"All the people, retreat!"

Criminal police, civilian police, firefighters, etc. who arrived at the scene one after another quickly evacuated the crowd.

The riot police all stepped forward, erected half-person-high shields in front of them, and lined up in a row.

The riot police used their shields and flesh and blood to form a human wall to block the people behind them.

At this moment, three loud noises were heard in the lobby of Juyuan Building!

The whole building shook violently, and the ground within a range of nearly 100 meters shook violently!

The windows across the street shattered in an instant!

Clang! Clang!

After the shattered glass fell to the ground, it was swept by the air flow and flew around like bullets!

Starting from the lobby on the first floor of Juyuan Building, the violent explosions began. The shock wave blew away the rolling door, overturned the car at the door, and rushed towards the first row of riot police!

The airflow swept the broken metal fragments and began to sweep the crowd on half the street!

Snap! Snap!

Cracks appeared on the big shield!

The PC explosion-proof shield made of polycarbonate material was torn into several holes by the shock wave, and the riot police holding the big shield retreated again and again!

The human wall formation was broken up, and more airflow rushed to the people behind!

Ji Jie, who was standing on the roof of the car directing the evacuation of people, suddenly felt empty under her feet, and the whole person flew backwards at an angle!

Fortunately, Bai Ling and Tian Rui were right next to them, and the two girls rushed behind Ji Jie quickly.

""Don't worry about me! Save the people first!" Ji Jie shouted.


The billboard on the building was hit, and the huge billboard with neon lights fell down!

The billboard rolled several times in the air and began to fall to the ground!

Under the building, there was an old man who had not had time to retreat and was trembling forward!

""Be careful!"

Liu Mengyang shouted, hugging the old man regardless of everything, spinning his feet and leaving his back to the billboard!

The billboard hit Liu Mengyang's broad back, and his 1.85-meter-tall body was instantly shortened!

Liu Mengyang gritted his teeth and hugged the old man, shouting to the police who came,"Come quickly, rescue the old man!"

Everything happened too quickly, but no one in the rescue team panicked. A nearby ambulance arrived at the scene quickly and carried the injured person onto a stretcher.

Thanks to Ji Jie's decisive command, the building was closed in time and the crowd was evacuated.

In this sudden disaster, except for three seriously injured policemen, no citizens were harmed.

"Hello, is this Mr. Luan? Yes, it is true, the building did explode! But no one was injured!"

The general manager of Juyuan Building wiped the cold sweat from his forehead while reporting the situation to the chairman of Juyuan Group on the phone.

If Ji Jie's arrangement had not been followed at the time and five or six thousand people had been allowed to stay in the building, the consequences would be unimaginable!

The explosion in the building had just stopped, and the firefighters quickly stepped forward and began to organize the firefighting.

In the middle of the night, a north wind suddenly blew, and the black smoke and ashes were blown into the sky by the wind, blowing farther and farther.

At the same time, Yandu University.

Song An, who had just finished his meal, did not choose to go to the hotel to rest.

Together with Fang Mu and Zhao Kang, he began to visit relevant personnel according to the list of actors in the drama.

The sun broke through the clouds, and the warm sunshine once again fell on the earth.

On the maple trees, the red leaves were blown by the wind and fell to the ground.

Early this morning, the Yandu University Student Union announced to the whole school through the campus radio: Since the murderer has been arrested, the performance time of the drama will not be changed and it will be performed as usual!

The students who were in an inexplicable panic yesterday all had smiles on their faces.

The murderer has been arrested, and we don’t have to worry about it anymore!

After eight o'clock, people walked into the Science Auditorium one after another.

There were banners on both sides of the auditorium, which read,"Welcome everyone to watch the first public performance of the Flying Eagle Drama Club, the play"The Emperor and the Assassin"》!"

Half an hour later, the auditorium, which can accommodate 5,000 people, was already full.

Lead actor Wu Ruoxiong stood behind the scenes and quietly looked into the auditorium. He was very surprised to see a huge crowd of people.

"Old Wu! What are you looking at?"

The second male lead, Shen Feng, patted him on the shoulder.

""Shen Feng, look, there are so many spectators outside, the seats are full! Today our Flying Eagle Drama Club is going to be famous!"

Wu Ruoxiong was excited.

Shen Feng thought for a moment and said with a smile,"Old Wu, I am playing the role of Qin King Ying Zheng, and you are playing the role of Jing Ke. Please show mercy when you assassinate me! Although the dagger is made of hard board, it will hurt if it stabs someone, so please don't really stab me."

""Shen Feng, we are brothers, how can I do such a wicked thing? Besides, Jing Ke didn't succeed in the assassination in the script, how can I modify the script at random!"

Wu Ruoxiong hugged Shen Feng and pushed him with a smile.

Shen Feng looked at his friend with a smug look on his face, but shuddered.

When the first row of school leaders was full, the audience burst into warm applause.

The stage curtain slowly opened, and the performance officially began.

A eunuch shouted in a shrill voice,"Jing Ke, the envoy of Yan State, asks to see our king and presents the map of Du Kang and the head of the rebel general Fan Yuqi!"

A majestic voice rang out in the hall,"Announce!"

""Announce the Yan State's envoy Jing Ke to see you!" the eunuch with a shrill voice shouted.

A man named Jing Ke, with disheveled hair and plain clothes, holding a map in his left hand and a food box in his right hand, walked into the hall with his head bowed.

"King of Qin, here is Fan Yuqi's head!"

Jing Ke put the food box on the ground, held up the map with both hands, and said loudly,"King of Qin, as a token of our intention to make peace, my king sincerely offers the city of Du Kang, hoping that Qin and Yan will never fight again, and the people will enjoy peace forever!"

Qin Shihuang, who was in a high position, said slowly,"Jing Ke, come forward and talk!"

Jing Ke knelt on the ground and slowly moved forward until he was five steps away from the King of Qin, then he unfolded the map with both hands.

"King Qin, this is the map of Dukang, which was hand-sewn by 36 palace maids of the Yan State Palace! Your Majesty, please take a look. Dukang is the most fertile land of the Yan State. It is located between the Yishui River and the Yongding River. It is populated and has a large area........"

As Jing Ke introduced the map, he unrolled it!

The audience in the audience watched this scene nervously.

"The biggest attraction of the play"Jing Ke Assassinates Qin" is here.

When the map was fully unfolded, a dagger suddenly appeared on the map scroll!

Qin Wang Ying Zheng was shocked,"There is an assassin, protect the king!"

Jing Ke grabbed the dagger, with a ferocious and terrifying expression on his face, aimed at the position of Qin Wang Ying Zheng's heart, and stabbed it!


Qin Wang Ying Zheng spit out blood, grabbed the knife with his right hand, and pointed at Jing Ke with his left hand,"You, you, it's really you!"

Jing Ke showed a smug sneer on his face,"Don't worry, my His Majesty the King of Qin! You will live in my heart forever!"

Qin Wang Ying Zheng looked at Jing Ke weakly, staggered a few steps, and fell on his back on the stage!

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