Son-in-law Dan Zun

Chapter 357: It's over!

"From now on, I will guard this world for you!" Luo Wushu's voice resounded through the world, with a little respect.

As his voice fell, his eyes became more and more shocked and puzzled.

Guard this world?

Some people have only heard similar words from Kyushu Palace.

However, even if it is the Kyushu Palace, their duty is just to protect the Nine Yuan Continent.

People are too small in front of heaven and earth.

A few more people can grow to the point of guarding the world.

Although Luo Wushu was an enchanting evildoer, there was still a long way to go before guarding this world.

In the eyes of everyone, this long road may not be completed in a lifetime.


Between the heaven and the earth, suddenly swept out a Lingtian sword intent, the sword intent is strong, unprecedented, far better than Luo Wushu's kendo origin power, I don't know how many times.

Everyone looked at it, and under the abyss, there was a white phantom rising up, sword eyebrows and star eyes, with extraordinary temperament.

Time cannot obliterate everything. He stood there and felt like a human-shaped sword.

"Senior!" Luo Wushu said, his voice is neither humble nor overbearing, it can't be said of how polite, but it is also respectful.

"Thank you!" The figure said.

Immediately afterwards, under the abyss, another phantom rose up.

His temperament is equally outstanding, without any movement, but with an extremely domineering intention exuding.

To that point, it feels like an invincible sword.

"Senior!" Luo Wushu still shouted, his expression calm.

The same is that Duofang also looked at Luo Wushu and said, "Thank you!"

"Are these all ancient powerful men?" One after another, they looked up in horror.

And such a strong man is actually thanking Luo Wushu?

Luo Wushu continued to look at the endless abyss, where there were phantom shadows that continued to rise.

If these people were alive, stomping their feet casually would be enough to shake the Nine Yuan Continent a few times and make Qingzhou vicissitudes of life.

However, at this moment, they appeared in front of the world one by one, and thanked Luo Wushu.

At this moment, Luo Wushu also had a touch of amazement in his eyes.

However, it was because he recalled...the scenes he saw when he was led by the statue of Venerable Beiming and his consciousness entered the **** battlefield.

Then, wondering how strong is Venerable Bei Ming?

Is he still alive today?

If you are still alive, where will you be?

Heaven, or other supreme realms?

Exist like him, the ordinary world, the temple is too small to accommodate him.


After a brief stunned, Luo Wushu condensed his mind and looked at the phantom shadows.

He didn't know why Venerable Bei Ming would say to these people, "Although you are sinful, you are also a chess piece and suffer deeply."

But now, time has passed and there is no need to know.

And these people have paid enough for it.

I don’t know how many years I have fallen, but I haven’t reincarnated yet.

Luo Wushu waved his hand and said indifferently: "You guys, go back to the long river of fate!"


Many phantoms all bowed to Luo Wushu and said in unison, "Thank you!"

This scene fell in the eyes of countless people, making their hearts tremble wildly.

To them, these powerful beings are powerful and godlike beings.

At this moment, Luo Wushu was like a **** king, and the audience bowed down and worshiped.


Luo Wushu's voice was indifferent, and there seemed to be no waves.

Then, one after another, the figures bowed again, and the figures slowly dissipated between the heaven and the earth.

At this moment, smiles appeared on their faces.

That is, a smile of relief.

They finally got rid of the **** formation, and finally returned to the long river of fate.

"Why don't you run away?" Luo Wushu looked again.

I saw Zhuge Yi, Patriarch Zuoqiu, Patriarch of Mingjian Villa and others, all looking at him in fear at this moment.


Then you have to run well!

Under the pressure of vast power, at this moment, they also have no courage to stand up.

"Send you a word!"

"Those who move my relatives and friends are bound to be liquidated, and those who touch my bottom line will be punishable even though they are strong."

"You guys should die too!"

Luo Wushu's voice continued, echoing slowly.

Under the endless abyss, there are endless swords, lights, swords, giant axes and sticks, carrying terrible waves, sweeping.

Zhuge Yi and others felt the terrible fluctuations in it, their complexion was like snow, and their eyes were weak.

They knew that everything should be ended with their fall.

The pattern of ten sects and eight clans in Qingzhou, and many other forces standing together will be completely changed because of one person.

Their power is destined to disappear in the long river of history only because of a difference in thought.

On the contrary, the forces such as Xuan Tianzong and Senluo Temple did not exert much strength. They became the biggest beneficiaries simply because of choosing the right position.

"Puff, puff, puff..."

"Ah ah ah ah ah……"

The sound of flesh and blood being pierced, accompanied by a scream of screams, kept coming out one after another.

Those figures were all broken into pieces and died.

Luo Wushu didn't look at those people more, because they were all the same damn.

Including Zhuge Yi, but also the people of the famous Sword Villa.

However, because of Chen Lan, the Zhuge family and other forces will be destroyed, but if Chen Lan has an idea, Luo Wushu is willing to give him a chance to rebuild.



"It's really over!"

"It's great, we finally don't have to worry about being alive."

"Luo Wushu, you are the hero of the Yuan Kingdom, and you are the savior of the Yuan Kingdom."


In the crowd, ecstatic voices resounded.

Push away the clouds and see the sky, keep the clouds and see the moonlight!

Many people are crying with joy at this moment.

"President Luo, and Emperor Dog, are not dead!"

The sound of the fisherman's song seemed to sound a little discordantly.

"The idea of ​​turning our black and white school into a flesh target for archery was proposed by the Emperor Dog."

Luo Wushu's eyes narrowed slightly, and he saw the emperor Yuan Kai directly kowtow and said, "Master Luo for your life, Master Luo for your life."

"Jin'er, speak quickly, plead for the father!" The third prince also spoke at this moment.

"That's, your biological father!"

"The emperor father is just forced to helpless and dare not disobey the will of the people of the devil's way."

"Furthermore, he is also for the surnames of Yuan Guo."

"If he does not die, the people of the Yuan Kingdom will have peace of mind, but once he dies, the Yuan Kingdom will be in chaos."

"Do you really bear the heart, watching your father die, watching the royal family fall, watching your many hands and feet die?"

There was suddenly someone in the crowd and roared in response.

"Fuck your mother's shit, how many innocent lives have been thrown into the quagmire of flesh and blood by the royal family."

"Although the people behind the magical path are in control, the people they kill are probably less than one or two of your royal family."

"For the innocent people, you are the cruelest beasts, beasts."




Yuan Jin raised her head, her poignant face showed a smile, as if she was laughing at herself.

What a familiar scene?

It's just that she is no longer the same she used to be.

Some things can't be repeated.

Not to mention, she begged for mercy again, would Luo Wushu agree?

How can she be worthy of the blood shed by the dead and survivors in the Black and White Academy?

These people, too, are her brothers and sisters.

"They must be...not dead!"

Yuan Jin looked at Luo Wushu with tears in her beautiful eyes, but her voice was calm and determined like never before.

Hearing this, the emperor, the three princes and others shouted ferociously.


"You unfilial girl!"

"You actually instigated others, murdered brothers and fathers."


Luo Wushu swept away his eyes and moved away with a sword light in his throat.

It is absolutely impossible for him to spare the royal family.

But he would not really be what Yuan Jin said, but they would not die.

In this way, Yuan Jin is too cruel.

After all, the same blood is flowing on them...

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