Nearly a hundred passengers who were wandering around the subway station and had not yet had time to go home suddenly saw someone being shot and were immediately frightened.

The white-haired man pulled the hand guard, loaded the shotgun, and then shouted in very unfamiliar Mandarin:"Everyone, don't move, whoever moves will die! Security, come forward, open the gate, quickly!"

As Line 4 has been notified to close the entire line, the gate of Anding Station has been closed. A man in a gray security uniform trembled and walked towards the gate.

Perhaps he was too nervous, or perhaps he was stalling for time, the middle-aged security guard walked to the gate but did not take out the key.

"You're looking for death!"

The white-haired gangster fired quickly, and the security guard was hit in the chest by the shotgun. Then, his legs left the ground, flew four or five meters, and hit the security booth behind him.



The platform was in chaos. Passengers were shocked to see the tragic death of the security guard and started shouting.

A gangster came to the body of the security guard, grabbed the key from his hand, and kicked his body away while swearing something. The white-haired man nodded at him, and the man came to the gate, opened it with the key, and released the cordon.

"Quick, everyone hide in the gate! Anyone who is still outside the gate in half a minute will be executed!"

The white-haired man and his accomplices drove nearly a hundred trembling passengers into the gate like driving a flock of sheep.

At this moment, sirens sounded outside the subway station, and the SWAT team and the criminal police team all arrived!

More than 300 SWAT team members wearing tactical uniforms and holding explosion-proof shields formed several defense walls outside the gate, surrounding the subway entrance tightly.

Seeing the police coming, the passengers began to shout excitedly, and some psychologically fragile people saw the police in the distance and cried secretly.

"Damn it!"

A red-haired gangster took out a fragmentation grenade from his tactical pocket, bit off the safety pin with his teeth and threw it over.

""Grenade, lie down!"

A fragmentation grenade exploded at the subway entrance, and the two criminal police officers who had just rushed to the subway entrance were blown away several meters on the spot.

"Come on if you are not afraid of death, hahahahaha!"

This group of desperate criminals, relying on their firepower advantage, fired at the police officers wantonly.

The bullets shattered the window glass, the ceiling street lights, and brought a series of sparks on the marble terrazzo floor.

""Back off, find cover!" the SWAT captain shouted.

The powerful firepower net made the SWAT officers dare not show their heads, and they hid behind shields or cover.

The white-haired man grabbed a female passenger, held the gun against the woman's neck with one hand, looked outside viciously, and shouted:

"All police officers, retreat 100 meters from the subway station, otherwise, we will kill all the hostages!" The white-haired man screamed loudly.

The negotiator who rushed over picked up the megaphone and said with a smile,"Sir, don't be too excited. You can ask for anything." The white-haired man glanced at his accomplice next to him, who raised his submachine gun and fired at the negotiator's position.

In addition to the negotiator who died on the spot, at least three special police officers were shot at the same time and were in critical condition.

"You are very uncooperative. It seems that you are doubting our ability!"

The white-haired man pulled the trigger and shot the woman hostage, then threw her body out of the gate.

The woman's eyes were wide open. There was a ball of red blood where she fell. Her neck had been pierced and blood was gushing out.

The passengers were shocked. After a brief calm, many people burst into tears.

"Stop it, don't kill any more people!"

Zhao Yunlong, the captain of the Baita District SWAT team who was in charge of commanding the action team, had blood oozing from his eyes. He slowly put the gun on the ground and said,"We will withdraw now as you said, calm down!"

In order to protect the safety of the hostages, the SWAT police did not dare to attack rashly. Under the arrangement of Zhao Yunlong, the SWAT police held explosion-proof shields and began to retreat.

When the SWAT team retreated behind the column, the white-haired man raised his wrist to look at his watch and said,"Old Ghost, Old Seven, the time is up, load the goods quickly, quickly!"

Several gangsters nodded, immediately picked up the briefcase, forced the staff to open the train door with a gun, and several people entered the train.

After seeing several accomplices with briefcases entering the carriage, the white-haired man raised his pistol and nodded to the others,"Leave three brothers to cover the rear, and the rest of 890 will follow me into the carriage!"

Outside Xiangtai Building, Gu Ming, Director Chen, Director Li, Song An, Guan Hongfeng and others stood by the police car and held an on-site meeting.

Although the police had intervened in advance and many buildings had been vacated, many citizens still stayed in the shops and refused to leave.

Some citizens who came to the commercial street to shop after work were very dissatisfied with the police's sudden blockade of the commercial street, and some people began to push the police on duty.

Yan Liang and Lin Qi came over with people, and when they saw Gu Ming and Song An, they immediately saluted the two and said with a heavy breath:

"Report to Director Gu, Captain Song, we found a C4 bomb in the underground garage. The comrades of the bomb disposal team are currently carrying out the bomb disposal work. According to them, the time bomb placed by the enemy is a very common thermal-melt time bomb, which is not difficult to dismantle."

After listening, Song An was stunned for a moment, and then asked,"Where is the person who placed the bomb? Has he been caught?"

Lin Qi said with some shame,"I'm sorry, Captain Song, during the exchange of fire in the garage, we accidentally killed him on the spot.".

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