"How many motorcycles are needed? Moreover, they are in a hurry to transport so much gunpowder, what is the ultimate purpose?"Chang Baole asked.

This question is also what Song An has been thinking about. Feng Biao transported so much gunpowder and even exposed himself to escape. What is the purpose of this mission?

"Captain Ji, did you find anything else during the interrogation just now? Especially in Feng Biao's personal life." Song An asked.

Ji Jie thought for a while, took out a watercolor painting from the file bag, and said to Song An,"According to Feng Biao's wife Wang Guifang, Feng Biao does not smoke, drink, or stay up late. His only hobby is painting, and he often paints the same genre."

Ji Jie stood up and projected the painting onto the big screen through the projection equipment.

"This is the only watercolor painting we found in Feng Biao's home. His other paintings should have been destroyed, except for this half."

The watercolor painting that appeared on the big screen was an oil painting that looked very childish.

A towering tree with a very thin trunk and an exaggeratedly large crown. The leaves were combined in a spiral shape, and the crown looked like an ocean whirlpool. Under the tree was a house commonly seen in rural areas in the north. The house was painted crookedly, with only a door but no windows.

In front of the house stood a man with a big head. He stood in front of the house with his hands in his pockets, holding his head high and shrinking his neck.

The strange thing was that the man's body was deliberately painted very small, and the whole person looked very uncoordinated.

Next to the man was a line of small words, the handwriting was so strong that it could be seen through the back of the paper, indicating that the painting was created in the early morning of September 1 last year.

"This watercolor painting, why does it look so weird?"

Gu Ming smoked a cigarette, and the more he looked at it, the more he felt that the painting in front of the projection screen was very strange.

Guan Hongfeng and Guo Zijian nodded at the same time, and they also felt very uncomfortable.

After seeing it for the first time, Song An couldn't help but blurt out,"House-tree-person portrait?"

Almost at the same time, Mu Jianyun, who was sitting next to Song An, immediately stared at him with wide eyes,"Captain Song actually knows about house-tree-person?"

Everyone in the office looked at him together.

Song An suddenly realized that in this year, psychological mapping tests are not popular.

Many Western applied psychology works have not been translated yet, so there is a general lack of knowledge about the house-tree-person crime portraits commonly used by criminal investigators in later generations.

"Song An, Professor Mu, can one of you explain to us what this painting means?"Gu Ming was confused.

""Let Captain Song come. I am good at behavioral psychology, but this is not my specialty." Mu Jianyun said with a smile.

Song An knew that Mu Jianyun had just started working and must be embarrassed to show off in front of his superiors. He was giving himself face.

"Well, I'll show off my skills in front of an expert."

Song An walked to the screen, pointed at the watercolor painting and explained,"First of all, look at this painting as a whole. This painting occupies more than 90% of the entire paper. This painting is too large. From a psychological point of view, the person who created this painting is nervous, twisted, very aggressive, and very hostile to the people around him. At the same time, he has a certain degree of paranoia."

Song An's first sentence stunned everyone in the conference room.

Except for the faint smile on Mu Jianyun's mouth,

""Captain Song, just from this one painting, you can tell that Feng Biao has violent tendencies or is a mentally twisted pervert?"

Wu Jiaqi said in astonishment.

The others were also confused. Could it be that they could tell so much from just one painting?

A few people whispered in the conference room.

"Everyone, be quiet and listen to Captain Song continue."Gu Ming said

"Just now, Director Gu, Captain Guo, and Captain Guan have been saying that this painting looks awkward, which is absolutely true, because the proportions of this painting are seriously out of balance! First of all, let's look at this tree. The crown is too exaggerated, which shows that this person is extremely suppressing his emotions. The spiral shape shows that this person has suffered serious psychological trauma and has never been able to get over it."

0 ···Request flowers· ·

"In psychology, a house represents a family. This house has only windows but no doors. It is tilted to the right as a whole and the lines on the wall are too thin. This indicates that this person has a very serious paranoia and is seriously lacking in family love. He is a violent personality who is extremely lacking in family love."

"As for the person in front of the house, he has a big head and a small neck, and his body is almost invisible. His feet are close together and his face shows no expression. This is a typical violent and aggressive personality trait."

The conference room was filled with the sound of rustling words, and everyone was concentrating on recording.

0 0.......

"It's amazing that so many psychological characteristics can be seen in a painting."Gu Ming said with a smile,"If you, Song An, were promoted at a rocket speed, who could escape your thief eyes?"

Guo Zijian asked with a little gossip,"Using this kind of painting to test the psychological characteristics of your partner, isn't it more accurate than fortune-telling?"

Hearing this, the eyes of the female police officers in the office brightened.

Mu Jianyun said seriously,"Let me remind you that psychology is a science, not fortune-telling. Human nature cannot stand the test. If you always want to test your partner, the final outcome can only be a tragedy."

Everyone nodded silently, and Bai Ling stuck out his tongue embarrassedly.

Lao Wang put down his pen and interjected,"Captain Song, can you tell the other party's next move from this painting?"

Song An pursed his lips and was silent for a full three minutes.

Under the gaze of everyone, Song An suddenly picked up the pen, pointed to a string of numbers next to the person, and said,"If I'm not mistaken, Feng Biao must be a failed student, and the failure of the college entrance examination that year was the only reason why he went on the road of crime!"

Gu Ming was stunned and immediately said,"Notify the pre-trial department immediately and bring Feng Biao's wife Wang Guifang to the conference room!"


The two guards on duty turned and left.

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