Son-in-law Dan Zun

Chapter 1382: Don't have a hole in the sky!

Sometimes, Luo Wushu would think, if it wasn't for Bai Yiqing, what would he be like now?

Still that Dandi?

Or did it use the "Eternal Eternal Pill" to reach the state of no one before?

But no matter what it was, Luo Wushu didn't think it would be much better than his current self.

In his previous life, he has a noble status and is respected by countless people, but he is also lonely.

Even his closest relatives, Baiyiqing, a disciple who regarded him as his own, betrayed him for "Henggu Immortal Pill."

Today, it's different.

Although he is weak now, like a sailing ship in a storm, he is at risk of being overwhelmed at any time.

But by his side, there are confidantes, brothers, and dear loves...everyone can face the violent storm side by side with him, and live and die together.

The identity is just a cloud, and the strength can be further cultivated, but the lovely people around him are irreplaceable in their past and present lives.

"I really want to know!" Lin Tianwu responded.

Obviously, he knew that the person in front of him was called Luo Wushu, who was a fifth-grade Heavenly Sovereign realm, but he still wanted to hear Luo Wushu's answer.

"I am Emperor Dan!" Luo Wushu let out a voice slowly.

On that day, the phantom poisonous worm was annihilated under the magic sword, and Lin Tianwu's figure actually knelt down in the air.

It looked like that, after hearing Luo Wushu's identity, he was doing the power of bowing.


Above the sky, the light of thunder shone suddenly, and there was thunder that shook the sky, and it seemed that there was a terrifying vision breeding.

"No book!" An Yixue yelled softly. Now she is the one who knows Luo Wushu best.

Naturally, I know more than many people.

Luo Wushu raised his head and glanced at the sky, and immediately returned to normal.

Although his eyes are still deep, they lack the meaning of the emperor, which just gives people an invisible feeling.

At that moment, he unexpectedly felt another inexplicable peep.

Just like before, he used white paper for life and soul.

This makes it a little puzzled, why.

Before, when he was still in the lower realm, he thought that inexplicable peeping might only come from the profound realm.

But at this moment, he could be sure that the peep was not in the profound realm, not in the palace of heaven.

"So, will it be Heaven?" Luo Wushu whispered, there was too much confusion in his heart.

What kind of existence does the White Paper Fate Soul exist? Why is it that every time it is used, there will be a huge movement according to the law, but the fate soul that is shaped is okay?

Emperor Dan is nothing more than a title, why would it cause a huge disturbance, as if it should be intolerable by heaven?

Luo Wushu couldn't even help but guess that there was no powerful being spying on him at all.

It was Tiandao itself, staring at him.

"Huh!" Luo Wushu took a breath of air and didn't think about it anymore. Instead, he turned his attention back to the volley kneeling figure in front of him.

If it weren't for Lin Tianwu's life soul, who could attack the soul, he would never reveal the other side hidden deep in his bones.

Because Dan Dao and Martial Dao are two completely different ways.

But now, he does not intend to live under the aura of the former Dan Emperor.

"Emperor Dan?"

Lin Tianwu was still stunned, his eyes filled with incomprehension, what is Emperor Dan?

Is the emperor of Danzhong?

However, at what age is Luo Wushu, how could he aspire to the emperor on the alchemy?

"Are you satisfied with this answer?" Luo Wushu raised his palm, and the nine-handed demon sword attacked Lin Tianwu again.

Without the oppression caused by the imperial intent, although the magic sword is strong, Lin Tianwu will not be unable to resist.

"Nine ghosts trapped in the dragon formation!" Lin Tianwu yelled, the injured figure fleeing towards the depths of the valley.

"Boom!" The wave of the formation swept out.

In an instant, there was a continuous resounding of gloomy voices in the valley.

In all directions, there were lines of hideous ghost figures killing Xiang Luo Wushu.

"Negative Yu stubbornly resist!" Luo Wushu let out a cold voice. At this moment, doesn't Lin Tianwu still understand the power of the magic sword?

The sound of killing still resounded throughout the world, and the nine-handed demon sword shattered the nine ghosts and trapped dragon formations with a force of destroying the dryness and decay.

"Shoo!" Luo Wushu took a step forward, chasing and killing Lin Tianwu.

Since they have all reached the lair of the evil witch cult, it is natural to kill them all to avoid future troubles.

Today, he is not very afraid of Lin Tianwu.

But Yaoyue and others, he had to think more.

Mo Fan and the others followed Luo Wushu's figure and came into the valley, but they didn't see any figure of Lin Tianwu.

He seemed to have evaporated from the world.

"Where is the person?" Mo Fan said in a puzzled voice, including Yaoyue and others with doubts, "he escaped in?"

Luo Wushu's gaze was also looking around.

What is certain is that Lin Tianwu is indeed in the valley.

Although the clouds and mists in the valley were thicker, Yiluo's bookless strength, if Lin Tianwu fled to the sky, he would definitely be able to see it.

"Did that escape to the ground?"

The magic sword pierced down towards the ground. Although the speed was not slow, the movement was extremely violent, let alone people?

If Lin Tianwu flees underground, they can definitely feel it.

"Perhaps there is no cave in this." An Yixue groaned and said what she had guessed in her heart.

This conjecture was immediately unanimously agreed by everyone.

Otherwise, there seems to be no better explanation.

The group of people looked around carefully. In the valley, the coldness was more prominent on the periphery, giving people a very uncomfortable feeling.

Moreover, they found that the valley was almost bare, except for the mountain walls, there were no flowers or trees living in it.

Luo Wushu slowly closed his eyes, feeling the scene around him with his mind.

If there is no cave, where will it be?

At this moment, his attention has become unprecedentedly focused, so as not to miss any spatial fluctuations.

After a long time, his eyes opened, making Mo Fan and the others happy, "I found it?"

Luo Wushu shook his head slightly, "No!"

"Damn it, it's no wonder he didn't let anyone approach it, and regarded it as a forbidden place. It turned out that there is no cave here, and there are secrets that no one knows." Mo Fan kicked a stone in front of his foot hard.

"Shoo!" The stone burst out and hit the mountain wall in front of it fiercely.

However, there was no astonishing bang that everyone had made.

Instead, under the surprised gaze of Luo Wushu and others, he merged into the mountain wall and disappeared.

"That's okay?" Even Mo Fan couldn't help making a surprised voice.

Inadvertently inserting willows into the shade, nothing more than that.

"Awesome!" Luo Wushu gave Mo Fan a thumbs up.

In fact, he also inspected the stone wall a bit, but after all, it was a large-scale search, and it was inevitable that there was negligence.

Moreover, when it is not touched, there is no spatial fluctuation on the stone wall.

"Do you want to go in together?" Luo Wushu looked at everyone, only to see that everyone nodded without hesitation.

"Okay, let's hold hands, be careful!" Luo Wushu said cautiously, and then took An Yixue's slender jade hand.

The group of people walked towards the stone wall as if they had disappeared out of thin air.

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