"There's no doubt about it. He saved hundreds of children, so it's absolutely no problem to report him as a second-class merit!" Meng Hao said with a smile.

Meng Jia looked at Song An,"Can you tell us now, what method did you use to find out where Feng Gunzi was hiding?"

Director Li, Meng Hao and others also looked confused.

Although the case has been solved, no one can figure out how Song An solved it.

Song An glanced at the police officers in the pre-trial department,"Please bring the pre-trial video to the conference room. It will be more convenient for us to explain it using surveillance.".

The police nodded and immediately went back to get the video.

A few minutes later, everyone came to the conference room.

People from other departments, except for the mobile personnel who were on duty, also came to the conference room to watch the fun.

Song An connected the video recorder to the projector, and the video of the preliminary trial immediately appeared on the screen of the large conference room.

"I asked him if he wanted to kill the children because someone laughed at him for not having children. He laughed at my rich imagination, but everyone should pay attention to his expression.

Song An paused the video, and Qiao Dazhu's square face, which was as dry, wrinkled and rough as dead tree bark, appeared on the screen.

"When he was making fun of me, his shoulders shrugged noticeably. This action, in behavioral psychology, represents a lack of confidence. In other words, he seemed to have no confidence in making fun of me because I guessed his motive for murder correctly!"

After Song An finished speaking, he continued to play the video.

"When I asked him if he was going to blow up the kindergarten at the 393rd courtyard of the old cotton mill, please notice that he had a smirk on his lips."

Song An turned on the slow play button, and after the slow motion was switched, everyone found that Qiao Dazhu's lower lip was grinning backwards.

If you don't look closely, it's hard to see this, and it's easy to overlook it even in slow motion.

Director Li suddenly realized,"I see, this is because he found that Officer Song guessed the wrong place, so he was secretly happy! But he knew that he couldn't show such an expression in this situation, so he quickly covered it up."

"Very correct!" Song An said with a smile,"We should applaud Director Li."

The conference room was filled with laughter and applause.

Director Li waved his hand,"I am a wise man after the event! It seems simple now, but in that environment at the time, to see clearly the micro-expressions of a suspect, and to remind yourself at all times that your thoughts cannot be interrupted by the other party, you need a keen eye."

Everyone nodded together.

Song An continued to play the video,"I mentioned several kindergartens in a row, and there was no exaggerated expression on his face. Only after mentioning the winery kindergarten, please pay attention to his mouth and eyes!"

Song An switched to slow motion again and asked the technician to zoom in on Qiao Dazhu's face.

Under the enlarged slow motion, you can clearly see his open mouth and the suddenly enlarged pupils.

Meng Jia raised her hand,"Excuse me, Teacher Song, what does this expression mean?"

Song An smiled, then suddenly stopped smiling, grabbed the teacup in front of his desk, and threw it against the wall!


The teacup hit the wall, and it instantly broke into pieces, scattered on the ground.

Everyone was listening to the class seriously, but Song An suddenly broke the teacup, and everyone was shocked.

"Your expressions now are exactly the same as Qiao Dazhu's just now."Song An said with a smile.

Everyone suddenly realized, and Meng Jia immediately said,"That is to say, the dilated pupils and the open mouth show that Qiao Dazhu was very shocked at the time!"

Song An nodded,"He didn't expect that I would know about the winery kindergarten. When I said the correct answer in his mind, he showed extreme shock on his face for about a second! Of course, it was exactly the same as everyone's expression just now, terrified and shocked, not understanding why I broke the tea bowl."

Director Li looked at Song An and said,"I broke a tea bowl and learned a new knowledge. I think it's worth it!"

Everyone laughed together.

Meng Jia raised her hand again,"Teacher Song, the expressions of shock and lying should be similar. How do you distinguish them?"

"It's very simple, just use the time to distinguish! If the micro-expression lasts for less than one second, then it means that the person is really shocked. If it lasts for several seconds with eyes wide open and mouth wide open, then he is 100% lying."

After Song An finished explaining, the people at the meeting hurriedly took notes.

The serial robbery and murder case on the Baixian bus was solved.

The three main culprits were arrested, and the female driver who assisted them in their escape was also quickly found by the joint defense team.

Because Qiao Dazhu's wife took the initiative to return the passbook to the police station, most of the money lost by the people in the five carjacking cases was recovered.

Feng Gunzi confessed to the act of killing with a gun, and more than a dozen victims also identified his appearance at the same time.

In addition, a replica of the Type 64 pistol, a steel Twenty pearls.

At the same time, the Bai County Police Department immediately set up a"special operation to combat pickpocketing."

Based on the clues provided by Yuan Laoliu, a concentrated arrest operation was launched against those who gathered that night.

After this case, the public security level in Bai County has improved by leaps and bounds, and investment attraction has increased several times that year.

After a few hours of rest and lunch,

Song An and Meng Jia discussed going back. Director Li tried his best to keep them, but Song

An and Meng Jia declined. As a result, as soon as the Land Rover got on the road, Song An and Meng Jia were dumbfounded.

This cultural street in front of the police station was blocked by the people!

"What's going on?"

Director Li, Captain Zhao, Director Yu and other major leaders walked out of the police station and were stunned by the huge crowds of people.


Suddenly, a firecracker rang out on the street.

Immediately afterwards, countless firecrackers rang out on the street.

The people of Bai County were celebrating the New Year, with firecrackers hanging all over the street, and the sound of firecrackers kept ringing.

"Director Li, I just asked, they are all parents of students in the winery kindergarten. After hearing that their children had escaped a false alarm, they spontaneously came to the street to see Officer Song and his men off! Later, I heard that the bus robbery case was also solved, and more people gathered around."

Meng Hao said with a smile.

Director Li scratched his head,"The people are well-intentioned, but it's troublesome for Xiao Song and Xiao Meng to be unable to leave."

"Director Li, I will send two mounted policemen to clear the way. The people are too enthusiastic and can't leave in a short time."Captain Zhao said. Director

Li nodded,"This is a good idea, clear the way immediately!"

The two mounted policemen quickly returned to their positions, the sirens sounded, and the people made way.

On both sides of the street, many people were waving to Song An.

Song An had no other choice but to honk the horn every few distance to show that they already knew.

Meng Jia opened the car window and kept waving to the people on the street.

When he drove to the east entrance of Wenhua Road, Meng Jia suddenly covered her mouth and tears flowed down.

At the intersection, a middle-aged man was kneeling on the ground, kowtowing in the direction of the police car.

Behind the middle-aged man, two people stood with a banner in their hands.

"Thank you, good policeman, you are a living Bodhisattva who saves people from suffering."

Meng Jia hurriedly shouted to the man,"Comrade, get up quickly, don't kneel!"

It would have been better if Meng Jia didn't shout, but she didn't expect that many parents would kneel down and hold up the slogans in their hands.

The content of the banners was basically the same, all thanking Song An and others for catching the murderer in time and avoiding a human tragedy. Hundreds of elementary school students suddenly appeared in front of dozens of parents.

Two students held wreaths in their hands and placed them in front of the front of Song An's Land Rover.

All the students waved their arms at the same time, saluted the police car, and bid farewell to Song An.

Meng Jia saluted frequently and urged everyone to go back.

The car had already left the county, and the mounted police also evacuated and returned to the police station.

But Song An and Meng Jia could still hear the faint sound of firecrackers coming from behind.

"After handling cases for so many years, this is the first time I feel the enthusiasm of the people."Meng Jia smiled.

Song An glanced at her and said,"You used to handle antique smuggling cases, and the people didn't know you. But the ancestors thousands of years ago will remember you, because of the existence of your economic investigation team, they did not leave their homes and wander around the world."

"After all, our power is limited, and there are still millions of cultural relics overseas that have not returned to the embrace of Jiuzhou."

Meng Jia said regretfully,"Last time we intercepted two Yuan Dynasty blue and white Guigu Xiashan porcelain bottles, some old professors hugged the two bottles and cried bitterly."

"One day, they will all come back."

The police car drove onto the Daguan Expressway and headed towards the Jibei city area.

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