Son-in-law Dan Zun

Chapter 348: Strengthen my black and white school!

"This is a good idea!" Zhuge Yi nodded lightly and glanced at Yuan Kai with satisfaction.

He is naturally not interested in torturing these ant-like creatures.

However, it was a good strategy to let Luo Wushu run wild in this way.

When a person is furious, it is easy to lose his senses and is easier to deal with.

"Then do it!"

Li Hengyin sneered, he just wanted to torture these people related to Luo Wushu to vent his unhappiness.

Luo Wushu killed so many people in his alchemy guild. He tortured the people around Luo Wushu. This was called reciprocity, not too much.

Seeing everyone's promise, Yuan Kai immediately called for someone to tie the three women and many students from the Black and White Academy to wooden stakes, as live targets, side by side.

And, let people send multiple sets of bows and arrows.

These bows and arrows are just ordinary iron arrows. There is a thread on the tip of the arrow. It hurts when shot on the body, but it is not fatal.

"Then I will be the first person to eat crabs!"

Li Heng laughed and stood up.

"I don't know how to look with my eyes, and I don't feel it with my aura. If I'm bad luck and I'm shot to the point, I will blame you to die."

The voice fell.

The sharp arrow pierced through the air with a chuckle, directly piercing Yuan Jin's shoulder, with blood flowing.

However, Yuan Jin just let out a muffled snort, without making any sound.

If you want him to insult Luo Wushu, don't think about it.

"Good luck!" Li Heng took a look, closed it again, and shot an arrow.

It's still an arrow at will.


A scream came out, and the eyes of Yuge were directly shot through by a sharp arrow, blood drenched.

"Does it hurt?"

"If it hurts, you will insult Luo Wushu loudly. Scolding him can save him from the torture of a stick of incense!"

"What if Luo Wushu will arrive after a stick of incense?"

Li Heng laughed wildly, his face filled with morbid pleasure.

The bows and arrows in his hand were shot out one after another, causing the screams to resound one after another.

"it is good!"

"Sir, really is a good arrow technique!"

"Even if you close your eyes, you can get hits all the time, which is really impressive."


At the same time, flattering flattery sounded one after another.

These people have Yuankai arranged in advance, and there are also guys who spontaneously flatter.

Not only him, but the lord of all forces, as well as the people of many magic ways, are all feeling heartbeat and join the game.

In an instant, on the execution ground, dozens of figures were all covered with blood, and their bodies were full of shocking iron arrows.

Even, there are already several figures who were pierced to the vital point and died directly.

At this moment, no one will feel that these dead people are unlucky, on the contrary, they feel lucky.

Because, on the execution ground, all the people left behind are not as good as dead.


"Quickly scold!"

"Use the strength of the scream to insult Luo Wushu!"

"In this way, you can get a rest time for a stick of incense."


Li Heng and others sneered abnormally while shooting arrows.

The sound of screams came into their ears, as if it could make them feel extremely excited.

"Don't be proud too early, when the son arrives, you will definitely pay the price."

Yuan Jin shouted coldly, with several iron arrows hanging on her body.

This is true not only for her, but for everyone.

As if due to excessive blood loss, everyone looked pale.

But still no one chose to insult Luo Wushu, and only endless hatred permeated his hideous face.

The reason why these people were accepted by Mo Qingcheng as students of the Black and White Academy, the most common thing was that they all regarded Luo Wushu as an idol.


"You beasts, you can't be a dead bastard."

"After Dean Luo appears, he will definitely make you a thousand times worse than us."


The unyielding voices of many trainees were moving.

Many people who watch the excitement feel shocked for their strength of character.

Obviously, if you insult Luo Wushu, you will be less tortured, but these people are so spineless, preferring to die.


"It's all the same words, I'm tired of hearing it."

"That Luo Wushu dared to show up will only make him regret coming to this world."

"Do you think he can still perform miracles today?"


The voice of sneer came out again and again.

Suddenly, there were several figures who were pierced and killed.

Soon, only two dozen figures were left on the execution ground to survive.

And the three girls, obviously received key care.

They have the most iron arrows left on their bodies, of course, none of them have touched the vital points, they have kept their lives.

Others can die, but the third daughter must keep the threat of Luo Wushu.

"Sorry, as the dean, I didn't protect you well."

"However, I assure you that Dean Luo will definitely help us get revenge after knowing our death today."

Mo Qingcheng looked weakly at the students on the left and right.

"We believe in Dean Luo!"

"President Luo will definitely kill these beasts and let them be buried with us."

Many students spoke in unison, their voices weak, but extremely firm.


At this moment, between the heaven and the earth, there was an extremely harsh sonic boom, rumbling loudly.

When this sonic boom resounded, the eyes of the three women and many students suddenly raised.

There are countless gazes between the sky and the earth, and they look at it at the same time.

In the extreme distance of the line of sight, there was a bright figure, shooting into the sky at an indescribable speed, and exposed.

At the last moment, he was still 10,000 meters away, but the next moment, he arrived at the Black and White Academy.

Vaguely, there seemed to be an indescribable violent storm that swept from him.

That figure is exactly Luo Wushu who used the Golden Winged Roc Bird's Life Soul to maximize the speed.

After killing Xing Yi and many of the Heavenly Sword Sect in Anchan City.

He found that the uneasy feeling in his heart not only did not disappear, but became stronger.

It turned out that the premonition of anxiety did not originate from Anchan City, but from the Imperial City.

So he asked to leave the animal husbandry to help settle An Yixue's family, and he himself rushed to the imperial city frantically.

"The son!"

"No books!"

The three daughters looked at the familiar figure, and there was a flash of expression in the originally desperate eyes.

Originally, they thought they would never see it again.

Luo Wushu looked around the world, how could he not understand what was going on.

"I'm sorry, it's because I came back late." He looked guiltily at the three girls and the many students in the Black and White Academy.

"It's not your responsibility, it's me the dean is useless."

Mo Qingcheng said, Luo Wushu entrusted the Black and White Academy to her, but she let the Academy be robbed.

"President Luo, it's not that Dean Mo is useless, but us."

"Although we are students of the Black and White Academy, we can't help with anything, we can only drag them down."

"Sorry, Dean Luo!"

With blood and tears, Yuge looked at Luo Wushu with only one eye left.

"You are the idol in the hearts of all the students of the Black and White Academy. Please continue to create a miracle."

"Don't care about our lives and deaths, just let this group of beasts live and pay a painful price."

The voice of the fisherman's song became ferocious and crazy.

"President Luo, strengthen my black and white school!"

Hearing that, every surviving student's eyes became hideous and terrifying.

Afterwards, a deep voice, containing a strong hatred, spread in this **** place.

"President Luo, strengthen my black and white school!"

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