Son-in-law Dan Zun

Chapter 1388: Slaughter the gods and slaughter the immortals!

"Fighting the sky and locking the ground, town!"

As Xuanhuang Pagoda was urged by Luo Wushu, a terrible banning force broke out immediately.

At this moment, the space is no longer simply sinking, but has suffered terrible suppression.

"How is it possible?" Ji Yao said in disbelief. He who obviously used "virtual solution", his figure was forcibly squeezed out of the folded space at this moment.

"Puff!" The Slaughter Heaven Sword penetrated his body once again, and the seemingly similar scene caused Ji Yao to scream sternly.

Many people don't even know what happened, why the seemingly similar scene will have two completely different results.

The devastating killing force annihilated Ji Yao's vitality, causing his aura to decay at an astonishing speed.

"Humble human, you actually have so many treasures on your body?" Ren Zhen could no longer sit still.

His figure rose from the purple and gold throne and turned into a black light directly, punishing Luo Wushu.


There was a sharp sound, and Ren Jian at this moment seemed to turn into a dark divine sword, wrapped in a monstrous evil atmosphere, which made the pores horrible.

"Kill!" Luo Wushu stepped forward, his figure advancing instead of retreating.

His figure seemed to merge with the Slaughter Heaven Sword at this moment, sweeping out a monstrous slaughter aura.

"Slaying the sky!"

The magic sword pierced through the sky, and the world seemed to stretch straight ahead, and the terrifying power of killing seemed to be able to slaughter gods and immortals.


When the swords converged, time and space seemed to stagnate for a short time.

Immediately, an atmosphere of incomparable destruction swept through, raging, making countless people terrified, and the world changed.

"Don't miss the opportunity!" Wu Zongsheng yelled at this moment.

Not only him, but many strong men and lackeys of evil races outside the territories, all moved at this moment.

They didn't plan to wait for Luo Wu and their king to slowly separate the results.

Boom boom boom! ! !

Astonishing fluctuations swept across the vast world, and in an instant, there were secretly charged offensives that killed Xiang Luo Wushu.

Obviously, these people are waiting for this moment, the chance of a sneak attack.

"Despicable!" The crowd couldn't help worrying for Luo Wushu. They didn't expect that the evil race outside the territories would play tricks of sneak attacks at this moment.

"Originally, I wanted to have more patience to play with you, but now it seems that it is not necessary."

However, what was even more unexpected was that even at this moment, Luo Wushu still didn't have the slightest panic.

It's just that his handsome face has become a little bit colder.

The power of the ban, diffused from the Xuanhuang Pagoda, suppressing the void, and the Slaughter Heaven Sword continued to explode with a devastating slaughter.

In his hand, a seemingly ordinary brick appeared.

Countless eyes were surprised, and instinctively felt a bit funny and ridiculous. Is Luo Wushu out of his skills?

But because they had seen the Xuanhuang Pagoda and the Slaughter Heaven Sword, they did not dare to completely despise the seemingly ordinary brick.

Maybe, it's just that they are clumsy?

The offensive is coming, it seems that in the next second, Luo Wushu's figure can be buried in it.

But in the next instant, countless eyes solidified again.

The ordinary bricks are like the most terrifying thing in the world, and they can only be photographed casually, and they can see the powerful offensive all over the sky, and they are all annihilated in front of them.

There is no suspense, and there is no resistance.

"How is it possible?" Even Ren Jian, who thought he was in control of everything, changed at this moment, even though he had been aloof before.

This Luo Wushu, where did the metamorphosis emerge, possessing one after another powerful treasures.

Moreover, some even made him unable to understand.


Luo Wushu didn't talk nonsense with it, even if even the Fengshenzhen Demon Monument was exposed, he naturally had to solve the opponent as quickly as possible.

"Bang!" The Demon Monument of Fengshen Town swept the void and took a picture of Ren Zhen.

Ren Zhen's figure turned into a cloud of black light and wanted to flee away, but under the suppression of the Fengtiansuodi formation, his speed was directly reduced.

Accompanied by a stern sound, his figure completely died under the Demon Monument of Fengshen Town.

The king of the evil race from outside the world, the strongest, became the first strong to fall under Luo Wushu's hands.

It was Ji Yao, still hanging out, lingering.

The sky full of gazes, the look at Luo Wushu's eyes, completely changed.

Who could have imagined that a fifth-rank Heavenly Sovereign Realm could be so enchanting?

Even if he is relying on foreign objects, it is too enchanting.

"Escape!" There was a voice.

Immediately, many figures, like scattered dogs, fled in all directions, no one dared to face Luo Wushu's offensive.


Luo Wushu spit out another figure, with an astonishing banning power covering the vast space.

The Slaughter Heaven Sword broke through the air and swept one side.

And he himself used the Golden Winged Roc Bird's Life and Soul to chase and kill one party.


The setting sun is like blood.

And the ground below was even more stained with blood.

At this moment, Luo Wushu was like a killing **** who had walked out of purgatory, and his body was filled with a thrilling killing aura.

However, no one felt that Luo Wushu was too much, but felt extremely happy.

The evil races and human races outside the territory are not at the same time, and Luo Wushu certainly can't let it go.

And those traitors who are willing to become running dogs of the evil race outside the territory are actually more damnable than the evil race outside the territory itself.

In this regard, Luo Wushu could only kill.

Kill without mercy.

After a while, Luo Wushu's killing figure stopped.

At this time, on the ground below, there was a wounded figure looking at Luo Wushu with fear.

"Why don't you kill me?"

Wu Zongsheng didn't think he wanted to spare himself because of the cruelty that Yiluo Wushu showed.

The unknown is just scary. At this time, Wu Zongsheng would rather die in exchange for relief.

"Guess!" Luo Wushu let out a voice indifferently, and did not answer Wu Zongsheng's words immediately, but put it into the Xuanhuang Pagoda.

If it were in its heyday, he would naturally not be able to force Wu Zongsheng into the Xuanhuang Pagoda.

But at this moment, Wu Zongsheng, who was seriously injured, had no resistance at all.

In addition, the deterrence caused by the previous killings has already made Wu Zongsheng face him, without any resistance.

"From now on, without my permission, no one can leave Hosa City!" Luo Wushu spit out another voice. He didn't want to spread the world in Hosa City temporarily, especially to the outside world.

"Yes!" At this moment, no one would dare not follow Luo Wushu's voice.

Moreover, as long as Luo Wushu told them not to leave Hosa City, it was not a restriction on their actions.

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