Someone Speaks Ill of You

Chapter 302: The little gangster bullies the squad leader XiNShUHaiGe.CoM

Luo Fei looked at the head of the bed.

There is a delicate small alarm clock on the bedside, and the time display is nine o'clock in the evening.

At this time, the school dormitory should not have closed.

But he suddenly remembered that even if he rushed to school at this time, he didn't know which dormitory Luo Jiajia lived in.

There are many dormitory buildings in the university, and they are not together, and many are not even distributed according to class.

As for asking other students, he didn't know who knew Luo Jiajia at all, and he didn't even know the instructor or teacher.

As far as he knows, Luo Jiajia does not have any friends at school.

"Luo Fei, you can think of a way to make her answer the phone, you'd better make a call."

Mu Qianxue handed the phone to him.

Luo Fei pondered for a while, took the phone, and continued to edit the information.

[Luo Jiajia, set up your phone, I want to call you, I want to hear your voice]

When the message was sent, he leaned against the wall, as if saying to the monitor and Tong Yanyan, and as if comforting himself: "It should be okay."

After a while, the message came back.

【ill? 】

Luo Fei immediately edited the message: [Well, I am sick, and I feel so uncomfortable now, I just want to hear your voice]

The other party did not reply.

Luo Fei sent another: [Luo Jiajia, I miss you]

Sending it over, he turned his head to look, the squad leader was standing next to him, staring at the phone screen in his hand.

"Why do you see me?"

Seeing him looking at him, Mu Qianxue asked calmly.

Luo Fei retracted his gaze, continued to look at the phone screen, and said, "The squad leader looks good."

After he finished speaking, he found that the atmosphere in the room was not right, so he glanced at the lovely lady Tong Yanju in front of him, and said, "Classmate Yan Yan is also pretty."

Tong Yanyan actually wanted to get to the side to watch him send text messages, but when she saw the monitor was there, she was embarrassed to go over.

Hearing what he said, Tong Yan blushed and responded politely: "Student Luo Fei... also looks good."

There was silence in the room.

After a few minutes, the message came back.

[Go home tomorrow night]

Luo Fei immediately replied: [But I miss you now, I want to call you and listen to your voice]

"Aren't they nauseous?"

The squad leader's voice sounded nearby.

Luo Fei's face became hot, and he looked at her and said: "It's kind of, but in order to achieve the goal, you have to do whatever you can."

Tong Yanyan was very curious, hesitating for a while, and she leaned over, standing on the other side, peeking with her eyes wide open.

Luo Fei turned his head and glanced at her.

She blushed and said weakly: "I...I want to see it too."

The text message came back soon.

【No need】

Luo Fei responded immediately.

[Then I will go to your school to find you now]

A few minutes later, the information came back.


Luo Fei: "..."

This girl, why doesn't she play the card according to the routine?

[Luo Jiajia, which dormitory building and which dormitory are you in? You wait, I'll find you right away]

Click Send, but the sending fails.

Tip: You have been blocked.

Luo Fei heaved a sigh of relief and returned the phone to the monitor.

Mu Qianxue took the phone and met him tacitly, and said, "It should be her."

Before the day had finished talking, no one could do anything like this, except for her, and it was not a stranger who blocked it.


Luo Fei shrugged.

Since Luo Jiajia is okay, he doesn't need to go out anymore, just catch the monster here with An Xin.

"Oh, I'll blow my hair."

Tong Yanyan then remembered that her hair hadn't blown, and immediately went to the bathroom.

After the door was closed, Luo Fei whispered: "Squad leader, go to bed early tonight, you don't have to worry about too much. I'm afraid that your righteous breath will startle the snake and scare the monster away in advance."

When Mu Qianxue heard the word "justice", her heart palpitated inexplicably, and said: "I don't have justice, and I am not justice. Luo Fei, don't worry, I won't go to bed early at night. If I fall asleep, What should you do if you sneak into bed and bully Yan Yan?"

Luo Fei was speechless and said: "Squad leader, you insult people."

Mu Qianxue gave him a white look and said: "I'm just taking precautions, after all, someone's mind is full of unhealthy things."

"Does the monitor have any evidence?"

"Have you seen the photos on Yan Yan's phone?"

"I do not!"

"But there are browsing records shown above, and the browsing time happened to be when you were holding Yan Yan's phone. Luo Fei, do you dare to quibble?"

"...Squad leader, does the mobile phone still have this function?"

"No, I'm talking nonsense, but you don't confess yourself anymore."

"...Squad leader, you are so mean!"

"It's necessary to deal with some people."

"Squad leader, you wait! I'm sure to sneak into bed tonight, but it's not Yan Yan who is bullying, but some despicable villain!"

"……you dare!"

"Look, I dare not! I'm waiting tonight!"

Mu Qianxue didn't speak any more, staring at him.

Luo Fei was not afraid at all. He walked directly to the quilt on the floor, got in, and continued to threaten: "When classmate Yan Yan falls asleep, that's when some vile villain bows his head and calls his concubine!"

Mu Qianxue's eyes flashed, and she suddenly said with a cold face: "Luo Fei, who do you think is the concubine?"

Luo Fei: "..."

"Squad leader, I just changed the word arbitrarily to bow down and call ministers. There is no need to be so serious, right?"

Mu Qianxue narrowed her eyes and said nothing.

Luo Fei lay there looking at her, did not speak any more, his eyes moved on her beautiful, snow-white legs.

The calf is slender, the thigh is round and smooth, like a jade, and it has a white and attractive luster under the light. It is really beautiful.

Mu Qianxue got on the bed with a cold face, got into the quilt, and covered her legs.

Luo Fei didn't look at it, sighed, and went to sleep with his head covered.

Not long after, Tong Yanyan dried her hair out.

She looked at the bulge in the quilt on the ground, and said strangely: "Does Luo Fei sleep so early? Why is it covered with the quilt?"

Mu Qianxue flipped through the phone and said, "He has no face to meet people."

Tong Yanyan looked puzzled.

She walked over and closed the door. When she was about to go to bed, her cheeks were slightly red and said, "Squad leader, I want to sleep here."

Mu Qianxue lay on the left side of the bed, close to Luo Fei, and he could see the ground as soon as he lowered his head. Hearing this, he looked at her and said, "Why?"

Tong Yanyan blushed and said, "I...I'm used to it."

Mu Qianxue hesitated for a moment, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything. She stepped aside and slept in the innermost position.

"Thank you, thank you monitor."

Tong Yanyan climbed onto the bed from the end of the bed, and slowly crawled over. Fortunately, Luo Fei was sleeping under the quilt at the moment, otherwise he would have a full view when he raised his head.

Mu Qianxue looked down vigilantly, waiting for Tong Yanyan to crawl over safely and get into the quilt, Fang heaved a sigh of relief, glanced at her nightdress and chest, and reminded in a low voice: "Yan Yan, don't be low. Talk to Luo Fei and be careful to walk away."

Tong Yanyan was wearing a nightdress with a suspender. It was already full there. She didn't wear any underwear at night, and her chest-length neckline was almost fully braced, making it easy to see.

She just slept outside, but she was afraid that the guy on the ground would take advantage of this girl secretly, but this was someone's room, and she was not embarrassed to insist on sleeping outside, so she could only remind her.

"Oh oh."

Tong Yanyan blushed and agreed.

But she didn't care about it in her heart, and secretly said: It doesn't matter if Luo Fei saw it. That night, she almost took a bath with Luo Fei. Student Luo Fei was not someone else. He saved her and protected her. Good friends who have slept.

Mu Qianxue checked the time and said, "Turn off the lights, go to bed early, and get up early tomorrow."

Luo Fei will catch the demon tonight, hoping to succeed.


The lights went out and the room plunged into darkness.

Tong Yanyan got into the quilt and lay down.

After just lying down for a few minutes, she became scared, and she trembled: "Squad leader, I...I want to sleep on a quilt with you, but... is it okay?"

Mu Qianxue felt her fear, and quickly opened the quilt, got into her quilt, next to her, and softly comforted: "It's okay, I'm here."

Tong Yanyan immediately got into her arms, hugged her tightly, and said with a crying voice: "Squad leader, I...I am afraid, can I... can I not turn off the lights?"

Mu Qianxue didn't know how to answer.

If you don't turn off the lights, the monsters won't come, so tonight will fall short. The longer you delay, the greater the damage.

"Student Yan Yan, don't be afraid, I am here too."

At this time, Luo Fei, who was sleeping on the ground, showed his head, comforting.

Mu Qianxue glanced at him and pulled the quilt upwards to cover Tong Yanyan's neckline.

Tong Yanyan's head went directly into the quilt and into her arms, and she trembled: "I...I dare not sleep, I am afraid I will have a nightmare again...Luo Fei, you...can you? Come up and sleep next to me."

Her cheeks were hot and buried tightly in the monitor's chest, so she dared to say this sentence.

The room fell silent suddenly.

Mu Qianxue said: "Yan Yan, don't be afraid, I just hold you. Luo Fei is a boy and can't come up."

Luo Fei also said: "Don't think about anything in your head, or think about your father, think about beautiful things, stop thinking about the nightmare of last night, and fall asleep soon. Don't worry, you will definitely not be asleep tonight. Nightmares."

Tong Yanyan stopped speaking, as if doing what he said.

But in her head, she didn't think about her father and other beautiful things, but about sleeping with Luo Fei that night.

No one spoke any more.

After about an hour, Tong Yanyan's breathing finally began to calm down, and her body began to slowly relax.

Before she knew it, she fell asleep.

Mu Qianxue slowly lifted her head out, stretched her body, helped her cover the quilt, and quietly returned to her own quilt.

She looked up, her eyes also looking at her in the dark.

Mu Qianxue panicked inexplicably, lowered his head, covered the quilt, and thought of what the guy threatened her to say in his mind.

The room was silent, only the sound of everyone's breathing and heartbeat.

About half an hour later.

Luo Fei suddenly whispered: "Squad leader, are you asleep?"

Mu Qianxue closed her eyes, did not respond, motionless.

Luo Fei's eyes flashed with two strange green lights, searching every corner of the room in the dark, and then staying on the curtains.

But nothing.

Tong Yanyan breathed evenly, her eyes were calm, she did not move, and obviously she had not had a nightmare.

When a person is asleep, if the eyeballs are still moving under the eyelids, it must be in a dream.

"Squad leader, are you asleep?"

Luo Fei yelled again in a low voice.

Mu Qianxue was still lying there, motionless, without any response.

Luo Fei got up from the ground, first bent over and stood by the bed, staring at Tong Yanyan who was sleeping for a while, then climbed onto the bed, carefully overtook her, and climbed to the squad leader's side.

Mu Qianxue's body stiffened, her long eyelashes quivered, still motionless, but her heart jumped sharply.

Luo Fei lay on her body and whispered: "Squad leader, didn't I let you wait for me and let me bully you? Why did you fall asleep secretly?"

Mu Qianxue didn't move at all.

Luo Fei lifted the quilt, slipped in quietly, lay on his side in the narrow space in the middle, stretched out his arms, hugged her, and directly bit her ears with his mouth, and whispered: "Squad leader, know you are not asleep , Will you wake up? If you don't wake up, I will bite you."

Mu Qianxue still closed her eyes, motionless, her heartbeat speeded up and her breathing started quickly.

Luo Fei bit her ear, slowly moved his hand down, placed it on her flat lower abdomen, and then slowly stretched it into the shirt.

Just touching the smooth and delicate skin, a hand suddenly grabbed him from the outside.

Mu Qianxue finally opened his eyes, turned to look at him, blushing, panting and whispering: "Luo Fei, you little rascal, what are you doing?"

Luo Fei loosened his teeth and touched her delicate face with his lips: "Bulling you, isn't it funny that the little gangster bullies the squad leader?"

As he said, his hands broke free.

Mu Qianxue's body trembled lightly, and did not stop it, as if he had accepted his fate, her bright eyes widened, her eyelashes trembled, and she bit her lip.

When the hand in the shirt was about to drive to the destination, it suddenly stopped.

She opened her big frustrated eyes and froze for a while, when Fang found him looking at her with a smile.

"Squad leader, don't you resist?"

Luo Fei said softly.

Mu Qianxue stared at him, did not speak, heavy gasps filled the silent room.

Seeing her charming, pure and attractive appearance like a peach blossom, Luo Fei couldn't bear it anyway, his head lowered, and he kissed her sweet and delicious little mouth.

Mu Qianxue hugged him.

The two of them hugged each other tightly and kissed passionately, ignoring that another person was asleep next to them.

at this time.

On the outside balcony, a flat black shadow with scarlet eyes slowly climbed up below, and then, along the wall, climbed up the window sill, followed the window sill, and climbed onto the window.

It pierced the window directly, climbed in, and climbed onto the curtain.

The room was not only filled with a breath of fear that made it salivate, but also filled with a strange smell like the smell of an animal about to mate.

For it, it's disgusting.

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