Son-in-law Dan Zun

Chapter 1039: Refuse!

The world is slightly silent.

Xuan Wuji did not speak, and everyone at this moment stared at him with breathlessness, without speaking.

"Luo Wushu!"

Xuan Wuji didn't mean to deliberately hang people's appetite, his gaze fell directly on Luo Wushu.

"Prince Promise." Luo Wushu responded.

"Would you like to follow me to practice from now on?" Xuan Wuji let out a voice slowly.

As soon as this remark came out, the vast world was silent again.

For this result, many people are both accidental and reasonable.

Taking Luo Wushu's cultivation base, his demonstrated strength is absolutely amazing.

No one can do it.

If you say who is most qualified, it is undoubtedly Luo Wushu.

But even so, there are still many sounds of cold breath coming out.

Finally, there are people from the lower realm who are eligible to be invited to go to the temple to practice?

Yu Wanqing's beautiful eyes focused on Luo Wushu's handsome face, and all of a sudden, she became melancholy.

In the bottom of her heart, many depressed emotions seemed to explode at this moment.

How could this be?

She did not question why Luo Wushu was invited.

But shouting to heaven, roaring...

Why did she have to let her know that Mo Tianji was inferior to Luo Wushu after she walked towards the opposite of Luo Wushu.

Mo Tianji clenched his fists, his expression gloomy as if dripping water, his eyes were full of cold resentment.

"Why is this?"

"Why is this?"

In his heart, snarled frantically.

Could it be that he will always look up at Luo Wushu?

Yan Wenzhuo's look also didn't have to be any better than Mo Tianji.

Luo Wushu was invited by Xuan Wuji, and from then on, he leaped over the Dragon Gate and ascended to heaven.

Even his identity will be crushed by Luo Wushu.

At this time, including the people of Tianyu Academy behind Yan Wenzhuo, their expressions were not ugly.

Yan Wenzhuo's previous actions undoubtedly completely offended Luo Wushu.

Right now, Luo Wushu's opportunity to practice in the Heavenly Palace could be a disaster for Tianyu Academy.

As for the other profound realm forces, they didn't feel much.

Although he would be a little envious of Luo Wushu, his performance was not unacceptable when he was invited by Xuan Wuji.

You know, the cultivation conditions of the Lower Realm are much poorer than those of the Profound Realm.

But Luo Wushu can still reach such a level of enchantment, as far as talent is concerned, it is indeed better than most of the proud sons of the Profound Realm.

In contrast, Feng Leizi and others all showed bright smiles on their faces.

Gold will shine after all.

As for Luo Wushu, after all, he was recognized by the people from Tiangong.

Become the only one in recent decades.

No one felt that Luo Wushu would refuse Xuan Wuji's invitation.

Unless his brain is flooded, short-circuited, or he has lost his mind and lost his reason.

But it happened at this time.

Luo Wushu looked at Xuan Wuji earnestly, and said, "Master Wuji's kindness, I understand it with my heart."


As soon as this remark came out, the vast world was silent again.

Each one of his eyes suddenly vibrated, staring at Luo Wushu in disbelief.

Is this really crazy?

Xuan Wuji was also taken aback, and couldn't help asking again: "Do you know how many people in the Profound Realm want to follow my practice?"

When sending out the invitation, he never thought that Luo Wushu would refuse.

"Luo Wushu, are you crazy?"

"Do you know, what are you rejecting?"

"The Heavenly Palace is the Profound Realm, the most supreme place, the identity of Young Master Wuji is even more leisurely in the Heavenly Palace."

"If you agree, why can't you have a foothold in the profound realm?"

"Why there is no way, Qingyun goes straight up and becomes the master of the profound realm?"

Feng Leizi, Lin Yuan and others spread their voices one after another.

Since Xuan Wuji was willing to send out an invitation again, Luo Wushu still had a chance to agree.

However, Luo Wushu didn't seem to hear everyone's reminders at all, and still refused.

"I know that Young Master Wuji is by no means an idle person."

"However, I have been wandering around and have a rather weird personality."

"If you follow Master Wuji's practice, I'm afraid it will cause you a lot of unnecessary trouble."


Luo Wushu's refusal once again caused the crowd to suddenly become uproar, whispering.

"Could it be that he is an idiot who only knows how to practice?"

"Otherwise, how can you be so stupid to refuse the invitation of Lord Promise?"

"According to what I said, even the practitioners of the Profound Realm, there are many people who squeeze their heads and want to go to the Heavenly Palace to practice."


The crowd was full of puzzlement and surprise.

But some people faintly guessed Luo Wushu's psychology, "Perhaps he is just proud!"


"That depends on the object, right?"

"The identity of Young Master Wuji is enough for Luo Wushu to recognize him as a father, let alone follow him in practice."

"This is a great honor for Luo Wushu, right?"


Xuan Wuji glanced at Luo Wushu deeply, his eyes were much more serious than before.

Although Luo Wushu was a tactful refusal, he could still feel the arrogance in Luo Wushu's heart.

No, just because of this arrogance.

Refused to follow the opportunity of his practice and refused this temptation.

"Well, I won't force it." Xuan Wuji said quietly.

His gaze randomly scanned the leaves, Jian Blind and others.

But thinking of a few people, they all had a nostril with Luo Wushu, and didn't say much.

If Luo Wushu is proud.

His pride would only be dozens, hundreds of times, that of Luo Wushu.

Is it going to be rejected again?

Moreover, the outstandingness of the few people is worse than Luo Wushu, which is no pity.

As for An Yixue.

Although the appearance is more amazing than talent.

If it wasn't for Luo Wushu's relationship, Xuan Wuji might invite it.

But the two of them obviously have deep roots in love, and he still disdains to do things like hitting mandarin ducks and grabbing love with a sword.

Xuan Wuji's gaze swept around from the people again, and immediately looked at people coming from the Profound Realm at will.

"You invite it!"

This remark made Deluo Wushu's heart startled.

If he remembers correctly, there are three types of qualifications to practice in the Profound Realm.

The first is... to get the order to ascend to the heavens issued by the people from the heavenly palace, and get the qualifications to practice in the profound realm.

Secondly, it is the profound realm forces that follow the lower realm to go to the profound realm to practice.

Although he refused to follow Xuan Wuji to go to the Heavenly Palace to practice, he should still be eligible to meet the first condition and get the order of ascending to heaven.

Or did Xuan Wuji deliberately let him only cling to the power of the profound realm and go to the profound realm for cultivation?

"Young Master Promise!"

The abbot Master Mingjing doubles ten and asks: "This shows that in this battle of ascending to the sky, no one is eligible for the order to ascend to the sky?"

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