Son-in-law Dan Zun

Chapter 235: Evil spirit, sword spirit!

"Blood Dragon Spirit?"

Luo Wushu resisted the erosion of the fierce aura, while looking at the scarlet spar in front of him.

The blood dragon crystal will continue to strengthen itself as it consumes blood, and over time, a "blood dragon spirit" will be born.

Under normal circumstances, some places where the dragon sits and transforms, it will leave a ray of remnant thoughts, eroding the blood dragon spirit with the remnant thoughts, making itself survive in another way.

That is the evil spirit.

In other words, the blood dragon spirit in front of you is likely to erode into evil spirits?

If not, the fierce aura that eroded into Luo Wushu's body would not be so strong.

Luo Wushu's figure approached towards the blood dragon crystal and said: "Nielong, you shouldn't exist in this world anymore, so why bother to stay?"

"Roar..." A roar resounded in Luo Wushu's mind, which doubled the fierce aura that invaded his mind.

Luo Wu's writing color twisted slightly, and immediately returned to nature, seemingly light and breezy.

"No matter how you linger, today, you can't escape the result of being annihilated."

"Roar, roar, roar..." As Luo Wushu's voice fell, the roar that came into his mind continued one after another, as if to shake his heart.

Moreover, that extreme fierce aura is becoming more and more violent.

"It's useless!" Luo Wushu continued, "Don't say you're just a ray of remnant soul, even you in your heyday, never want to shake my will."

His voice is very calm, but it gives people an indisputable feeling.

Afterwards, the unwilling roar actually stopped, it seemed that it was really shaken by Luo Wushu's words.

Of course, Luo Wushu didn't really believe that the evil spirit would be so obedient.

What is an evil spirit? It is formed by the most evil and ugly part of the evil dragon in his lifetime.

It doesn't shed tears if it doesn't see the coffin, it doesn't face destruction, it doesn't know how to fear, let alone awe at all.

I saw that above the blood dragon crystal, that little snake-like dragon shadow became hideous at this moment.

At that horn, a group of jet black quickly gathered, and in the next instant, the fierce aura exploded exponentially.


On Luo Wushu's palm, a group of flames suddenly appeared, which was his pill fire.

Today's Pill Fire is much stronger than when the Heavenly Sword Sect was just condensed.

"Pill fire to sun, if you and the blood dragon crystal are burned together, what will be the result?"

Luo Wushu spoke lightly, and Dan Huo happily jumped over his palm.

"Roar, roar..." The roar of the evil dragon suddenly became frightened.

In essence, it is now even a yin thing, and it has an instinctive sense of fear for the pill fire.

"If you really want to linger in this world, you have one last choice."

Luo Wushu spoke lightly, and the flame on his palm continued to rise, dancing for joy.

"Roar..." The roar of the evil spirit became low and deep, as if it was extremely unwilling.

But I had to listen to what Luo Wushu's choice was.

"It needs a sword spirit!" Luo Wushu reached out and pointed out the Scarlet Blood Sword.

Although the Scarlet Blood Sword was only an earth-level middle-grade spiritual weapon, it was entrusted to him by Qin Mu.

For Luo Wushu, the significance of this sword is quite significant.

He is not only a sword, but also a responsibility, a mission.

It has been a while since I came to Qingzhou, but Luo Wushu has never slackened.

Whether it is participating in the Lihenzong Inner Sect Grand Competition or entering the Supreme Beginning Heaven in the name of Lihenzong's disciples, in the end, it is all for cultivation and for faster cultivation.

And more than half of all this is because the mission of rebuilding the Black and White Academy and the duty of revenge for Qin Mu is constantly spurring him.

When the Black and White Academy was rebuilt in the Yuan Kingdom, Luo Wushu wanted the name of the Scarlet Blood Sword to ring through the land of the Yuan Kingdom.

In this way, he was barely worthy of Qin Mu's spirit in the sky, and his sacrifice was not wasted.

"Roar..." The evil spirit uttered another roar, extremely disdainful, how could it be reduced to an earth-level middle-grade spirit weapon.

That is a great insult.

"It's just a mere evil spirit, you don't like this sword, I still don't like you!"

Luo Wushu smiled seemingly indifferent, and the pill fire in his hand spread out, burning blazingly, and headed towards the blood dragon crystal.

In the end, this evil spirit could only erode the minds of others by relying on terrible fierce aura, which happened to be perfectly restrained by Luo Wushu, who was a human for two generations.

Leaving this point aside, the evil spirits would pose no threat to Luo Wushu, even weak and terrifying.

"Roar, roar, roar..."

The pill fire enveloped the blood dragon crystal, and immediately, the evil spirits kept roaring, which was obviously suffering from extreme pain.

Luo Wushu seemed to have never heard of it, and with a faint smile, the pill fire in his hand became stronger.

It is best to be able to conquer, but not to be conquered, and there is nothing to be a pity.

Yiluo's vision without a book would not really take the mere evil spirits too seriously.

The roar of the evil spirit lasted for a while, and finally became quiet.

"Roar..." It roared again, but it was already extremely gentle compared to before.

If it was a beast with teeth and claws before, now it is a docile little sheep.

"Since you are willing to surrender, what are you doing in it?"

Luo Wushu spoke faintly, with no waves on his face, with a wave of his palm, the Scarlet Blood Sword was suspended in front of the blood dragon crystal.

For a time, the pill fire that was wrapped in the blood dragon crystal softened a lot.

But it did not disperse, but surrounded it, brewing into a more violent fire storm at any time, completely annihilating the evil spirits.

"Roar..." As the evil spirit roared, a small snake-like dragon shadow peeled from the blood dragon crystal.

Then, at an extremely rapid speed, he sank into the Scarlet Blood Sword.

It is now in the form of an evil spirit. If there is no parasitic place, facing the pill fire, it will not even be able to bear it for half an hour.

"Don't resist, otherwise, you know the consequences!" Luo Wushu's indifferent voice sounded again.

An overbearing spiritual force poured into the Scarlet Blood Sword, desiring to directly control the evil spirits.

"Roar..." The voice of the evil spirit is out of control, it is hard to imagine that Luo Wushu's mental power is so arrogant and domineering.

This is simply killing it hundreds of streets in seconds.

No wonder, its fierce power could not shake Luo Wushu's will.

It turns out that it has been breaking ground on Tai Sui's head all the time, trying to shake the sky with the power of ants.

Under the fear of the evil spirits, within a few breaths, Luo Wushu was completely controlled.

Now, as long as Luo Wushu has a thought, he can directly obliterate the evil spirit and make it disappear from this world.

"Follow me well, you will naturally be able to see this world well in the future."

"No matter how bad it is, it's better, hiding at the bottom of this gloomy lake all day long, lingering."

The evil spirits no longer roar, and are as meek as a lamb.

There is no doubt about Luo Wushu's words.

I have seen Luo Wushu's domineering spiritual power, how can it not be aware of Luo Wushu's extraordinary.

This is a terrible character...

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