After the two kidnappers got out of the car, they said with some shame

"What? You two idiots! I told you hundreds of times to be careful, why did you make such a mistake! We asked you to kidnap a hostage, but you kidnapped Mrs. Ge. Who can we ask for money from?".

The fat man was so angry that he kicked one of the kidnappers in the stomach!

At this time, a ferry whistle sounded from the dock.

The three big words"Shacheng" were written on the ferry, and the people on the ferry were shining flashlights in this direction.

""All right! Hurry up and carry Mr. Ge onto the boat, and sail as planned! Everyone else, destroy the Mercedes-Benz! Send Mrs. Ge back to the Rose Garden Villa!"

At the fat man's command, dozens of his men quickly got busy.

A man with dyed yellow hair put a stone under the tire of the Mercedes-Benz"757", and when the accelerator was stepped on, he quickly pulled out the stone.

The Mercedes-Benz lost control and plunged into the sea.

A wave of foam appeared on the sea, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

Ge Tianjiao was tied up, blindfolded, and taken onto the"Shacheng" ship.

His wife was taken to a Peugeot by another group of people, and the car went up the viaduct and drove towards the city center.

When Wu Jiaqi led the people from the Baita Economic Investigation Brigade to the beach, the beach was empty and there was nothing.

Wu Jiaqi shone a flashlight on the beach and found two clear lines of tire marks

"Attention everyone, go to the sea to salvage immediately! Make sure to salvage the Mercedes-Benz and quickly identify the owner!"


According to the captain's instructions, the police quickly began to organize personnel to salvage.

At this time,

Wu Jiaqi, who was directing the salvage, would never have thought that everything she encountered tonight was just the beginning of the"billionaire kidnapping case" that shocked the country.........

Yanshan District, Xitian Town.

Song An and his team stayed in the police car and waited for a whole night.

At eight o'clock in the morning, the door of Qiao Mancang's house was finally opened.

Song An gave a wink, and everyone followed him and watched quietly.

Qiao Mancang came to a breakfast shop on the street, ordered a few meat buns, a bowl of soy milk, and started to eat breakfast.

Before he finished half of the bun, Qiao Mancang heard someone next to him whisper,"Hey, did you hear that Liu Caijie is not dead!"

"Really? Who told you that?"

"People on the street say so! It is said that Liu Caijie ran away with a man from another place. Her husband is poor and likes to beat his wife, so she couldn't stand it anymore!"

"Oh, her husband is really a piece of shit, he doesn't make money and he beats women. Liu Caijie is going to be blind if she lives with him!"

Qiao Mancang threw down the buns and walked out of the breakfast shop with gritted teeth.

Song An and others followed him to the suburbs, all the way to the small white building next to the Xitian Reservoir.

Qiao Mancang was furious, picked up a blue brick from the ground, and kicked open the door of the small white building.

Tian Rui leaned close to Song An's ear and whispered,"Teacher Song, this is the office of the reservoir manager."

"Reservoir manager?"

Song An was stunned for a moment,"What's his name?"

"Yu Cang, but he seems to have been working outside the city, and only moved to Xitian Town in recent years."Tian Rui said.

Song An was silent for a moment. The other party entered the reservoir office, so it was not easy for them to eavesdrop.

Song An motioned for everyone to be quiet, and then he stared at the direction of the small white building, silently turning on the"anatomical hearing" in his heart.

Soon, the sound of Qiao Mancang and a man arguing came to his ears.

At this moment, in the small white building.

Qiao Mancang grabbed Yu Cang's collar with his left hand, picked up a blue brick with his right hand, and roared in a low voice,"Yu, I treat you as a friend, but you sold me out!"

"Calm down first, how did I sell you out?"Yu Cang said, panting.

"We agreed that you would kill Liu Caijie and I would kill Wang Xiaohui. Now Wang Xiaohui is dead, but my wife is still fucking alive! Also, why was there my wife's ring on Wang Xiaohui's body! Did you put it there?"

Yu Cang adjusted his glasses,"Mancang, you've been fooled by the police! Your wife died a long time ago, those are all rumors, you must believe me! Besides, haven't you seen that scarf? There are stains of your wife's blood on it, it can't be fake, right?"

Qiao Mancang was stunned for a moment.........

He was originally a confused person. After hearing Yu Cang's words, he thought about it and found that they made sense.

"What's the matter with the ring? How did my wife's ring end up in your wife's hands?"Qiao Mancang still had some doubts. Yu

Cang thought for a while and smiled bitterly,"Mancang, have you forgotten that my wife likes gambling? It's likely that your wife's ring was stolen, and the thief used it as gambling money in the card game, and in the end my wife won it."

"There is such a thing........"

Qiao Mancang thought about it and realized that this was not impossible.

"Okay, I'll believe you again! I tell you, Yu, don't bully me, Qiao, for being uneducated! If I find out that my wife is still alive, you'll be in big trouble!"

After Qiao Mancang said a few harsh words, he opened the door of the small white building and left.

After Qiao Mancang left the reservoir, Song An received a call from Ji Jie.

Liu Caijie's parents received an anonymous package, and the package was sent from Pinggu County next door!

Song An was thinking about the package, and Tian Rui suddenly pulled his clothes from behind,"Teacher Song, Yu Cang drove away!"

The door of the small white building opened, and a shabby Xiali sedan slowly drove out.

Song An immediately waved to Yuan Laoliu,"Liuzi, drive and follow him!"

Song An and others got on the police car, and the police car started slowly.

Yuan Laoliu's driving skills are not bad.

The police car followed Yu Cang's Xiali car all the way out of Xitian Town and onto National Highway 150, and he didn't even notice it along the way.

"Song An, Pinggu County is just ahead, what is he doing here?"Hao Jia asked in confusion.

Song An smiled,"You'll know in a moment, Yu Cang is not a simple person!"

An hour later, the Xiali stopped at the gate of a textile factory.

It was the working time for female workers, and hundreds of female workers pushed their bicycles into the factory.

The loud song"We Workers Have Power" rang out in the textile factory.

Yu Cang adjusted his suit, looking at the bustling crowd with eager eyes.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up, he took a few steps forward, and gently patted a female worker on the shoulder,"Cai Jie!"

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