The decorator named Fang Mu whispered as he walked,"There is a reflection from the building opposite. Someone may be looking here with a telescope! Luo Fei, we have to be careful. It is very likely that Mrs. Ge's home has installed eavesdropping equipment!"

Luo Fei nodded,"Should we notify the headquarters and control him first?"

Fang Mu shook his head,"It is easy to alert the enemy! Besides, those who do this kind of rough work are generally peripheral elements. It may not be useful to catch them!"

Three decorators entered the Ge family villa.

Mrs. Ge sat on the sofa, staring blankly at the cordless phone on the coffee table and the steak and caviar next to her, without moving at all.

Song An came out of the police station and drove to"Lao Er Auto Repair Shop" to find Yuan Laoliu who was repairing a car.

Song An gave him a temporary contract and gave him a task.

Yuan Laoliu is now Song An's special agent.

Song An applied for a contract for him from Gu Ming.

This contract not only has a monthly subsidy of 1,000 yuan, but also transportation and catering subsidies, and even labor insurance and accident insurance.

Special agents are temporary workers and generally do not receive these subsidies. Yuan Laoliu's salary is higher than that of many regular police officers.

In the entire police station, only Song An's special agent can enjoy such super-standard treatment. There is no other way, because he has strong case-handling ability, and strong ability is the hard truth.

Yuan Laoliu now has two salaries and a high income.

With money, he has status and no longer hides from place to place like a thief.

Yuan Laoliu certainly did not dare to neglect the task assigned by Song An, and immediately took a taxi to Juling Gorge.

At around 10 o'clock in the evening, Mrs. Ge, who had been waiting for the kidnapper's call at home, received the kidnapper's second call.

In the valley behind the rose garden, there are three extended Chevrolet police cars, and the police cars keep making beeping sounds.

They are equipped with the most advanced monitoring equipment group MARK-3 in the world!

The calls from Mrs. Ge's house can be clearly heard by intelligence personnel.

In the police car, Tian Rui took off the Orpheus monitoring headphones and picked up the landline at hand.

The call was quickly connected, and a steady voice came from it.

"This is the command center, I am Zhang Songquan!"

"Director Zhang! We just received intelligence that the kidnappers want Mrs. Ge to go to HSBC Bank, Building 7, Financial Street at 10 a.m. tomorrow and withdraw 100 million US dollars!"

"Got it, keep monitoring!"

In the Jibei City Command Building, Zhang Songquan stood in front of rows of huge surveillance screens.

On the large screen was the real-time surveillance footage of the entire Jibei City banking system.

Next to Zhang Songquan stood Chen Bing, the chief of the Criminal Investigation Corps. Behind the two were the directors of the seven branches.

And Song An.

Zhang Songquan turned around,"The intelligence team just received information that the kidnappers asked Mrs. Ge to go to HSBC Bank on Financial Street to withdraw money tomorrow!"

A director immediately said,"Director Zhang, we should arrange personnel immediately and deploy our people in Building 8 on Financial Street as soon as possible to include all buildings near the building in our surveillance field of view!"

Zhang Songquan looked at Chen Bing,"What does Captain Chen mean?"

"The kidnappers specified that they would withdraw money from HSBC Bank in the Financial Street. It is very likely that they would trade nearby. We should completely control the streets near the Financial Street!"

Chen Bing agreed.

Zhang Songquan nodded and picked up the phone on the table.

"Director Zhang, they will never trade in the Financial Street!"

Zhang Songquan was about to make a call when Song An, who had been sitting in the corner and silently looking at the map, suddenly spoke.

Zhang Songquan and all the branch directors looked at Song An.

"How can you be sure?"Zhang Songquan looked at Song An in confusion.

Song An put down the map and said with certainty,"Financial Street is the most prosperous street in our city and the street with the most financial institutions.

Because it involves a lot of cash transactions, the security level of this street is the highest in our city!

There are police stations at both intersections of this street, three security booths, and mounted police patrolling back and forth!

Although the kidnappers are vicious, they are not fools and will not complete the transaction here!

" After

Song An said this, several branch directors nodded thoughtfully.

· ········Request flowers· ··

Gu Ming immediately said,"Based on my experience in handling cases, the places where kidnapping transactions are usually conducted are often under viaducts, in the suburbs, or even in the wilderness or abandoned factories. These places are sparsely populated and remote, making it easy for kidnappers to drive away after getting the money!"

What Gu Ming said was actually based on experience. As long as he was a director of business, he would definitely understand it very well.

It was just that they were eager to solve the case, and coupled with what Director Zhang had just said, their thinking was diverted, and they were unable to change their minds for a while.

"Song An, the kidnapper made it very clear on the phone just now that he wanted Mrs. Ge to go to the Financial Street."Zhang Songquan looked at Song An, still a little confused.


"This is a smokescreen! The other party must know that we have already set up monitoring equipment in the Ge family, so they must be bluffing. I dare to conclude that if we deploy all the police force to the Financial Street, then we will definitely come up empty-handed!"

After Song An finished speaking, Gu Ming's face changed.

Song An said this too confidently. If he messes up, Song An will be embarrassed in front of all the directors!

Gu Ming smiled and looked at Zhang Songquan,"Director Zhang, Xiao Song means that we can send people to the Financial Street, but for the sake of safety, we cannot transfer all the field staff to the Financial Street."

Song An knew that his director was protecting him and smiled at him.

Director Zhao of Baita District shook his head,"Inference is inference, we can't rely on inference to solve the case! What if the kidnappers come to the dark? I think it is safer to deploy police forces near the Financial Street as the kidnappers said on the phone."

Several branch leaders started arguing. Some supported Song An, while others thought Director Zhao's argument made sense.

Zhang Songquan stared at the surveillance camera of HSBC Bank in Building 8 and remained silent for several minutes.

The headquarters fell silent, and everyone looked at his back, waiting for him to speak.

Zhang Songquan suddenly turned around and looked at Song An.

"Song An, can you give me a rough idea of where the kidnappers should be doing the transaction?"Ding.

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