

The detachment leader named Guan Hongfeng and the director named Gu Ming were not angry, but looked as if it was a matter of course?

Expert Cui:??

Expert Wang:??

Expert Bai:??

The situation was critical. Song An didn't have time to apologize to Guan Hongfeng. He took his mobile phone directly and said,"Stop him immediately! Don't let him meet the reporter. If the reporter reports this incident, the next suicide will appear again!!"


These three words were like three thunders that exploded in the conference room.

All the investigators, including the joint expert group, were shocked.


After several days of investigating the case, the murder weapon was found, the cause of death was found, the motive for the crime was found, and the murderer was about to surface, but Song An actually came to the conclusion that it was suicide?

This is really Wang Lang scolding Zhuge Liang, the ending is too unexpected!

After Song An put down his phone, the whole audience was silent, and everyone looked at him with shocked expressions.

""Song An, this is the meeting room of the serious crime unit. The people in front of you are the most legendary criminal investigation experts in our police force. Don't talk nonsense." Gu Ming said seriously.

He was giving Song An a way out.

If you had to explain it on the phone just now, you should explain it now and don't affect your future.

Song An shook his head,"Director Gu, experts, colleagues, I am serious about what I just said. There is no murderer in the 10.5 corpse dissolving case."

There was a whisper at the scene.

After Mr. Cui and Mr. Wang lowered their heads to discuss for a while, Mr. Cui looked at Song An and said with a smile,"Comrade Song An, please give us a detailed introduction. Why do you think there is no murderer in the corpse dissolving case?"

Song An turned around, faced everyone, and talked freely:

"Around 11pm on October 4, network administrator Li Xing came to the Millennium Hotel in disguise and checked in with actress Fang Yi's ID card. After arriving in the room, he first injected himself with an overdose of fentanyl using a prepared syringe. At this point, he could still survive for about 3-5 minutes.

Li Xing separated the syringe needle from the syringe, threw the needle into the water outlet, and then replaced the special acid-resistant drain plug and poured the prepared piranha acid into the bathtub.

After doing all this, he looked at his watch and found that the time was almost up, so he calmly lay in the bathtub filled with acid, posing Fang Yi's classic look in the movie"The Bath".

At the moment of his death, the piranha acid began to dissolve his body, and finally, Li Xing became what we see later."

After Song An finished speaking, the conference room was terribly quiet.

Mr. Wang put down his pen, looked at Song An, and asked,"What is your basis?"

"First, the criminal police team has checked the hotel surveillance, walls, doors, windows, floors, vents, etc. one by one, and no other fingerprints or footprints were found. With this level of investigation, it is basically impossible for the murderer to escape our police vision.

Second, room 1707, where the murder scene was located, had people staying in the next room and the opposite room that night, but when we visited, no guest responded that they heard fighting or shouting that night.

Third, and most importantly, we found a piece of black plastic material near the corner of the bathtub, which was proved by the forensic department to be a syringe material.

It takes a long time for this polypropylene material to be completely dissolved by strong acid, which means that the deceased was first injected with fentanyl and then dissolved with strong acid.

People will not die immediately after being injected with fentanyl.

According to the report of Qin, a forensic doctor in our forensic department, the deceased can survive for at least 3 minutes.

Just imagine, if there is really a murderer, why would the murderer stay for three more minutes? Where is the motive?"

After Song An finished speaking, he looked around the room, especially the expert group, waiting for their opinions......

Mr. Wang raised his hand,"Can I ask a question?"

Everyone laughed.

Song An bowed slightly and said,"Mr. Wang is a senior criminal investigator. Please feel free to ask questions. I will answer all your questions.""

"You mean, the deceased controlled the time and walked into the strong acid solvent by himself, waiting for death to come. Wouldn't it be too incredible to do this? How could ordinary people have the courage to do such a thing? Even if they were splashed with ordinary sulfuric acid, ordinary people would scream."

Old Wang took off his glasses and asked

"First, he may have reached the time of death and lost consciousness. Second, according to the confession of the deceased Li Xing's sister Li Yue, I found that Li Xing was out of tune with the society because of his gender identity problem and had suffered from severe depression. Patients with severe depression will have a very serious loss of pain perception and cannot feel pain."

After Song An finished speaking, Professor Wang nodded,"I also agree with the second explanation. According to the cases I have participated in, patients with depression do lack pain perception in the late stage. This is why they are not as afraid of suicide as ordinary people."

Director Gu saw that the expert group had begun to agree with Song An's opinion, and he looked at Guan Hongfeng next to him.

There was a bit of pride in the eyes of both of them.

You know, Song An now represents the image of their branch. If he can surpass the expert group in this occasion, Yanshan Branch will immediately become famous all over the world 2.4!

"Let me talk about the second murder case, the case of actress Fang Yi burning her body."

Song An coughed dryly, and Guo Zijian personally poured him a glass of water. Song An quickly took it with both hands to express his gratitude.

"On the morning of October 9, Fang Yi wore Guo Jian's suit and dressed up as Guo Jian, deliberately letting the workers see her, and then went upstairs.

On the second floor, she first injected herself with a large amount of fentanyl, and at the same time, she hid a rubber tube in her clothes in advance."

Speaking, Song An took out a small section of rubber tube used on gas tanks from the evidence bag,"That's it."


: Fentanyl was written as"piranha acid" in the first two chapters, which has been corrected. In addition, Li Xing's name was written as Chen Xing, and I apologize to everyone. 15,000 updates every day, I can't guarantee that there are no mistakes, but I can find them and will definitely correct them. Thank you for your support.

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