Son-in-law Dan Zun

Chapter 769: Genkai!

"what happened?"

"Isn't the Nine Thunder Tribulation over?"

"Why in the robbery cloud, there seems to be even more terrifying fluctuations surging."

Everyone looked at the sky in shock, their eyes full of incredible and incomprehensible.

Luo Wushu frowned and looked at Jieyun on the sky.

Normally, Lei Jie is divided into three, six or nine.

However, now that nine thunder tribulations have been lowered, there is still no end to it. Why?

Isn't his Thunder Tribulation different from others?

However, they are already the most advanced nine-fold thunder robbery!

Luo Wushu was puzzled.

"Om!" Suddenly, a sword chant sounded from the terrifying Jieyun, clear and loud.

This caused Deluo Wushu's pupils to shrink suddenly.

"Could it be... the sword of order?"

At this moment, Luo Wushu's mind had a kind of conjecture that he couldn't believe it.

There are many powerhouses in this world, and the powerhouses are endless if they include the heavens and the world.

But in fact, the power of heaven is limited.

Especially the top power...

For example, in the heavens, the emperor of heaven is the highest ceiling, and I have never heard of anyone who can transcend this realm.

The talent that can be cultivated to the realm of the Emperor of Heaven is naturally not bad.

However, why didn't one break through the shackles of the Heavenly Emperor Realm?

Because the order of heaven doesn't allow it!

If you forcefully want to break through the shackles of the emperor, you will be obliterated by the order of heaven.

And that is not just as simple as Thunder Tribulation.

It is the power of various orders.

Such as the sword of order is one of them.

Luo Wushu once read it in an ancient book...It is rumored that the restriction of the heavenly order is not only for the top powerhouse. "

It will also drop the sword of order on some heaven-defying evildoers and directly obliterate them.

Because this kind of evil spirits of the Heaven-defying level, once they can break through the shackles of the Heavenly Emperor, it is very likely that they will not be able to obliterate the order of the Heavenly Dao.


Above the sky, the sound of sword chanting became clearer and louder, making Deluo Wushu more certain...that was the sword of order.

"So, are the rumors true?" Luo Wushu's heart trembled, and he wanted to cry without tears.

He also didn't expect... from the eyes of Tiandao, his talent could be so enchanting, he would not hesitate to drop the sword of order to obliterate it.

In fact, he is very low-key!

To say what his biggest trump card is, it is undoubtedly the soul of Henggu Wushuang.


He hasn't used it since discovering that using Henggu Wushuang's fate soul would attract inexplicable peeping.

Of course, this low-key is due to the lack of self-confidence and is forced to keep a low-key.

But it's always low-key!

However, he did not expect that such a low-key, God still can't pass it.

The roaring robbery cloud on the sky became more and more terrifying, and there was an endless light of thunder flashing down at this moment.

"This..." Everyone's hearts trembled violently and became dumbfounded. Is this still Thunder Tribulation?

Every light of thunder, the wave of destruction carried, seems to be no less than the previous thunder tribulation.

However, now there are countless ways.

Even if Luo Wushu is a god, I'm afraid I can't resist it, right?

Luo Wushu's face became even uglier than Bitter Gourd. Although he was confident, he didn't have any confidence at this moment.

What do you take him for?

He is just going through a physical calamity. Is it necessary to be so unreasonable?


The flashing light of thunder did not directly smash Xiang Luo Wushu, but quickly gathered and turned into a sword.

That is, the sword of order!

A terrifying aura of heaven, permeating from the sword of order, made everyone feel instinctive fear from the depths of their souls.


Countless figures were shocked and stunned.

At this moment, they could not understand Lei Jie.

Even if Luo Wushu only heard about the Sword of Order from the rumors, it was normal for these people not to know.


The sword of order bursts with a bright thunder light, slashing down from the sky, piercing through the world, and pointing directly at Luo Wushu.

In an instant, many people's feet knelt down involuntarily.

They just feel that the sky is about to fall.

It is conceivable that Luo Wushu at this moment, facing the sword of order that was beheaded, how much pressure would be exerted.

"Brother Luo!"

The expressions of Mo Fan and Yaoyue changed.

No longer talk and laugh, talk freely.

There is a kind of person who is like this.

But once something urgent happens, he will definitely care and worry very much.

Even if he could, he would not hesitate to accept it for him.

This is brother!


Luo Wushu's body suddenly burst out with the light of life and soul, making his figure extremely dazzling and unparalleled.

A blank page of life and soul emerged from the top of his head.

Even if Luo Wushu didn't dare to easily use the white paper of life and soul, at this moment, it was too late to scrupulously.

People die like a lamp, and only living is everything.

For a time, there was an extremely terrifying coercion that permeated out, just like the might of heaven.

Many people couldn't help trembling, they just wanted to bend and crawl. This pressure was even more terrifying than Tianwei.

"A piece of paper shook the sky, Henggu, I am unparalleled!" Luo Wushu couldn't help but think of these words.

After the white life soul emerged, the pressure on him by the sword of order was not so great.

"Why is it just a blank page, but it can make me feel suffocated from the depths of my soul?"

At this moment, everyone looked at the void in shock, incredible.


On the life soul guqin, the strings tremble, and there are waves of shocking notes, like the sound of a great road.

I saw the dragon dancing in the thunder, and the golden-winged roc bird flapped its gorgeous wings for a few seconds.

"Are these all his life and soul?" Numerous eyes were frozen in there with some numbness.

There is a soul in the Taoist palace, which is the soul of destiny, also known as the practitioner of destiny, and the person of destiny.

On behalf of this person, he has a unique talent in a certain aspect.

But like Luo Wushu, possessing so many life souls, everyone has never heard of it before.

Life and soul twins, in their eyes, are peerless evildoers.


There was a low voice, and the sword of order fell on the white paper fate soul, bursting out with more and more brilliant light.

Many people do not feel that their eyes are closed, and they dare not look directly.

Only a few top powerhouses can barely resist this dazzling brilliant light, squinting at the void.

They saw the sword of order burst out of the great light, bursting out with an incomparably sharp penetrating meaning, and wanted to directly break and shatter the white paper of life and soul.

The space trembled violently, and the white life soul shook with it, but it was still suspended in the sky, as if it could not be shaken.

The heavens and the earth buzzed, and the sword of order rang out, seeming to destroy everything.

The life and soul of white paper is suspended in the sky and cannot be used forever, and the coercion is still becoming stronger, like the sky like the earth like the mountain like the sea like a prison.

At this moment, Luo Wushu, surrounded by the incomparably brilliant light of life soul, seemed to be more dazzling than Heaven.


The Sword of Order once again heard the sound of a loud sword chanting, sweeping out a ray of light, filling a whole piece of void.

Among them, naturally also includes the figure of White Paper Life Soul and Luo Wushu.

"Luo Wushu!"

"Brother Luo!"

The silhouettes watched this scene nervously, as if they were going through a catastrophe, their hearts hanging in their throats.

"If you die like this, it would be a pity!" Li Tianjiao muttered at the scene.

Undeniably, he really wanted Luo Wushu to die.

However, he didn't want to see Luo Wushu's aggrieved death above Thunder Tribulation.


Time is ticking!

As if after a long time, the robbery cloud on the sky began to dissipate.

Sunlight penetrated through the clouds and shone, causing the haze in many people's hearts to slowly dissipate.


Many people instinctively took a deep breath.

After experiencing the suffocation sensation before, now they just feel that breathing normally is quite a luxury.

Even the soul can feel happy.

At this moment, countless people are still raising their heads and staring into the void.

The robbery cloud has dissipated, and the sword of order has also dissipated, as if it had never appeared.

Above the void, only a blood-stained figure stood there quietly, motionless.

Breath, weakness to the extreme!


"This should have been directly destroyed all the vitality in the body, and turned into a corpse!"

Many people secretly speculate.

"Brother Luo!" Mo Fan and Yaoyue's expressions changed greatly, and they shouted worriedly.

Under normal circumstances, after the thunder catastrophe, they will feed back to those who crossed the catastrophe.

However, at this moment, the robbery cloud dissipated directly, and what this meant seemed to be self-evident.

"Is it dead?"

Li Tianjiao watched this scene intricately in his heart.

He found that he was not so happy.

He knows very well that with the cultivation base being swallowed by Luo Wushu, today's fate is doomed.

Regardless of Luo Wushu's life or death, the result seems to be the same.

In this case, instead, he had some hope that Luo Wushu could create miracles.

He also wanted to see how strong an evil evildoer who can survive such a "world-destroying thunder catastrophe" would be.

Li Tianjiao guessed that just as Luo Wushu passed the thunder tribulation smoothly, it is estimated that there are not many strong people in the real spirit that will be his opponent.

Moreover, it is the kind that does not rely on the strength of others, but solely on its own strength.


Above the sky, an extremely brilliant light suddenly shot down, directly submerging Luo Wushu's figure.

Faintly, there was a breath, like a sleeping lion, slowly waking up.

"This is, feeding back?" Everyone's eyes narrowed.

But thinking that it was Luo Wushu, it seemed that there was no good understanding.

This guy didn't take the usual path.

Even Lei Jie is so different, and the way of feeding back is not strange at all.


In addition to countless small worlds, there are ten supreme realms in the heavens and ten thousand realms.

The Profound Realm is one of the ten supreme realms.

As one of the ten supreme realms, the Profound Realm naturally has countless small worlds attached to it.

And this small world where Luo Wushu is located is one of them.

Among the population of the Profound Realm, it is called the Lower Realm.

As Luo Wushu used the white paper life soul, some eyes penetrated the infinite space again, peeking out.


Because Luo Wushu spent a long time using the white paper life soul this time, some great powers existed, and it was faintly able to capture which space it was in.

At this moment, in a heavenly palace in the Profound Realm, there was a peerless figure, looking down below.

His eyes seemed to penetrate the infinite space and see the lower realm.

Silent for a long time!

Suddenly he raised his head and asked in the void space: "It seems that it's almost ten years, how long is the battle to reach the sky?"

In Void Space, a voice replied: "Well! There are still more than half a year."

The peerless figure was silent for a while, and said: "Wait for Wuji to leave the pass, you let him go to the lower realm."

In the void, the voice continued to ask: "Will the people of the lower realm be screened by Wuji?"

The peerless figure continued: "Well! Remember to explain Promise, don't miss any talented evildoers."

In the void space, there was a moment of silence before the voice responded: "Yes!"

The peerless figure seemed to have guessed the doubts in the other party's heart, and said indifferently: "Perhaps, Wuji will meet a person with even better talent than him in the lower realm."

In the void, the horrified voice blurted out, "How is it possible?"

The peerless figure smiled faintly, "It's just... maybe!"

In the void space, the figure did not continue to ask more, but directly dismissed.

He doesn't think that someone's talent can surpass Promise.

However, he did not dare to refute face to face.

Because the person who said this was not someone else, but an existence standing on top of the profound realm.


For all this, Luo Wushu naturally couldn't know.

The only thing in common is that this time, the feeling of being peeped has become stronger and stronger.

In fact, he didn't even understand it himself.

The white paper fate soul is his own fate soul, why use it once?

Even if it is the Henggu Wushuang Fate Soul, shouldn't it be the punishment sent by the Heavenly Dao, like the sword of order, to directly obliterate it?

Luo Wushu let out a long sigh of relief, while he was happy with these conjectures that couldn't possibly be answered forever.

With the backfeeding, his breath has slowly returned to its peak, and he only felt an explosive sense of power all over his body.

Before, because of the cultivation of the Azure Dragon Heaven Devouring Jue, his physical power was already extremely powerful.

And this time, he will experience the baptism of the bodily calamity again.

He felt that his physical body was no less than some spiritual bodies.

"I know, you guys can't be defeated by that trash thunder robbery."

"After all, the Thunder Tribulation, I can easily deal with it as long as I collapse a fart."

Mo Fan grinned.

Although he was bragging, his voice was slightly hoarse, as if crying with joy.

God knows how nervous he was just now.

The heart is hanging in his throat.

If Luo Wushu dies in the hands of others, he still has the goal and motivation to avenge him.

If you die on the thunder robbery, there is nowhere to do it.

"How do you feel?" Yaoyue asked.

His voice was as cold as ever, but his worries were no less than that of Mo Fan.

Before the backfeeding appeared, they really thought that Luo Wushu was planted on the thunder robbery.

"Not bad!" Luo Wushu smiled, he can naturally feel the concern of Mo Fan and Yaoyue.

"Let me feel how much your body is worse than mine now!"

Mo Fan raised his hand and blasted a punch at Luo Wushu with a terrifying fist.


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