Su Yan also stood up from the ground, walked to Song An and the others, wiped her tears, and asked:

"Officers, what tools and layouts are you talking about?........What does it mean? Why don't I understand?"Su Yan asked in confusion.

"Let me tell you a story."

Song An stared at Lu Qiang for a few seconds and said:

"There was a man named Lu Qiang who coveted the beauty of Su Yan, an actress in the acrobatic troupe, and used sweet words to trick her into marrying him. Although they had a child after marriage, Lu Qiang's heart was not with Su Yan, and he even suspected that the child was not his own.

Later, Lu Qiang cheated on Su Yan during her pregnancy and met Sun Mingming, a waitress at Green Forest, and the two soon fell in love. Lu Qiang wanted to take Sun Mingming away, but he had no money.

It happened that he met Wang Meili, a rich woman who appreciated him, and the two quickly established a relationship. Wang Meili had tens of millions of assets and was simple. Because she fell in love with Lu Qiang, she even changed her will and left 90% of her inheritance after her death to Lu Qiang! But

Lu Qiang couldn't wait any longer, so he set up a trap to kill Wang Meili first, and then let his wife Su Yan come forward to identify him, so that the police would suspect that the murderer was Lu Qiang! Then, he asked his wife to secretly pretend to be a scarred woman, come to KFC, and hand over the so-called evidence of Su Yan's cheating to the police!

He thought that by using this method, Su Yan's testimony would be invalid, the police would lose their direction in handling the case, and he would be acquitted, and he and Sun Mingming would be at large from then on!".

After Song An finished speaking, Tian Rui and Ji Jie were both shocked.

"Song An, the woman at KFC you mentioned was actually Su Yan?"

Ji Jie said in surprise,"That's impossible, Su Yan is tall and thin, but that woman has a hunched back, and the difference in temperament and voice is too big!"

"Yes, Mr. Song, I can't believe that these two people are the same person!"

Tian Rui looked at Song An in disbelief,"She just scolded Su Yan in KFC, how could anyone scold herself like that?" Song An looked at Ji Jie and others,"You are right! How could there be someone in this world who lives so humbly! She actually scolded herself so badly, and she wanted to use the dirtiest language in the world on herself without reservation!" Song

An stared at Su Yan with a regretful expression on his face.

"Not only that! Su Yan knew that perjury and lying to the police would lead to imprisonment and ruin! But she didn't care about it at all, she sent herself to prison! It was because she fell in love with a man who was extremely selfish and shameless.〃~ !"

""Brother police officer, I beg you, please don't say it..."

Su Yan covered her face and cried on the ground,"I am so blind that I actually believed a man like Lu Qiang!"

Lu Qiang laughed loudly,"Officer Song, you have to rely on evidence when handling cases. You have said so much, but it is all your subjective reasoning. Do you have any evidence? Without evidence, you are slandering me!"

"Lu Qiang, have you heard of Lokar Material Exchange?"Song An asked with a smile.

Lu Qiang was stunned for a moment.

"People like you who never read books and think you can make a living with just your face, of course you don't know this! Locard's material exchange law states that when objects come into contact with each other, there must be a transfer of matter! In other words, as long as you dare to commit a crime, you will definitely leave clues!"

Song An said this, Da Zeng came over and handed a piece of information to Song An.

Under the leadership of Song An, the efficiency of solving cases by the six teams became faster and faster. It has been less than an hour and a half since Song An gave the task, and they have already got the evidence!

"Lu Qiang, in order to throw dirty water on your wife, you paid a man to take intimate photos with Su Yan! This man’s name is Leng Dacheng, and he lives at No. 128 Shitou Village!"

Lu Qiang took a half step back and looked at Song An in disbelief,"This is impossible, how can you tell that the photos are fake!"

Song An ignored him and held up another evidence bag,"This is the stub left when you went to the Kodak photo processing shop on Zishi Street to develop photos. Although you used a pseudonym, the owner of this mobile phone number is you, Lu Qiang! I can't help but sigh that you are underestimating our police too much. You actually went to a photo processing shop on Zishi Street to develop such photos."

Lu Qiang was so scared when he heard Song An's words that his face turned pale.

"Do you remember your white suit? Su Yan said that you went to see Wang Meili in that white suit, so there must be Wang Meili's blood on that suit! Speaking of this, I have to criticize you again. Do you think that soaking the clothes in the bathtub for a night can wash away the blood stains on them?"

Song An sneered,"As for the plastic bag printed with 'Zhang's Dry Cleaning Shop' that Su Yan gave me, it's even more ridiculous! The owner of the dry cleaner has confirmed that it was his dry cleaner you went to yesterday evening and paid the other party one dollar to buy this plastic bag to pack your white suit! However, this incident further exposes your stupidity, which means that you had planned it from the beginning!"

Song An walked up to Su Yan, helped her up, and said calmly,"Ms. Su, although you interfered with the investigation, you were deceived! I think you should know where the murder weapon is. If you can hand it over to the police, your sentence will be greatly reduced!"

In fact, with Song An and his team's ability, it was only a matter of time before they found the murder weapon.

But Song An wanted to give Su Yan a chance to redeem herself, and the other police officers did not stop him.

The people in Team 6 had a complete tacit understanding on this point.

"No! Wife, don't give it to them, please, I was wrong, I was really wrong, please forgive me this time!"

Lu Qiang knelt at Su Yan's feet, holding Su Yan's hand, crying bitterly.

For a moment, Su Yan really softened her heart, but soon she pushed Lu Qiang away.

Lu Qiang looked at Su Yan's back in despair, and wanted to run over to chase her, but was kicked sideways by Tian Rui and fell to the ground


Tian Rui cursed fiercely.

A few minutes later, Su Yan came out of the kitchen and handed Song An something wrapped in newspaper.

Song An opened the newspaper and found an axe with blood stains on it.

Song An smelled it and gave Guan Hongfeng a look.".「 It is undoubtedly human blood! Judging from the color of the blood, more than eight hours have passed."

Guan Hongfeng nodded,"It seems that the case has been solved. Lu Qiang, on behalf of the Yanshan police, I now formally arrest you on suspicion of murder!"

Da Zeng, Jiang Han, Bao Le and others walked over, handcuffed Lu Qiang and took him to the car.

Su Yan raised her hands and walked in front of Song An.

Bai Ling was about to handcuff Su Yan, but Song An shook his head at Bai Ling,"Forget it, she's miserable enough, let her leave in a decent way."

Su Yan looked at Song An with a smile on her lips.

This smile made her weathered face appear breathtakingly beautiful.

It was like a rose that had never been cared for by anyone, feeling the sunshine for the first time.

"Officer Song, there is something I don't understand. When you first came to my house, did I give away anything? Why could you tell I was lying?"

Song An pointed to Su Yan's left ring finger,"You often wear your wedding ring, which means you have deep feelings for your husband, and there are your shoes in his bedroom, which means you don't sleep in separate rooms at all! You claim that you support Lu Qiang by earning money from prostitution, but that's all lies. Your hands are very rough, and there are calluses on your knuckles, which means you've actually been doing heavy physical work."

Song An looked at Su Yan and said seriously,"You are nothing like what you say you are, a bus driver, a slut! You are a truly good wife and a good woman, and you are determined to give your husband a warm home! A man like Lu Qiang is not worthy of you at all."

Song An's last words made the tears of several female police officers present.

Bai Ling even let out a low sob.

"Officer Song, thank you! I am very grateful for your comment.

Su Yan bowed to Song An, then looked back at the small house and courtyard that she had carefully taken care of, and left with grief.

"Officer Song, I didn't know you were a police officer this morning........."

Sun Mingming came over timidly and looked at Song An,"Actually, I am also a victim, you won't arrest me, right?"

Song An glanced at her and ignored her.

The police had all left, and the yard was empty.

Sun Mingming stood alone in the yard, speechless and crying,"Oh my God, my dream of a rich woman! My BMW Garden!".

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