Son-in-law Dan Zun

Chapter 957: The sacred sycamore tree appeared!

The reason why Luo Wushu took the initiative to propose this gambling agreement was not a hasty act, but after a certain amount of careful consideration.

These days, walking with Jian Blind.

He was naturally very aware of Jian Blind's hatred of Lietian Demon Phoenix.

It's not an exaggeration to say that hate is in the bone.

Blind Jian, wishing he could immediately, uprooted the Lietian Demon Phoenix's veins and destroyed them all.

You lie that Lietian Demon Phoenix, frustrated his bones and turned ashes, leaving him dead without a place to be buried.

It was only because of his identity and strength that he could only endure it all the time, turning his hatred into a motivation for his cultivation.

Even under the pressure of this blood sea, Jian Blind had even lost his original self.

Full of mind, only urgent revenge.

Therefore, under the violent aggressiveness today, there is a scene of life and death agreement.

Luo Wushu's original intention was to push the boat along the river, and by this, help Jian Blind avenge this **** revenge.

Out of this, angry.

And this smooth sailing is naturally not Yelang arrogance, but has enough support.

In other words, it has enough odds of winning.

Behind this dependence is not only the power of the sycamore leaves itself, but more importantly, the sacred sycamore tree behind it.

When necessary, Luo Wushu can call the sacred phoenix tree to appear with the leaves of the phoenix tree.

However, he did not expect that You Batian's strength would directly reach the Saint King Realm.

He couldn't resist that terrible force when he forcibly grabbed the sycamore leaves.

As a result, the sycamore leaves were destroyed.

His main reliance has disappeared.


As the saying goes, people are not as good as heaven.

Luo Wushu didn't even know the existence of You Batian, and naturally he hadn't thought about his appearance.

Moreover, the agreement itself was established with the permission of the patriarch Youhuang.

It stands to reason that there will be no accidents at all.

At this time, when the accident happened, Luo Wushu's heart was naturally flooded with self-blame.

Because he is the facilitator of everything today.

To put it to the extreme, he has an unshirkable responsibility for the death of Jian Blind.

Therefore, at this moment, he must not choose to leave alone.

A gentleman does something and does not do something.

Even if these people are killed, there will be a certain price and a great risk.

But Luo Wushu still wants to try.

Otherwise, it goes against the original intention.

Besides, two years is two years.

Without pressure, how can I speed up my pace?


The old man couldn't help sighing.

However, he did not continue to say anything.

The conversation between the two seems to be long, but that is because in my mind, in fact, the outside world is just a few breaths of effort.

You Lie and many other powerful men saw Jian Blind's body cracking, almost bursting open completely.

Directly broke out a series of destructive offensives again, intending to fall into the pit, crush his body into thousands of pieces, and die without a place to bury his body.


Looking at this scene, Luo Wushu immediately let out a cold voice.

Hearing that, many strong people were taken aback.

Immediately, a deep irony expression was revealed. At this moment, Luo Wushu was still talking about dreams.

Without the sword blind, what would Luo Wushu count?

No matter how evil you are, can you conceal the fact that it is only the cultivation base of the late Spirit Realm?

It's too late to say, then it's fast.

At the moment when Luo Wushu was planning to activate the Fengshen Town Demon Monument...

In the void, the light gate that had become looming was once again illuminated with brilliant light.

There is an appalling fluctuation that pervades from it.

That wave of volatility is not very strong, but it has made countless strong people startled and instinctively frightened.


That volatility is becoming more and more obvious.

In the end, it was directly transformed into a coercion derived from the soul's origin, shrouded in the hearts of the strong.

All of a sudden, the powerhouses even had difficulty breathing.

"what is that?"

There was a trembling voice, and the eyes raised their heads in awe, staring at the light that became gorgeous again.

Under the awe-inspiring gaze of the sky, in the light gate, a branch with burning flames protruded from the light gate.

Pieces of phoenix tree leaves, flying out, seemed to contain incomparably stalwart suppressive power, suppressing and annihilating all the offensives.

In an instant, there was no more offensive in the vast space.

Only the sycamore leaves floating in the sky filled the sky with palpitating fluctuations, and even breathing became difficult.

Even the battlefield where You Batian and You Phoenix are located is the same.

The vast space fell into a brief silence.

Countless eyes carrying a strong shock and awe, staring at the burning branch, their hearts trembled violently.

Then, from time to time, there were some sounds that sucked in cold air.

There was a faint guess in my heart.

"Wu! Tong! Holy! Tree!"

After a long while, You Batian finally uttered a voice, and also expressed the conjectures in the hearts of all the strong men of the Monster Phoenix clan.

In addition to the sacred phoenix tree, why does the sacred possess such a mighty power?

The branch that protruded from the gate of light actually had eyes, slowly opened, and then looked at the sword-blind man who turned into a blood man.

For a time, the powerhouses directly felt that the coercion that enveloped them was even more terrifying.

Obviously, the parasol tree was angry.

At this moment, even You Batian didn't dare to gasp loudly, but lowered his head like a child who made mistakes.

Appears unusually quiet and well-behaved.

Where is the domineering, domineering, indifferent, and irresistible before the least bit.

"Monster! Phoenix! One! Clan! Very! Good!"

Above the branches, there was also a long mouth, and a voice slowly came out, word by word.

It is a branch of the sacred parasol tree, rather than a clone of it.

As the words fell, many figures couldn't help lowering their heads, especially the strong men of the Monster Phoenix clan including You Batian.

Don't dare to look directly at the sacred parasol tree at this moment.

"Senior Sacred Tree!" You Phoenix bowed and said, "This matter cannot be said to be the work of the Monster Phoenix family one-sidedly."

"It's because of internal strife and disagreement in our clan."

"Because of the intervention of the previous patriarch You Batian, my patriarch also appears weak and unable to protect the'demon child'."

"This matter is because I am incompetent. I also ask Senior Sage Tree to uphold justice on my behalf and clean up the door for my Monster Phoenix clan."

After You Phoenix's words fell, the expressions of the strong men in the Lietian Demon Phoenix line changed.

"You Phoenix, you don't want to spit people!" You Batian raised his head and drank coldly, not daring to continue to cringe at this moment.

Otherwise, the sacred phoenix tree will directly drop its anger for a while, how can it be able to withstand it.

"Senior Sacred Tree, the development of the matter can be traced back to Youqi and Naluo Wushu who killed my Monster Phoenix clan."

"The two are naturally talented evildoers, but they are extremely bloodthirsty and cruel."

"Whether it is in the parasol world or the outside world, there are many tribesmen who died under the poisonous hands of the two."

"Not to mention other things, just here today, there are many strong men who fell on the spot because of his poisonous hands."

"Although he is a'demon child', his life is precious. Isn't the life of other people a living one?"

"Therefore, I have no alternative but to take action to clear the door for the Monster Phoenix clan."

"Senior Sacred Tree, Mingjian."

At this moment, You Batian changed his previous impossibility.

On the contrary, if you have to force yourself to say it, it seems to be the biggest victim.

"You Batian, why does You Chou want to kill, who doesn't know?"

"His parents all died in the hands of the Lietian Demon Phoenix line. Do you still expect him to repay grievances with virtue?"

"Furthermore, today, if it weren't for the violent and aggressive, things wouldn't have evolved into such a scene at all."

You Huang said solemnly.

Now that he had completely torn his face, it was just this to reorganize the Demon Phoenix clan.

The sacred phoenix tree is the best help.


The impatient voice of the sacred parasol tree sounded.

"You should be thankful that his blood is strong and he has not completely lost his vitality."

"Otherwise, from today onwards, there will be no more Monster Phoenix clan in the world."



ps: Inspirational Wuchen is online... Try to save Jian Blind! ! !

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