Son-in-law Dan Zun

Chapter 341: The Dilemma of Black and White Academy!

The moment Luo Wushu saw the letter, his eyes narrowed sharply, his expression extremely cold.

The content of the letter is extremely simple.

Mo Qingcheng told: Not only the Yuan Kingdom, but the entire Borderless Land has become a purgatory for the people of the magic way.

Luo Wushu finally understood why he was always upset these days.

When practicing, why do my eyelids be disturbed? I always feel that the people around me are in danger.

As a human for two lifetimes, he has rarely shown intuition.

But precisely because of this, whenever inexplicable intuitions appear, they are often accurate.

It's no wonder that he made such a big noise in the Ice and Snow Temple, and he hasn't waited until the three women and the Jian Blind came to look for him.

It turned out that they had returned to the Yuan Dynasty with the mission of rebuilding the Black and White Academy.

And, there was a crisis.

However, few people are to blame.

If it weren't for people with magical ways to appear in the Yuan Kingdom, with their current strength, they are fully capable of rebuilding the Black and White Academy in the Yuan Kingdom.

"What do you think?" Luo Wushu asked, looking at Sect Master Xuantian and Li Mu.

"The most urgent task is to go to the land of no owner and solve the magical path."

Li Mu frowned and said, "As for dealing with those forces, I'm afraid it will take a while."

"That's right!" Sect Master Xuantian nodded, "I will notify the others immediately and prepare to go to the land of no owner."

"It doesn't have to be like that, I can deal with the people of Demon Dao in Borderless Land." Luo Wushudao.

"You stay in Qingzhou right now, and you can contain those forces."

"When I return from the Yuan Dynasty, it will be the time when we take the initiative to subvert those forces."

There was a strange color in their eyes, and they only felt that Luo Wushu was too self-confident.

"Don't underestimate the people of the magic way, they have some detrimental methods, and they can often explode with power beyond imagination."

"Although your strength is not weak now, the enemy is dark and we are clear."

"No one knows whether the people of the magic way have set up any tricks waiting for you to go back."

"Don't worry!" Luo Wushu smiled at the two, "Qingzhou will be left to you."

For Yuan Guo, he wants to return soon, and there is no time to delay.

Otherwise, an unacceptable ending will really happen, and he can't forgive himself.

"Then I'll be with you!" Li Mudao, the situation in Qingzhou, there is not much more than him.

He has already explained what should be explained.

"Good!" Luo Wushu did not refuse.

He knew that Li Mu was not at ease, there was a strong person in the Origin Infant realm who would follow by his side, which was indeed a big help.

"I will send people to pay attention to every move in Borderlands. Once we need help, we will come immediately." Sect Master Xuantian said.

After bidding farewell, Luo Wushu directly broke the air with Li Mu, heading for Yuan Guo.


Yuan country, imperial city!

In the old days, no one was seen in the lively bustling streets.

The gray mist enveloped the entire city, revealing a breath of lifelessness.

The sunlight falls down, but it cannot dispel the darkness and bring people light

The breeze and sand are blowing, and there is no light mist, which gives people hope.

On the contrary, it made the entire imperial city a bit more tragic.

From time to time, there are tragic voices resounding like the wailing of a vulture.

For these voices, many surviving people seem to feel numb.

They know where these sounds come from.

In today's imperial city, there is a quagmire of flesh and blood, and countless living beings are thrown into the quagmire of flesh and blood and turned into the nourishment of the flag.

And such a scene can be seen not only in the imperial city of the Yuan Kingdom, but also in the big cities of the Borderlands.

Black and White Academy, the old site!

This is the only piece of pure land in the imperial city today.

After the three daughters of Mo Qingcheng returned to the Yuan Dynasty, they didn't know that this was a conspiracy of the people of the magic way.

I only thought that the royal family became mediocre and innocent.

Mo Qingcheng seized this opportunity to show off his strength and rebuild the Black and White Academy.

With the strength of the three women, now in the Yuan Kingdom, the people of the magic way do not appear, and no one will be their opponent.

In troubled times, it can capture people's hearts even more.

Suddenly, it caused countless people to flock to seek shelter from the Black and White Academy.

Soon, the energy contained in the Black and White Academy reached an unprecedented level.

But the people of the magic way, and the imperial family of the Yuan Dynasty, did not pay attention to them at all, allowing the black and white school to grow bigger.

Soon, a delicate situation seemed to have formed.

Inside the Black and White Academy, there is a pure land, where the people practice and have fun.

Except for not being able to step out of the black and white academic palace unscrupulously, it doesn't seem to be much different from the past.

Outside of the Black and White Academy, it is still purgatory. Every day, countless people are thrown into the quagmire of flesh and blood, turned into nourishment, and refined flags.

However, with the arrival of the Zhuge family and other forces, this delicate balance was broken.

The enemy of the enemy is the friend.

This sentence was vividly displayed on both sides.

Soon, they had a secret talk with the people of the magic way and reached an agreement.

They can help refining the ghost flags together, but the people of the magic way need to use this opportunity to jointly deal with Luo Wushu.

The two sides immediately hit it off.

For the people of the magic way, Luo Wushu is not a thorn in their eyes and a thorn in the flesh.

A large part of the reason why he chose to refine the ghost banners in the land of no master was to take revenge on Luo Wushu.

This is also the reason why the people of Demon Dao did not take action against the Black and White Academy.

Because they didn't know the news of Luo Wushu in Qingzhou, they just wanted to wait until Luo Wushu also appeared in the Black and White Academy, and they would catch it all.

However, the news brought by the Zhuge family and other forces was the transformation of Luo Wushu.

And grew to the point that even them are afraid.

Therefore, the people of the magic way must seize the opportunity of cooperation.


One day, the Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty posted a decree: "As long as the Black and White Academy exists for one day, the Yuan Kingdom will not be at peace for a moment."

This news soon spread throughout the Yuan country and became a household name.

As long as the Black and White Academy exists for a day, the Yuan Kingdom will not be at peace for a moment. Does that mean that as long as the Black and White Academy is disbanded, the Yuan Kingdom will restore its former peace?

Almost instantly, the Black and White Academy, from the object of many people's support, became the enemy of the Yuan Dynasty.

There are many sect powers, aristocratic powers, and casual cultivators flooding into the imperial city, falling more and more...

And their purpose is only one, to force the destruction of the Black and White Academy.

In front of the Black and White Academy, people from all over the Yuan Dynasty gathered here, and it was overcrowded.

And headed by the three princes leading the Celestial Academy, Dean Zhang Tianmo was among them.

As the most loyal running dog of the royal family, the powerhouse of the Tianwei Academy, was not so fast, being thrown into the quagmire of flesh and blood, and used as the nourishment of the flag.

Luo Wushu has not yet appeared, and people from various forces in Qingzhou, as well as people from the magic way, have not appeared in front of the world.

"Mo Qingcheng, get out of Yuan Country!"

"Yuan Jin, get out of Yuan Country!"

"Bai Ning, get out of Yuan Country!"

"Luo Wushu, get out of Yuan Kingdom!"

"Black and white academy, it harms the common people, and is not worthy of being left in the world."

"Either die or get out!"


The voice of the people rushed straight into the sky.

As these voices resounded, the scale of the crowd outside the academy grew stronger.

Black and white academy, as if, enemies in the world!

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