Son-in-law Dan Zun

Chapter 1380: Kill the witch cult!

The evil witch cult is located in a valley northwest of the Nine Swords Mountain Range.

This valley is shrouded in amazing thick fog all the year round, it is difficult to see through, and people have always maintained awe and fear of the valley.

In addition, the reputation of the evil witch cult is not good, so this valley, except for the people of the evil witch cult, is not set foot in this valley.

at this time.

In the depths of the valley, a very cold breath swept across the valley suddenly, soaring into the sky, causing all the cultists in it to take a breath.

They have joined the cult for so long, and they have never seen the leader so angry.

"Did this happen?" There was a puzzled voice.

"Previously, I saw Vice-Master Lin leave in a hurry, could it be..." Someone spoke in shock, and did not dare to express the bold conjecture in his heart.

"Impossible." On the side, a voice denied it on the spot: "Associate Guru Lin is a supreme realm powerhouse, even those top-powered powerhouses can't help it."

"Unless it is the leader of the top power, but if that exists, it is impossible for Vice-Master Lin to provoke him."

"Then what do you think is possible?"

"Bring your ears closer."

"God is mysterious, it seems that you really know something."

"I think the leader must have found himself green."


"The leader doesn't have a wife at all."

"No madam, but there are a lot of women!"

"You mean that Vice-Master Lin gave the leader green, and then ran away, until now the leader found out, and then became furious?"


"You are clever. You can have such a strong power of observation if your brain is not bright."

"Associate Guru Lin is a seducer. I have found several times that he almost drools when staring at the woman of the guru." The man smugly said, "Unfortunately, I don't have the strength of Associate Guru Lin. Otherwise, I must sleep all over. The woman of the leader."


"Dare to kill the son of the leader, the brother of the leader, no matter who it is, even if you go to the poor and fall to the yellow spring, the leader will crush you to pieces."

At this moment, Lin Tianwu, the leader of the evil witch cult in the depths of the valley, roared to the sky, causing the evil witch cult to shake up and down.

The complacent person who also made his expression suddenly stiff.

It turned out that it was not what he thought.

But more people are not paying attention to the person being beaten in the face at all, but to the words of the leader Lin Tianwu.

Who can move the vice-master Lin Tianhuan?

All of a sudden, the evil witch cult went up and down, shocked by it.

However, no one dared to ask the leader Lin Tianwu what happened, for fear of being regarded as the object of venting.


At this time, there was a violent eruption outside the valley.

The entire guardian formation of the evil witch cult suffered a fierce attack and was plunged into astonishing turmoil.


He shouted coldly and spit out from the mouths of many powerful cult cults, but there are still people who come to commit the cult innocently?

"Could it be... the murderer who killed the vice-master Lin!" Some people thought of who the person might be, and suddenly, a storm surged in their hearts.

Who is it sacred to dare to possess such confidence and strength? It is not enough to kill Deputy Guru Lin, but to kill the evil cult directly?


Another violent collision erupted, and the guardian formation of the evil witch cult was finally broken.

Then, countless stern eyes were horrified to see a magic sword pierced through the air, engulfing the monstrous demon power and killing aura, and punishing the people of the evil witch cult.


In an instant, there was a sound of screams from the sky, and the figures fell under the magic sword.



"A demon is coming."


Fear sounds, one after another.

Immediately, I saw countless figures bursting towards the depths of the valley.

On weekdays, these evil witch cult disciples did not dare to approach the place of cultivation of the leader Lin Tianwu.

But at this moment, where did they scrupulously come over.

Without the protection of the leader, they must die without life under the magic sword.

"Trash, who allowed you to approach the forbidden ground?" A stern voice resounded.

I saw in the depths of the valley, a gloomy breath swept out of the valley, enveloping those fleeing figures in embarrassment.

Subsequently, screams continued.

Those figures did not die under the magic sword, but died in the hands of the leader Lin Tianwu.

Lin Tianwu's figure flew out from the depths of the valley, and then coldly looked at the line of figures that appeared with the magic sword.

However, that line of figures is unexpectedly young.

"The sword is controlled by you?" Lin Tianwu's gloomy gaze stopped on Luo Wushu.

Seeing the young faces of Luo Wushu and his party, the killing intent in his heart is still strong, but his vigilance has faded a lot.

Can such a lineup kill Lin Tianhuan?

"Not bad!" Luo Wushu nodded, and also took a look at Lin Tianwu.

His figure is not as thin as Lin Tianhuan, with a handsome look between his eyebrows. When he wants to be young, his appearance is not as bad as Lin Xie's.

It seems that Lin Tianwu and Lin Xie are the father and son, and Lin Tianhuan can be regarded as an uncle at best.

However, Luo Wushu didn't pay much attention to the other's appearance.

From his cruel heart to the point that he could kill his witch cult without mercy, he could see that this witch cult leader is definitely a cruel and cruel generation, and he should not rest.

"So, Lin Xie and Tian Huan died in your hands?" Lin Tianwu asked again, with an undisguised killing intent in his voice.

Of course he understood that these questions were asked knowingly.

But I still want to hear the answer.

After all, Luo Wushu's own cultivation base is not strong.

"Yes!" Luo Wushu cherishes words like gold.

"Hahaha... Although the leader does not believe that you can kill Tianhuan, but I still want to ask..." Lin Tianhuan smiled furiously, "Who gave you the courage to kill me from the evil witch cult?"

"Are you an idiot?" Luo Wushu let out a faint voice, making Lin Tianwu's face stiff, and then he shouted in a gloomy voice: "Small, do you know what you are talking about?"

"You are not an idiot, so how can you ask such a stupid question? I even plan to kill you. What courage is needed to kill you witches and teach others?" Luo Wushu responded lightly, making Lin Tianwu's face gloomy. horrible.

"very good!"

"It has been a long, long time, no one dared to provoke this leader so much!"

"The leader promises that no one will be able to save you today, even if you go to the poor blue and fall to the yellow spring."

Lin Tianwu growled gloomily.

There was an extremely astonishing aura surging around him, far beyond the ordinary supreme realm powerhouse.


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