Son-in-law Dan Zun

Chapter 261: Passing through Qingzhou City!

The night was cold, and outside the Taichu city, a group of figures gathered from all directions in unison.

Before, they existed like elders in various forces, but now, they are just people of the magic way.

"You all know, right?" The cold voice sounded first.

The figure was slightly old, with a gloomy complexion, and a cold killing intent was revealed all over his body at this moment.

Si Kongming was a junior he valued extremely much, and he devoted almost all his efforts.

Everyone nodded, and they all saw the reaction of the various forces in Qingzhou.

Fortunately, they disappeared from the sight of the people of Qingzhou early, otherwise, some of the people present would inevitably reveal their identities.

"Luo Wushu, you must die!" One person responded indifferently, his expression gloomy and terrifying.

Before him, in front of the people of Qingzhou, he showed a posture of immortality.

It's hard to believe that this is the same person.

"I mentioned that Luo Wushu is not easy, and none of you heard it."

"Sikongming's idiots are even more self-righteous and don't put everyone in their eyes."

"It doesn't matter if they die, but the flag is destroyed. That flag is the most important part of refining the ghost flag."

The person who spoke was the one who knew Luo Wushu the best.

Li Henzong, Elder Xing Yi!

Luo Wushu didn't guess wrong at the beginning, then Yixin was a man of magical way.

It's just his strength, and he doesn't even have the qualifications to enter the Supreme Beginning Heaven.

"Xing Yi, you haven't told us before that Luo Wushu is so enchanting."

One person responded displeased, "Just defeating Zuoqiu Haoqiong, I am not qualified to be taken care of by Sikongming and others."

"Forget it, this is the end of the matter. We should think about the follow-up and how to proceed."

"The ghost flag, it must be refined no matter what, no one can stop it."

Everyone nodded, the ghost flags are related to whether they can conquer the entire Qingzhou, the importance is self-evident.

"The ghost flag requires seven to seven forty-nine flags. We have refined forty-four in secret, only the last five."

"Since the people of Qingzhou already know our existence, there is no need to hide it."

"The remaining five yuan, we have to refine it as quickly as possible."

Everyone nodded, and one suggested at this moment.

"Since Na Luo Wushu comes from the land without a master, why don't we go to the land without a master to give him a gift!"

His suggestion was immediately approved by everyone.

Luo Wushu broke their plan and was definitely going to die, but it didn't necessarily mean that he was wasting time because of him.

Once the ghost flags are successfully refined, the entire Qingzhou will be reduced to their purgatory, not to mention Luo Wushu, who is as weak as an ant.


Above the cloud ship, Luo Wushu and his party stood on the deck of the bow, overlooking the mountains and rivers below.

"My son, what place is that so magnificent?" Bai Ning looked at the huge city in front of him, her beautiful eyes trembling.

Not only her, but Mo Qingcheng and Yuan Jin also had a bit of shock on their faces.

That city, in terms of its size alone, is probably the size of the entire Yuan Kingdom, and there is no end in sight.

"Qingzhou City!" Luo Wushu said lightly. He had seen the map of Qingzhou and he knew a little bit.

From the Hall of Supreme Beginning to Mingjian Villa, you need to pass through the center of Qingzhou, Qingzhou City.

The city in front of you is the size of a country, so it is naturally Qingzhou City.

"Can we go shopping?" Bai Ning looked yearning. She from Yuanwa City had never seen such a big city.

Not only Bai Ning, but Mo Qingcheng and Yuan Jin also wanted to visit Qingzhou City.

Is there anything special about a city comparable to the size of a country?

"Uncle Lan, will we be in a hurry?" Luo Wushu asked.

"It's not a hurry. If you want to stroll around, just stay for a few days!" Chen Lan smiled slightly.

Luo Wushu and his party came from the land of no masters, and when they saw a big city like Qingzhou, they had a bit of yearning. That was normal.

The wide streets are crowded with people.

Looking at this lively street, Luo Wushu had a long-lost sense of familiarity.

Of course, it was not that he had been to Qingzhou City, but his familiarity with the big city.

The Tianjie area is even wider, and a city like Qingzhou City can only be regarded as a small town in general.

The three women walked with each other, ignoring the existence of Luo Wushu, and they were shopping with excitement.

In this regard, Luo Wushu looked helpless, this is the nature of a woman.

Before, when he first met Yaoxi, he had been with her almost every day, wandering around the big and small cities in the heavens.

It's just that later, as the two people's status gets higher and higher, there are fewer and fewer such actions.

After the accident, the two never went shopping together.

Luo Wushu doesn't like shopping, but one of his favorite things is to go shopping with Yaoxi.

He looked at the three women from afar. If they were An Yixue, how good would they be?

Luo Wushu stopped at a stall selling jewelry, picked up a jade hairpin, and asked, "How do you sell it?"

The women in front of the stall looked at Luo Wushu's handsome face and said with a smile: "The son has a good eye, this jade hairpin can best highlight the temperament, and if you give it to your wife, it will definitely be the icing on the cake."

"I ask you how much money!"

"Meeting is fate. Since the son likes it, it will be cheaper. I will sell you a thousand spiritual stones."

"A thousand spiritual stones?" Luo Wushu was taken aback, and then he took out a thousand spiritual stones and threw them to the boss.

"It's not anyone, who are as easy to talk as I am, and I will still charge less in the future."

Of course he knew that this jade hairpin was not worth a thousand pieces of spiritual stones, but he was not in the mood to bargain.

It's good if you close your eyes, and I hope An Yixue will like it.

"Yes, yes!" The woman lowered her head, her face was indifferent, apparently she didn't hear Luo Wushu's words into her ears.


At this moment, a figure flew upside down, hit the jewelry stall, and knocked a stall of jewelry to the ground.

The jade hairpin in Luo Wushu's search was directly crushed to pieces.

"Gu Ling'er?" Luo Wu's bibliography was surprised, and he didn't care about the jade hairpin, so he quickly picked it up.

Gu Ling'er was still a childish baby face, but somewhere, it was faintly more spectacular than before.

"Master Luo?" Seeing Luo Wushu, Gu Linger's eyes were astonished, and immediately, as if thinking of something, she quickly said: "You go quickly and ignore me."

"If I watched you being bullied and ignored, your grandpa would probably not let me go!" Luo Wushu responded lightly.

"He won't blame you, you go quickly." Gu Linger still gritted his teeth.

"Yes, son, I advise you not to be nosy, listen to this little girl, and go!"

The woman also spoke at this moment, apparently considering Luo Wushu as a stupid man with a lot of money, so there is no real ability.

"Go, where are you going?" An arrogant voice sounded, and three young men folded their arms around their chests, looking at Luo Wushu disdainfully.

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