Son-in-law Dan Zun

Chapter 1501: The ‘Rescue’ is here!

"Don't worry."

"In a while, your fate will be a thousand times worse than them." The leader of the evil race outside the territory said with a grinning smile.

At this moment, he naturally also wondered whether the figure in white clothes was pretending to be.

But that is not something that needs to be verified at the moment.

To his people, as long as the figure in white clothes does not intervene in the battle, it is enough.

Of course, this is not to say that he doesn't mind being deceived.

After a while, if let him discover that the figure in white clothes is not a terrifying powerhouse, but just a person who pretends to be a ghost.

Then he would make the white figure figure a thousand times worse than Luo Wushu.

Luo Wushu coldly swept the evil clan leader outside his eyes.

Although he didn't say much, the killing intent in his eyes had already expressed his anger.

"Boom! Boom!"

One after another, there were light noises, one after another from Luo Wushu's body.

The nine-turn star body rotates to the fourth turn, making his body extremely gorgeous and eye-catching.

A variety of terrifying sword intents also suddenly flowed in front of Luo Wushu, making people feel a wave of heart palpitations.

"Junior Brother Luo, be careful!" Ouyang Die shouted in panic.

Fighting at this level is no longer their strength and can intervene.

Luo Wushu couldn't even bother to respond to the same door in the academy. The mana in his body burst out frantically, roaring.

A variety of terrifying sword intents also quietly converged and merged on the Purple Pole Heavenly Thunder Sword.

"What a powerful mana!" The crowd was shocked.

Although Luo Wushu was only the pinnacle of the Heavenly Sovereign Realm, he only talked about the strength and strength of his mana, which was enough to make many supreme realm experts feel ashamed.

It is no wonder that Luo Wushu is only the cultivation base of the peak of the Heavenly Venerable Realm, so he can possess that abnormal leapfrog fighting ability.

"Negative corner stubbornly resist!"

The leader of the evil clan from outside the territories sneered and spit out a voice, scornful of Luo Wushu's response.

No matter how evil it is, what storms can it bring out in front of the Blood Infant Saint Demon Array?

Luo Wu's expression was cold, his arms trembled, and the Purple Extreme Sky Thunder Sword finally cut through the void at this moment and cut it out.

Compared with the terrifying power of the Demon King's hand, the Purple Extreme Sky Thunder Sword looked so inconspicuous.

Even when the two met, everyone felt that Luo Wushu might be dangerous.

But in an instant, everyone's pupils condensed abruptly.

I saw a wave of incomparably terrifying swordsmanship suddenly pouring out of the sword body.

The hand of the demon king, no longer like before, showed the posture of crushing, destroying and decayed.

It was caught in a violent tremor.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The bursting sound resounded one after another.

Those were the hands of the Demon King, which were brutally destroyed under the Purple Lightning Thunder Sword.

"This..." The hearts of the people trembled, and the shocking scene completely exceeded their expectations.

Of course, Luo Wushu is not easy.

The astonishing blast wave and the terrifying energy shock wave directly caused his figure to be shaken and flew away in embarrassment.

A muffled hum, with an unbearable meaning, poured into his mouth, but was forcibly swallowed by Luo Wushu.

His eyes, Bing Ning, looked at the shadow of the demon king, both angry and jealous.

With this sword, he almost exhausted all his strength.

However, can this only be done?


The leader of the evil clan outside the territories stared at Luo Wushu fiercely, and couldn't help but praise him.

"Although there is no ambivalence, but I have to admit that you are indeed an admirable enemy."

"It's just the peak of the Heavenly Venerable Realm, but it can be so enchanting."

"But because of your evildoing, you must die today."

Luo Wushu noncommittal swept the leader of the evil race outside his eyes, communicating with the old man in the Demon Stele of Fengshen Town in his heart.

However, there is still no response.

"Old stuff!"

"Absorbing so much energy, what are you doing?"

"It's been so long, it's still the same as dead."

Luo Wushu was speechless and his expression became more solemn.

"call out!"

At this moment, there was suddenly, and the wind broke through the air.

Everyone's eyes condensed.

Looking at the black spots in the distance, the faintly surfacing figure, deep in the eyes, there is a sense of surprise.

Is that the salvation from the signal flares?

"Damn it!"

"The strong human race has been called out."

The expressions of many powerful evil races outside the territory sank.

The speed of the group was extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, everyone could clearly see the faces of the group.

However, this did not make everyone more happy.

On the contrary, the look of surprise on his face disappeared.

The signal flares are indeed calling for help.

Moreover, the strong man, the headed man, was still one of the eight heavenly generals.

But it is precisely the one who has the worst relationship with Huang Xuan Academy.

The ancestor of the Yue family, Yue Xingming.

"Is this a narrow road to the enemy?" Everyone couldn't help but ask in secret, with a sense of uneasiness quietly emerging in their hearts.

Yue Xingming and the strong behind him were also taken aback when they saw the people of Huangxuan Academy.

But soon, there was a touch of abuse in his eyes.

They are Yue Xingming's people, how can they not know that Yue Xingming's dissatisfaction with Huangxuan Academy and his killing intent towards Luo Wushu?

"Are you asking for help?" A playful voice came out faintly.

However, it did not come from Yue Xingming's mouth, but a black-clothed powerhouse behind him.

Gou Yue, the fifth-rank supreme realm cultivation base, looks like an eagle hook nose, and is one of Yue Xingming's confidants.

In addition to his strength, more importantly, he understood Yue Xingming's mind very well.


"These extraterritorial evil races are far stronger than intelligence information, and they cannot be easily dealt with by Huang Xuan Academy."

"So, ask Tiangong for help."

Luo Wushu responded calmly, his voice was neither humble nor overbearing.

It is undeniable that Yue Xingming's appearance really made him feel uneasy.

But the evil clan from outside the territories is in front, Yue Xingming, who is the meaning of the eight great generals, will know which one is lighter and heavier if he thinks about it.

"Oh?" Gou Yue smiled and looked at Luo Wushu, "Now in the Profound Realm, who knows that you Luo Wushu has extraordinary powers and enchantments. The evil races in front of you are indeed slightly different from the intelligence, but how could it be you? opponent?"

"Well said!"

"In my opinion, it's just you from Huangxuan Academy, you want to be lazy and don't work hard!"

On the side, the other strong men also opened their mouths with a chuckle.

All of them who were familiar with Yue Xingming knew... they didn't say anything, and didn't stop Gou Yue, indicating that they had acquiesced in all this.

"We tried our best to kill most of the strongest evil races outside the territory."

"Now, Junior Brother Luo and others are also injured, but they have become lazy and helpless when they fall into your mouth."

"Just ask, what counts as effort?"

Ouyang Die asked, although she had forcibly endured her anger, her voice was still mixed with coldness.

Gou Yue disapproved, and chuckled slightly, "None of you fell, is it also called doing your best?"

Ouyang Die's expression sank, "You..."

Including many people from Huangxuan Academy, there was an expression of undisguised anger on their faces.

Co-authoring, must there be a dead person before it can be considered a contribution?

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