Son-in-law Dan Zun

Chapter 1193: Fight Luo Xiu again!

"Try to kill me!"

The light and windy voice made many people look strange, "Who is it?"

Moreover, listening to the meaning of the voice seemed to be responding to Luo Xiu's words, claiming to be a god.

Yuan Ge and the others suddenly lit up with desperate eyes, as if they saw the hope of coming to life from desperation.

"Brother Luo's voice!"

But in an instant, their eyes turned gloomy again.

Even if Luo Wushu appeared at this moment, what's the use? Luo Xiu could use the power in the galaxy to fight.

And Luo Wushu's strength, but between them.

Even if it is stronger than them, it is too strong, and it is difficult to change anything at all.

"Is it him?" Not only Yuan Ge and others, many people recognized Luo Wushu's voice at this moment.


Some strong men who had witnessed Luo Wushu and Luo Xiu's battle from afar before, all showed a sneer.

Luo Wushu's strength is not fake, but it is not realistic to want to be stronger than Luo Xiu.


Luo Xiu, who occupies a favorable geographical position, is fundamentally invincible.

Luo Xiu can make him a bereavement dog once, and he can have a second time.

It's ridiculous, Luo Wushu actually said without embarrassment...You try to kill me!

Under the gaze of the sky, Luo Wushu stopped and shattered the sword of the avenue.

Many people were surprised at this scene.

But thinking of Luo Xiu's ability to cheat here, no one is still optimistic about Luo Wushu, thinking that he has any chance of winning and can change the situation.

Luo Xiu narrowed his eyes slightly, and a rare surprise flashed across his domineering eyes.

But when he heard that Luocheng was the first to make a noise, he spoke with irony.

"Luo Wushu, Luo Wushu, should I say you are stupid? Or are you an idiot?"

"Obviously I know that my brother is an undefeated existence here, but he still has to come to die."

"Could it be that you are reluctant to look at those guys and die in front of you?"

Upon hearing Luo Cheng's words, Yuan Ge and the others were moved with emotion.

They only had a cooperative relationship with Luo Wushu, but they didn't expect that Luo Wushu could do this for them.

If you risk your death, you have to sacrifice yourselves for help.

"Everyone, don't give up, even if you die, we will never let Luo Xiu get through." Yuan Ge gritted his teeth and said with a moving voice.

"However, Brother Luo can work hard, and so can we!" Cang Yunyang also said.

"Amitabha Buddha, I don't go to hell, whoever goes to hell, today, let us be united in one heart and fight with him Luo Xiu in the dark." Master Hengyuan folded his hands together. At this moment, his already dim physical body turned out to be back to light, once again. Brilliant golden light bursts out.

"Sad love for ants!" Luo Xiu looked at this scene sarcastically, in addition to contempt in his eyes, he was still contemptuous.

When the strength is strong enough, the number of people can be ignored.

And here, he obviously has this strength.

Luo Wushu did not expect that these people had so many plays.

From beginning to end, he only said a statement, and stopped the sword of the avenue.

Moreover, where did these people see that he was desperate?

Could it be that his actions to annihilate that sword weren't enough?

"Brother, don't let him escape this time, I want the pen to return to the original owner." Luo Cheng shouted.

Luo Xiu nodded slightly, his eyes fell on Luo Wushu.

"If I were you, I would be a tortoise with a shrunken head and cherish the last bit of lingering time, rather than being stupid enough to come out and die."

Luo Wushu's mouth swept with a slight arc of noncommittal, and asked, "Just being able to use a little external force to make you so proud?"

"One point?" Luo Xiu stretched out his hands, and the galaxy gathered frantically.

The sword intent of the Great Dao surging around his body has become more powerful than ever.

Just like, the real "Great Sword".

"This time, you won't have a chance to escape again!"

The "Great Sword" came out, and the terrifying power made countless people look disillusioned.

It turned out that Luo Xiu hadn't really shot at all before.

Yuan Ge and others had planned to continue their desperate struggle.

But at this moment, his face was ashamed, and he didn't have the courage to make a move.

Because the pressure that the sword brought to them was too great.

They also knew that even if they tried their best, they would only be in vain and stubbornly resist.

But seeing this, Luo Wushu's figure moved.

The slender white clothes were hunting and hunting, the figure that did not look strong, did not retreat but moved forward, standing in front of everyone, facing the "Great Sword".

"Is this crazy?"

Countless people are trembling in their hearts, even if they don't escape, at least they must know how to avoid the edge for a while!

Of course, there are some people who have a strange illusion in their hearts.

Faintly, the invincible figure in white clothes gave them a feeling of standing upright.

When the sky fell, he could hold it.

What's more, it's just a small amount of Luo Xiu.

Seeing the "Great Sword of the Great Dao" slayed, Luo Wushu's palm just lightly lifted.

Then, shoot it.


A dull sound.

Immediately, countless people were shocked to see that Luo Xiu's "Great Sword" shot upside down.

There is no even the slightest match, and some are just completely crushed.

Of course, the scene of crushing is not unexpected.

It just means that the object being crushed is Luo Xiu, not Luo Wushu.

"How can this be?"

Immediately, countless incredible voices sounded.

Luo Wushu's shot, obviously unremarkable, why can he crush Luo Xiu with the power of destroying the dry and decayed?

What kind of magic is in that palm?

"how did you do that?"

Luo Xiu stabilized his figure in embarrassment and looked at Luo Wushu in disbelief.

The domineering and indifference of the past are no longer in the eyes, instead of thick jealousy.

At close range, he faintly felt that Luo Wushu seemed to be the master of this monastic ground.

One thought, terribly mobilizes the power of endless heaven and earth for its use.

"What do you mean?" Luo Wushu chuckled, and suddenly pressed his palm against Luo Cheng.

There was a creaking sound, it was the sound of broken bones.

Immediately, Luo Cheng's figure knelt down, "Luo Wushu, you..."

"Luo Xiu is already unable to protect himself. As one of the peerless arrogances, are you so anxious to beg for mercy for him?" Luo Wushu said with a smile.

Only at this moment, that smile in Luo Cheng's eyes was no different from the devil.

He was obviously forced to kneel down, where he wanted to kneel down for Luo Xiu and beg for mercy.

"Luo! No! Book!" Luo Xiu roared grimly.

"It's okay, I can give you another shot." Luo Wushu smiled indifferently, it didn't look like he was in a big battle.

"Boom..." The power in the galaxy madly gathered towards Luo Xiu, making his figure completely submerged.

But even so, he still has no plans to stop.

Rather, he desperately mobilized the power he could use to reconsolidate the "Great Sword".

He didn't understand how Luo Wushu became so strong, but he wanted to make Luo Wushu's arrogance pay the price.

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