After the interrogation, Ji Jie and Song An each held a cup of hot coffee and stood in the corridor to chat. After three days of hard work, the case was finally closed. Looking at the quiet night sky outside, they felt a sense of satisfaction.

"Song An, there is something I don't quite understand. This morning we went to the security department of Xinghui Machinery Factory together. Section Chief Sun said that all the security department members were in the office. How could you suspect him, and you dug out another son?"

Ji Jie asked.

She had been holding this matter in for a day. Four people from the sixth team went to the security department to investigate the situation, but only Song An saw through Section Chief Sun's lies. This~ is too strange.

"Actually, it was just a blind cat catching a dead mouse.

I didn't think those security guards were the right people.

They were not clean enough, nor were they smart enough to pull off a serial murder case.

Moreover, I accidentally flipped through their attendance sheets, and I found that one person was missing.

At that time, Section Chief Sun lied on purpose, and he asked us to focus our suspicion on Ning Yong.

I suspected that he and the absent security guard Sun Dapeng must have some kind of close relationship, otherwise, he would not risk lying to the police.


After hearing this, Ji Jie looked at Song An with admiration,"You can see so much from just a few clues, this is not a blind cat catching a dead mouse!"

Song An immediately said modestly,"It was all thanks to everyone's help. Without the Sixth Team and the cooperation of other criminal police these days, I couldn't have done anything."

"You are really amazing. You are neither impatient nor irritable, neither arrogant nor discouraged. You are born to be a good criminal police officer!"

Ji Jie smiled and patted Song An.

Liu Mengyang and Da Zeng came over with two large bags of delicious things in their hands.

"Captain Ji, Xiao Song, you may not know this yet, but on October 10th our Jibei Police Department will hold a commendation meeting for the entire department!" Liu Mengyang said happily.

"Really? With the last shooting case and this serial murder case, our team six will definitely get a third-class collective merit!" Ji Jie said with a smile. Da Zeng shook his head,"You are too narrow-minded! I heard that Director Gu reported us a second-class collective merit this time! The bonus alone is this amount!"

Da Zeng held up two fingers, Ji Jie and Song An looked at each other and laughed together.

"Hey, what are you carrying? Why does it smell so good?"Song An stretched his neck curiously.

"Hehehe, Director Gu is treating us to the oven-baked roast duck from Bianyifang, come and eat it!" Liu Mengyang laughed and brought the roast duck into the office.

Song An was stunned,"Captain Ji, I remember that Bianyifang doesn't open until after nine o'clock. It's not even five o'clock yet, how come we can already buy the roast duck?"

"When you just caught Sun Xiaoyin, Director Gu had someone buy it. It should have just come out of the microwave. Let's go!"

It was dawn, and the sky in the east was turning pale.

Loud laughter came from the offices of every squadron of the Yanshan Criminal Police Team. In the

Criminal Police Team 6, Liu Mengyang shouted loudly, distributing duck meat, side dishes, tableware, and sauce packets to everyone.

When it was getting busy, Guo Zijian and several police officers on duty came over with a white-haired old lady.

The people in Team 6 put down their chopsticks and looked at the old lady holding something wrapped in floral cloth in her arms, looking at the people in the room with tears in their eyes.

""Excuse me, which one is Officer Song An?"

The old lady's voice was a little hoarse.

Song An came over,"Old lady, I am Song An, who are you?"

"I am, I am........"

Maybe because she was too excited, the old lady couldn't say anything after saying two words.

"Song An, this is the mother of the first victim, Miao Feifei."Guo Zijian introduced.

Miao Feifei's mother?

Everyone in Team 6 was stunned.

Miao Feifei was only 17 years old when she was killed. If she were alive today, she would only be 22 years old.

A 22-year-old girl is in the prime of her youth. How could her mother have white hair and wrinkles all over her face?

Song An's heart sank. Miao Feifei's mother must have been too sad because of her daughter's death, which led to premature aging.

"Officer Song, thank you for helping us catch the bad guy. I don't have much to thank you for. When I heard that you caught the bad guy, I made a pot of dumplings overnight........."

The old lady opened the floral cloth bundle, revealing a bowl of steaming dumplings.

This simple and plain bowl of dumplings was ten times more delicious than the roast duck at Bian Yi Fang in Song An's eyes.

""Thank you, Auntie. I'll eat it all in one go!"

Song An took the bowl from the old lady without hesitation, picked up the chopsticks and ate one at a time.

Miao Feifei's mother looked at Song An with a relieved smile on her face.

If her daughter were alive today, she should be as young as the young man in front of her, in her prime.

At ten o'clock in the morning, the Yanshan Police Station held a press conference and announced that the"9.27 River Beach Serial Murder Case" had been completely solved.

Because this case had a very large impact, in addition to the TV stations, news, radio stations and other related news units in Jibei City, several reporters from provincial stations also came to participate in the report.

At this press conference, except for the first few polite words, Gu Ming gave Song An the opportunity to speak.

Countless cameras, microphones, recorders and other long guns and short guns were aimed at Song An.

Song An briefly introduced the process of solving the case. Except for some confidential processes, he basically restored the process of solving the case in the past few days.

Especially when he said that based on an attendance sheet, he deduced that Section Chief Sun might have a son, and that his son was a major suspect in the crime, the audience burst into warm applause.

"Hello, Officer Song. I am Qiu Xiaodong, a reporter from China Broadcasting Corporation. I would like to ask you, what is your biggest feeling in the process of solving this case?"

A female reporter wearing glasses handed the microphone to Song An. The butterfly logo on the microphone was very eye-catching.

Song An looked around the venue. In the north corner of the venue, there were several very special guests. They were all family representatives of the victims of the seven homicides.

They were dressed simply and sat there quietly. They did not cry or make a fuss. They just listened quietly.

"I believe that many people may have doubts about the Qingyi River and even our city because of the river beach murder case. It seems that from now on, the sky is no longer blue, the water is no longer clear, and there seems to be a dark cloud over our heads."

· ·····Request flowers···· ········

The whole audience was silent. The reporters and the audience had never expected that a police officer would speak directly to their hearts instead of using official language.

"I cannot say that there is no darkness in this world. I cannot say that all the darkness in this world will disappear. But I want to tell you, please believe in the navy blue police uniforms on us, please believe in our determination to protect the peace of the area: murder cases must be solved, shooting cases must be solved! No matter how much darkness there is, we will block it for you, and what you need is to greet the sunrise every day with joy and happiness!"

After Song An finished speaking, he faced the camera, raised his head and chest, and saluted solemnly.

The whole audience was silent for a few seconds, and then, warm applause broke out again.

At this moment, millions of viewers across the country saw this scene on TV, and Song An's name was remembered by many people.

At the end of the press conference, several representatives of the victims' families made a request. They all hoped to meet the murderer.


"Director Gu, Captain Guan, I am the father of the victim Wang Shuang. I beg you, please let us meet that beast, I just want to know, my child has no grudge against him, why did he kill my child, why did he destroy two families!"

After Wang Shuang's father finished speaking, several other family members also stood up and demanded to see the murderer.

Gu Ming was in a dilemma. This request was definitely against discipline, and no one could guarantee that the victims' families would not do anything extreme.

But now facing the camera and so many people, it would be unreasonable for them not to respond.

In the end, it was Guan Hongfeng who suggested that the suspect Sun Xiaoyin's father, Sun Zhi, come forward on his son's behalf.

Soon, Sun Zhi was led to the venue by two policemen. Without saying a word, he knelt on the podium and apologized to the victims' families.

"Mr. Sun, I am a reporter from the Yanjing Metropolis Daily. Your son brutally killed seven innocent women. Have you ever reflected on your own family education?"

A male reporter wearing black-framed glasses asked.

All microphones and cameras at the scene were aimed at Sun Zhi at the same time.

The victims' families all looked at him angrily. Although he was not the mastermind, he was to blame.

Sun Zhi slowly raised his head, and his voice was filled with despair.

"If a son is not taught well, it is the fault of his father! In this world, no parents would be willing to train their children to be murderers. He was very sensible when he was young, how could he become a murderous demon! This is all my fault. I have no ability to educate my son, and I let him commit a heinous crime. I am guilty.........."

This press conference had a huge impact.

The education system of Jibei City launched a vigorous legal education propaganda campaign, and Sun Zhi became a voluntary propagandist.

Six months later, with a gunshot, a sinful life ended.

It is said that on the day when Sun Xiaoyin was shot, tens of thousands of people in Jibei City spontaneously came to Qingyi River to pay tribute to the deceased.

Paper money covered the sky and fell one after another, like a heavy snowfall.

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