Son-in-law Dan Zun

Chapter 967: The choice of City Lord's Mansion!

"Bei Zhou, I need your help!"

When this voice resounded and echoed in the Arctic City, many strong men were stunned.

For the people of Arctic City, regardless of their cultivation level, they are naturally familiar with the name of the city lord.

However, beyond their expectations.

However, after several breaths, a voice resounded and echoed in my ears, "Okay!"

Only one word, but extremely determined.

Concise and concise.

But this word is also like a huge stone, pressing on their chests.

Then, they seemed to be out of breath.

When these people of the Artifact Sect, under the name of Luo Wushu, slaughtered indiscriminately and indiscriminately in the Arctic City, it was not that no one went to the City Lord's Mansion for help.

Then, what is the attitude of the City Lord's Mansion?

It's nothing to do, hang up high.

Even, directly to some people who depended on the city lord's mansion and did not leave, they used to kill chickens and monkeys, in order to behave like others.

If the city lord Bei Zhou has always been an outsider, that's all.

But now...

But he wanted to help the group of animals and beasts of Qi Sect to deal with Luo Wushu who saved Arctic City from the deep waters.

How is this not chilling?

Even, it can be said to be hateful...

Is such a person really qualified to be the Lord of the Arctic City?

"Huh! Huh! Huh!"

The sound of wind breaking through the air, from far to near.

But after a few breaths, several Taoists, Wang Qiangzhe, arrived on this battlefield.

Not only the city lord Bei Zhou, but also several powerful kings in the city lord's mansion, seemed to be ready for a long time.

Waiting for the Qizong powerhouse to ask for help, and then immediately shot.

Even the powerful Qizong couldn't help being stunned.

But soon, it became clear in his heart, showing a look of relief.

"Brother Bei Zhou, my Qi Sect remembers this favor." The strong man in the late king stage said.

"Brother Han Shan is polite, it's nothing more than a simple effort." Bei Hao stroked his beard with one hand and smiled cheerfully.

Han Shan is the name of the strong man in the late king stage.

"Brother Bei Zhou is refreshed, you friend, Han is settled."

"After we work together to solve the little beast Luo Wushu, I will definitely drink with you for three days and three nights, and stay drunk."

Han Shan smiled happily.

With the help of Bei Zhou, who is also a strong man in the late King Realm, he is confident that he will be completely free to deal with Luo Wushu.

"Okay, without further ado, let's join forces!"

Bei Zhou waved his big hand, and immediately, he also formed a battle with Wang Qiang from the City Lord's Mansion.

He was actually paying attention to the strength that Luo Wushu showed just now.

Naturally, at this time, the ship will not capsize in the gutter.

"As early as the day, I told you that it's not easy to practice, so I hope you can do it well."

"But unfortunately, you seem to be talented, but your brain is not easy to use."

"Unexpectedly, I am willing to plunge myself into such a dangerous situation for a group of inferior ants."

"It's ridiculous."

Bei Zhou controlled the formation, staring ironically at Luo Wushu.

"Didn't you come from ant cultivation?" Luo Wushu's eyes were cold and terrifying.

At this moment, his killing intent to deal with the city lord Bei Zhou was no less than that of the Qi Sect.

In its place, seek its own business.

As the master of a city, aren't the countless people of Arctic City more important than a few beasts of the Artifact Sect?

"Jing Frog can't talk about it!" Bei Zhou was faintly ironic, too lazy to waste his words with Luo Wushu.

In his eyes, Luo Wushu is just a brave and inexorable person, who knows his city and planning.

Save some ants, which is more important than to please the Qizong, you don't have to think about things that you know all about.

"Brother Bei Zhou, even talking about him, he directly joined forces to kill this little beast."

Han Shan said with a cold voice, "And you can rest assured that we are here to chase and kill Luo Wushu."

"After solving him, Arctic City will naturally return to tranquility, and this will never happen again."

"Tomorrow morning, you are reporting Arctic City."

"Tonight, you have joined forces with our Qi Sect to punish the murderer Luo Wushu."

It turned out that Han Shan had already thought about everything.

As for the people in Arctic City who have witnessed all this tonight, they will be killed at that time, and it will be Luo Wushu's head.

"Hahaha... what Han Shan said is extremely true."

"Now let my City Lord's Mansion join forces with many powerful experts in the Qi Sect to punish the culprit Luo Wushu, and return a bright future in Arctic City."

Bei Zhou said loudly, and his voice rang loudly.

"Despicable!" Chen Abian clenched his fists and gritted his teeth.

If you were like him and witnessed all this with your own eyes, you would naturally not listen to the nonsense of Bei Zhou.

But at the moment.

Those in Arctic City who were not on the scene, hearing the words, showed a strong expectation in their eyes... "Is the murderer Luo Wushu finally brought to justice?"

Although Luo Wushu knew Bei Zhou's intentions, he didn't care about them.

Fame is important, but Luo Wushu believes that those who are clean will be self-cleaning.

As for whether it will be misunderstood by the world, in fact, he doesn't care very much.

Besides, he will come out here tonight, so he has no plans to solve anything by words.

Whether it is the Qizong or the City Lord’s Mansion, kill them all at once.

Moreover, when he was not being seen outside the City Lord's Mansion during the day, he felt that the City Lord's Mansion was not a good thing.

But in order to avoid stunned by the grass, he endured the City Lord's Mansion and Bei Zhou.

Sit outside the house for a day.

And now, it just happened to be a sentence, it's not that friends don't get together.

The enemy you should run into is unavoidable after all.



Two shocking fluctuations permeated from the battle formation formed by the City Lord's Mansion and the Qizong powerhouse.

In an instant, the complexions of many powerful people below changed drastically.

When two shocking fluctuations also swept through, they seemed to feel strenuous even standing.

"Luo Wushu, you must resist!"

There was a voice of prayer.

One stone stirred up a thousand layers of waves, and suddenly, another voice sounded one after another.

"come on!"

"Kill the **** Artifact Sect, and destroy the damned City Lord's Mansion."

"By then, we will definitely list you to prove that who is the conscientious murderer, who is the savior of Arctic City."


Because of their weak strength, they could not help Luo Wushu.

What can be done is just cheer.


Hearing that, the City Lord's Mansion and the Qizong powerhouse both showed pity.

"The ridiculous ants, at this moment, you still think that Luo Wushu has any chance of winning."

"Luo Wushu is indeed evil, but don't you know that two fists are hard to beat four hands?"

"No matter how enchanting, it's just a single person, how can you fight against the team that I waited for?"

The voice fell, and in the battle formation formed by the two sides, shocking fluctuations permeated each.

Bei Zhou controlled the power of his own Tiansha Extinction Array, condensed the Tiansha Extinction Palm, and blasted out.

The terrible power caused the heavy rain to dissipate, and the space oscillated, seeming to be able to directly annihilate the world.

Directly pointed at Luo Wushu.

Han Bing, on the other hand, controlled the Great Liuhe Heavenly Gate Array, gathering all his powers at the dead gate, and condensing the finger of death.

At the fingertips, a palpitating death force quietly filled and throbbed.

Then, sweeping out of the void, locked in Luo Wushu firmly.


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