Song An nodded and looked at Ji Jie,"Captain Ji, have Qiao Mancang and Yu Cang called it quits?"

"Oh, forget it! The three of them just lowered their heads and said nothing, just as they had agreed."Ji Jie said helplessly.

"Officer Song, what should we do next? We can't just keep waiting for people from the National Identification Center to come and do a DNA test, can we?"Director Feng asked with a frown.

Song An shook his head,"No, I'll go see them."

Ji Jie took Song An to the first room in the east wing, the small room where Qiao Mancang was detained.

When Qiao Mancang saw someone coming in, he immediately stood up, pointed at Song An's nose and cursed,"You don't keep your word! You said you would let me go, why did you arrest me again!"


Ji Jie slammed the table,"Qiao Mancang! Be quiet, don't you know what you have done?"

"I, I don't know what you are talking about!"

Qiao Mancang snorted coldly, turned his head and sat back in his original position.

Song An walked in front of Qiao Mancang and threw a stack of letter papers in front of him,"Do you know what this is?"

Qiao Mancang glanced at it sideways,"I can't read! I don't recognize any of this Ma Zhang Fei stuff!"

"This is a letter written by your wife Liu Caijie, don’t you want to know who she wrote it to?"

Qiao Mancang's face suddenly changed!

"What? It was really written by that bitch! I knew she was cheating on me!"

Qiao Mancang said, and slapped himself hard!

"It's so shameful to marry such a immoral woman. It's a disgrace to my Qiao family. I have completely disgraced myself!"

"Qiao Mancang, you know the man who wrote the love letter to your wife, and you are very familiar with him."

Song An picked up a love letter, pointed to the signature on the lower right corner, and said,"This person's signature is: Guan Canghai!"

"What is Guan Cang Hai? I don't know.......Who the hell is this bastard! I'm going to kill him!"Qiao Mancang stared at Song An with a ferocious look on his face.

Song An looked at Ji Jie, who stood up and handed him a file bag.

"We visited Xitian No. 2 Middle School and found a workbook with the same signature"Guan Canghai" in an old warehouse where students' homework was stored. After identification by the teachers, we finally confirmed that this person is your good friend, Yu Cang!"

"What did you say! Is it Old Yu? I don’t believe it!!"

Qiao Mancang yelled at Song An like crazy,"He is the only brother I have in my life, and you said my brother cheated on my wife! Do you have any evidence?"

Song An took out a photo, which was secretly taken by Bai Ling in Pinggu County Textile Factory.

In the photo, Liu Caijie and Yu Cang were hugging each other, with happiness on their faces.

"" Yu Cang! You bastard, you've killed me!"

Qiao Mancang grabbed his hair, slammed his forehead against the table, and screamed in pain.

Song An grabbed his shoulders,"Qiao Mancang! That man instigated you to kill Wang Xiaohui, but he himself can be a couple with your wife. Is such a person worthy of your protection? You go to jail, and he and your wife live together forever. Is this your good brother who sticks by your side?"

"Stop talking, stop talking! I confessed everything!"

Song An let go of Qiao Mancang's shoulders, and Qiao Mancang sighed.

"I like to drink, and after drinking I often get into trouble. It is Lao Yu who always helps me out. It is really strange to say that every time I get into trouble, Lao Yu will definitely appear, haha.......Just like that, after a while, I accepted him as my good brother.

About ten days ago, I went to drink with him, and he told me that he was very upset recently! His wife Wang Xiaohui gambled and cheated on him every day. He wanted to kill his wife but was worried about being caught by the police. It just so happened that I also suspected my wife of cheating on me, so we hit it off and killed each other's wives, so that we wouldn't arouse your suspicion........"

Song An nodded when he heard this,"On the night of the incident, I saw you beating your wife. It turned out that you did it on purpose!"

Qiao Mancang nodded,"Every time I beat her before, she would go back to her parents' home. The plan that Yu Cang and I discussed was that I would kill Wang Xiaohui next to the reservoir, and he would wait on the way Liu Caijie returned to her parents' home, taking the opportunity to kill my wife."

""What time did you kill Wang Xiaohui?" Song An asked.

Qiao Mancang thought for a moment,"It was around nine o'clock the night before yesterday. Yu Cang handed me a bloody scarf. I recognized it as my wife Liu Caijie's scarf. I thought she had been killed. So I went to the casino and followed Wang Xiaohui. When we got to the reservoir, I killed her, cut off her head, tied it to a stone, and sank it into the water."

"Qiao Mancang, you don't know yet, do you? Yu Cang deliberately went to drink with the township leaders the day before yesterday, and everyone can testify to him that he was drunk that day! And you, the murder weapon was found in your home, and there was blood on the murder weapon. We soon knew that you killed Wang Xiaohui. As for what you said, Yu Cang instigated you to exchange and kill his wife, it's just your one-sided statement, there is no evidence!"

Song An looked at Qiao Mancang with regret,"It seems that you have to bear the crime of murder alone."

"Evidence? I have evidence! After returning from Yu Cang's house ten days ago, the more I thought about it, the more I felt something was wrong. What if he wanted to trick me? So I kept an eye out. So I went to the store to buy a tape recorder and went back to the Little White Building! I secretly recorded the conversation with Yu Cang, which contained all his plans to kill people. I was really instigated by him!"

Qiao Mancang shook his handcuffs and said,"Besides, if an uneducated person like me wants to kill someone, how could I come up with so many plans!"

""Where's the tape? Where is it?" Song An asked anxiously.

Qiao Mancang hesitated for a moment, then slowly squatted down and found a tape from one of his socks.

Song An and Ji Jie looked at each other. With the confession and the recording, it seemed that Yu Cang's evidence chain was about to be closed.

After Song An walked out of the room, Tian Rui happened to be waiting for him outside the door.

"Teacher Song, this is the test report from the county police station. The butcher knife seized from Qiao Mancang's home tested positive for type B blood, which is the same as Wang Xiaohui's blood type. In addition, the DNA identification experts from the National Identification Center will arrive in Xitian Town tonight."

Song An nodded, took the report and glanced at it casually, then pushed open the next door. Yu

Cang was detained in this room.

Yu Cang saw Song An come in, without any fear on his face. He adjusted his glasses and said with a smile,"Officer, I don't know why you called me here? Have I committed a crime?"

Song An sneered,"Yu Cang, where were you from 8 to 10 pm the day before yesterday?"

"At the Qinfeng Hotel, drinking with some township officials." Yu Cang said with a smile.

Song An stared at Yu Cang,"You are a very smart person. You think you can clear yourself by finding these people as witnesses, right?"

Yu Cang smiled dryly, lowered his head and did not answer.

"Yu Cang, Qinfeng Hotel is only three kilometers away from the northern suburbs of Xitian Town. If you drive, it will only take a few minutes. You can make it in time, right?"

Yu Cang's right shoulder sank slightly, and he forced a smile,"Officer, I don't know what you are talking about. Anyway, I have nothing to do with Wang Xiaohui's death. I am also very sad that she died, but you can't wrongly accuse a good person."

"Wang Xiaohui is dead?"

Song An stared at Yu Cang,"Who told you?"


Yu Cang realized that he had said something wrong and his face turned pale.

"How about it, you can’t tell it, right?"

"Yu Cang, you���You thought you could rest easy with a witness! Can you guarantee that you never went out during your drinking time?"

Song An snorted coldly and threw a cassette in front of him!

"Do you still remember the plan of exchanging murders that you and Qiao Mancang discussed ten days ago? You thought he was illiterate, so he could be your puppet, but you were wrong. He recorded all your plans!"


: Whether the recording can be used as evidence is more complicated. Generally speaking, it can be used as evidence if it does not involve harming the interests of the parties involved. There are still three more chapters tonight. I have no other ability, but to write more to repay you. I beg you to subscribe and support.

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