Son-in-law Dan Zun

Chapter 862: Heart of the Demon Phoenix!

The auction room fell into a brief silence, and then, there was an incomparable uproar.

Those eyes that were sympathetic to Luo Wushu directly became stunned.

After hearing Luo Wushu's words, they realized... this time the script was not the same as they thought.

This time, Luo Wushu was not really inevitable, but was deliberately tricking Chu Liunian into making a bid.

He wasn't really quick-eyed at all. The gambler's appearance and the posture of breaking the boat were all made for Chu Liunian.

The reason is to let Chu Liunian follow him and call out a higher price.

Then, he returned all the losses he had suffered before to Chu Liunian.

Chu Liunian's face, which was originally full of playful abuse, had already solidified, and then quickly crawled out with an extremely gloomy and hideous look.

"Bad son, do you dare to play this son?"

Luo Wushu smiled, Lang Yangyang said: "I want to lay down my life with the gentleman, but unfortunately, how can I compete with the wealthy Young Sect Master of the Streaming Sword Sect with rich wealth!"

If it were before, everyone might believe Luo Wushu's words.

But at this moment, no one is stupid, how can he not see that Luo Wushu is turning sick and passing years.

Buying a human king-level magical weapon with 120 million yuan is indeed a wealth of money.

On the auction stage, Lan Xuening watched this scene with a smile, and did not stop it.

In this regard, no one would be surprised that the snipe and the clam competed for the fisherman's profit. In any case, the Sky Demon Pavilion was the biggest beneficiary, and it would be strange to stop it.

At this moment, Chu Liunian's expression became more gloomy and extremely ugly.

"You can't get 120 million magic crystal jade, right?" Luo Wushu's lazy voice continued.

"Awesome, worthy of being the Young Master of the Streaming Light Sword Sect, even the Sky Demon Pavilion dares to play, so I don't care about it."

"Asshole, you don't want to talk nonsense!" Chu Liunian shouted.

"Then you pay!" Luo Wushu said casually.

"If Young Master Chu is in trouble, I will give you some time from the Heavenly Demon Pavilion, but..." Lan Xuening stopped.

Although I didn't continue to finish, everyone can understand her meaning.

"Father!" Chu Liunian looked at Chu Yun with an embarrassed expression.

As Chu Liunian's father, how could Chu Yun not know his situation, instantly, he could understand Chu Liunian's eyes.

"The trial tower will be opened right away, and this quicksand sword will be my gift to you!" Chu Yun said.

Immediately, throw a storage ring toward the auction table.

No matter how distressed he was, he did not dare to let Chu Liunian deceive the Sky Demon Pavilion.

After Lan Xuening inspected the storage ring, he ordered the waiter to send the quicksand sword to Chu Liunian.

With Lan Xuening's emotional intelligence, it is natural to understand that the best way to deal with this farce is not to say anything at this time.

Looking at the quicksand sword in front of him, Chu Liunian only felt that it was a thousand catties heavy, and he didn't have the strength to put it away.

"Does Young Master Chu think the Quicksand Sword is too low-level?"

"But I want to come, as you are, there is no human emperor-level magic weapon, how can it be worthy of it."

"Well, I'll give out 12 million. How about buying the quicksand sword you don't want?"

Luo Wushu smiled.

Those stubborn words made Chu Liunian's complexion pale. "Bad son, you don't want to be cheap and behave."

"Huh? You haven't sold it to me yet?" Luo Wushu shrugged faintly.

"..." Chu Liunian's eyes were torn apart.

"This little guy, it's interesting!" Zi Qing teased in his heart, and changed Luo Wushu a little bit.

Combined with Zi Xiao's evaluation of Luo Wushu, he suddenly had a little more expectation of Luo Wushu.

"Isn't it embarrassing enough?" Chu Yun's voice came to Chu Liunian's ears at this moment.

"Such a leaping clown, encountered in the trial tower, and solved it easily, why bother to engage in unnecessary quarrels here."

Hearing this, Chu Liunian calmed down.

Then, the gloomy eyes that looked towards Luo Wushu gradually filled with murderous intent.

In the trial tower, he would make Luo Wushu pay the price for today's words and deeds.

You can't survive, you can't die!


The auction continued, and the Heavenly Demon Pavilion auctioned several treasures one after another.

The first three things are more inclined to human practitioners, because the monsters themselves don't have a big demand for magic weapons.

The strong monsters have a natural physical advantage.

And the treasures in the back will be more inclined to the strong monsters, the treasures of heaven and earth, which are useful for practice and understanding the avenue.

Luo Wushu also participated in the bidding and bought a purple sun sacred fruit with 100 million French crystal jade.

This caused a lot of strong people to start an uproar again.

It was reported without pain, a figure of 100 million, Luo Wushu's level of wealth, but it was not like a casual cultivator at all!


What these people don't know is...

Luo Wushu has now become a pauper, with only about 20 million crystal jade left on him.

Although there is part of the credit for Chu Liunian.

As for Chu Liunian, with the lessons learned before, now he dare not bid with Luo Wushu again.

It seems quite quiet.

Of course, part of it is because now he has taken down the quarrel at the auction.

Luo Wushu was uncomfortable verbally, although he was happy.

But how could it be compared to the fact that after entering the trial tower, Luo Wushu couldn't survive without death, and came to relieve his qi.

At that time, he would make Luo Wushu kneel and tremble in front of him, begging for mercy.

Calling the sky should not, the earth is not working!


"The next thing will be the last thing in this auction."

Lan Xuening's voice continued to ring in the auction house, causing many figures to be energetic.

Especially the existence of some from the top monster race.

They came to participate in this auction, originally for the last auction item.

Lan Xuening waved his hand again, the light in front of him dispersed, and a huge heart was exposed to everyone's sight.


In an instant, the hearts of countless figures trembled violently.

Whether it is a human being or a demon, their hearts are all drawn by that heart, beating with its frequency.

"what is this?"

"In my realm, would my heart beat faster because of a heart?"

There was an uproar in the auction room.

Many figures showed horror, unbelievable.

Lan Xuening scanned the many figures in the auction house with beautiful eyes, and let out a soft voice, "This is the heart of a demon phoenix!"

The voice fell, and the auction room fell silent.

Immediately, there was an extremely fiery atmosphere.

"Could it be that this is the heart of the proud man in the Monster Phoenix clan who was killed a few days ago?"

"That guy really lives up to the name of the'Demon Phoenix Clan lunatic'!"

"Not only did he kill the Tianjiao of the same clan, but he also sold it directly to the Heavenly Demon Pavilion."

"Return to the Demon Phoenix clan? Today, he is not qualified to continue to say that he is a member of the Demon Phoenix clan."

"If it wasn't for the patriarch of the Monster Phoenix clan and didn't completely kill him, how could he have a chance to escape into the desperate situation in the Holy Land of Origin?"


Many voices of discussion, one after another, continue to resound in the auction floor.

And Luo Wushu's gaze also condensed slightly...



pa: It seems that there are familiar characters who are coming back soon! ! !

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