Son-in-law Dan Zun

Chapter 1618: A stab at breaking the boat!


The dark long knife in Gan Yuyang's hand was raised again, and there was a more terrifying dark divine light flowing on the knife body.

Not only that, there was a sound of thunder from above the sky.

The dark thunder light seemed to be summoned by Gan Yuyang, falling down, flowing on the blade, making the pervasive fluctuation on the blade more terrifying.


The second knife cut it out, and it actually gave people the feeling that the void was going to be smashed directly, and it really possessed the majesty of opening the world.

Luo Wushu raised his head, staring at the boundless and huge light of the sword, his expression became more solemn.

Only among them, the power of thunder circulating makes him feel threatened.

This knife is very strong!


The sword intent of Luo Wushu's whole body became more and more astonishing, the horrifying sound of sword roar was heard from the Flame Hell Sword, and the sword immortal seemed to really show its fierce power at this moment, and a sword came out.


The sword and the knife once again met, collided, and burst out an even more terrifying storm of destruction before.

In addition, there are two completely different rays of light that burst out into the sky, as if they were the great divine light transformed by the power of the immortal controlled by the two, in a contest.

But there is no doubt that the kendo divine light is more dazzling and dazzling.

Gan Yuyang watched this scene gloomily, with a little less confidence in his eyes and a little more seriousness in his eyes.

The second cut was actually taken by Luo Wushu?

And this guy, the comprehension of the power of Xian Ze, is even better than him?

At this moment, Gan Yuyang suddenly understood why Luo Wushu could easily punish the strong man who sealed the peak of the king.

In addition to the lack of cultivation, Luo Wushu is almost impeccable in other respects.

Whether it is the secret technique of cultivation, or the comprehension of the power of the immortal, they are only stronger than him.

However, if there is a lack of cultivation, it is enough.

He still has confidence and can defeat Luo Wushu.

In the vast world, countless figures watched this scene tremblingly, especially the top powerhouses of the evil races outside the territory such as Ren Qingying, the shock in their hearts was even greater.

They knew more about Gan Yuyang's strength, however, even if he took a shot against Luo Wushu, they couldn't help it.

Moreover, even with the continuous use of the Seven Slashes of the Holy Demon, they could not be killed.

Today's Luo Wushu, what is the limit of his strength?

Under countless trembling eyes, Gan Yuyang's figure took another step, and the dark long knife in his hand moved again.

A terrifying sword intent converged again, and it was superimposed with the sword momentum that had not been dispersed before, becoming stronger and stronger, radiating a terrifying oppressive force toward the vast world.

The space became trembling, and there was a terrible roar from the dark sword, which seemed to contain Gan Yuyang's monstrous anger.

"The third cut!"

The roar came from Gan Yuyang's mouth.

At this moment, the sky faintly roared with him, and another incredibly terrifying knife light cut out.

This knife is almost the same as the previous knife's light and route trajectory. It seems to be the same knife, but as long as you are not blind, you can see it. It has become more fierce and more domineering.

Luo Wushu's fighting spirit was elevated, and the sword fairy and flame fairy surging around him became more and more frightening. Regarding the degree of dazzling, even ten Gan Yuyang couldn't beat it.

The sword cut out again, and a terrifying collision broke out, still blocking the third cut.

And this scene made Gan Yuyang's expression extremely gloomy.

Could it be that he really couldn't kill Luo Wushu today?

In fact, the sacred demon can only use the first five slashes.

However, now, the first three cuts can't help Luo Wushu, if the next two cuts can't kill, is it that today, all his holy clan's abacus will be empty?

Gan Yuyang thought in his heart that the fourth sword was already gaining momentum, and in addition to far superior to the previous terrifying trend on the dark long sword, there was also a terrifying thunderstorm brewing.

The fourth cut, compared with the first three cuts, has another qualitative increase in power.


Gan Yuyang drank coldly again, cutting out the fourth knife.

The world trembled violently, and the power of destruction also made countless people frightened and discolored.

Apart from Luo Wushu, who else is there to hopefully stop such a stab?

Looking at that horrible knife, the despair in Ling Lao's eyes became more and more intense.

Gan Yuyang is not a little better than him.

Unless someone can kill Gan Yuyang for him, he will never have a chance to avenge his great feud in this life.

But, there are really people who can kill Gan Yuyang?

In the future, Luo Wushu may be able to do so, but today, he is afraid that he will not escape to death?

Xuan Cang's expression became a little ugly, and only he himself knew about some things between him and the evil race outside the territory.

However, today the evil race outside the territories dispatched such a powerful person, but he has never been aware of it.

If, Gan Yu masculine is not attacking Luo Wushu, but capturing the Demon Town, at this moment, the Demon Town is afraid that it has fallen.

Thinking of this, Xuan Cang quickly issued an order, not daring to take it lightly.

Luo Wushu looked at the light of the destruction sword coming from the slash, and there was a faint flow of sword intent in his eyes, extremely sharp.

In it, the brilliant light became more and more dazzling, pushing the power to the limit.

In addition, the Flame Fairy and the Sword Fairy have also undergone transformation.

"Hell's Tome, Hell Sword!" A voice spit out from Luo Wushu's mouth.

Immediately, I saw that the Flame Prison Sword burst out with a completely different, but unprecedentedly powerful sword light.

The terrifying sword light, as if from hell, converged with the destructive sword light with the power of terror.

"Bang bang bang!!!"

At this moment, it seems that the sky is falling apart, and just destroying the aftermath, seems to be enough to easily kill a strong man who has sealed the peak of the king.

The vast world, countless figures, scalp numb watching this scene, Luo Wushu, can this guy be more abnormal?

Is there no limit to his strength?


There was a bursting sound.

The blade light that was destroyed took the lead to explode and fell into a disadvantage before Luo Wu wrote.

But for this scene, Gan Yuyang seemed to have expected it, he had long felt that the fourth behead was not dead, Luo Wushu, so after the fourth beheaded, he planned the fifth behead.

At this moment, at the moment the Destroying Blade burst into light, the fifth cut also cut out towards Luo Wushu.

More violent, more domineering knife.

Moreover, this sword is still a human sword, as if it contains all the essence of Gan Yuyang's sword.

There is no retreat.

"Today, you must die!" Gan Yuyang's roar, emanating from the sound of the sword, resounded throughout the world.

Feeling the terrifying knife that broke the boat, it was difficult for everyone to refute Gan Yuyang's words.

Even if Luo Wushu's previous performance was very against the sky, he still couldn't give birth.

Because the power of this sword is several times that of the previous one.

How can Luo Wushu resist?

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