Son-in-law Dan Zun

Chapter 972: Fantasy and reality!

"Do you dare to die?" Yu Wenyan smiled disapprovingly.

"If I understand well, you still have two friends in the house. It seems that the beauty is not too bad."

"I don't look down on it, don't all men in the Profound Sky City look down on it?"

"Despicable!" Xiao Dai'er's face suddenly became cold.

"So, you don't have to do these unnecessary struggles at all."

"Your details, I have already understood it clearly, from the moment I saw you, it was doomed to everything."

"Unless you don't care about friends, don't care about everything, otherwise..."

"No matter what, I can't escape from my palm."

Yu Wenyan smiled and spoke in an orderly manner.

Only at this moment, this smile fell in Xiao Dai'er's eyes, like a devil.

Xiao Dai'er was desperate.

Yu Wenyan's words made her jade hand holding the dagger tremble, and she felt weak.

If you are alone, the big deal is death.

But at this moment, she did not dare to die.

Otherwise, it will only be implicated in...Mo Qingcheng and Bai Ning who are still sleeping.

Although the two women are asleep, with their looks, as long as they are seen, there will still be countless men who are crazy about them and have bad thoughts.

Above the sky, the red sun hangs high.

However, as far as Xiao Dai'er is concerned, it is full of haze, and there is no hope of light.

"Luo! Nothing! Book!"

"Where are you?"

Xiao Dai'er whispered, full of despair.

At this moment, Luo Wushu was the only person he could think of.

However, she knew in her heart that Luo Wushu was impossible to appear.

There was only one way before her, sacrificing herself to protect Mo Qingcheng and Bai Ning.

Unconsciously, two lines of clear tears slipped from his beautiful cheeks.

Tears will show that she has made a decision and prepared for the worst.

Sacrifice yourself, sacrifice innocence...

"If she loses a hair, I will kill you all." A cold voice suddenly resounded.

In Xiao Dai'er's tearful eyes, there was a handsome figure in white clothes unexpectedly.

"Did you have hallucinations..." Xiao Dai'er laughed at herself, then she turned her gaze back.

Then, he discovered that the figure in the hallucination was surprisingly real.

In the blink of an eye, she appeared in front of her, stretched out her hand, and wiped her tears very gently.


Xiao Dai'er's **** body shuddered suddenly, like an electric shock.

In just a moment, she reacted.

This is not an illusion, but a reality.

This handsome figure in front of her is the one she has been worrying about for countless days.

"Damn fellow, why did you come back!"

Xiao Dai'er rushed directly to Luo Wushu, tears bursting, and it was no longer possible to contain the weakness and grievance in her heart.

In fact, it's not just Yu Wenyan.

In the past six months, she has suffered all kinds of cold eyes and molested her.

However, with her identity and strength, nothing can be changed at all.

As for the elders of Tianmu, leaving them in Tianxuan Academy is considered to be the most benevolent and righteous, she can definitely see them if she wants to meet.

Even more can't, follow behind to help wipe your butt.

It's just today...

It was a lot more difficult to magnify her previous encounters by countless times.


Luo Wushu spoke softly.

In those deep eyes, there was a touch of rare distress.

He can say that Xiao Dai'er's character is quite clear.

On weekdays, I always face life with a smile, basically showing a scene of smiling.

It's not that they are the kind of people who are fragile in their hearts.

If she had not suffered a lot of grievances, she would not show such a helpless, pitiful side.

"Where is the crippled man, where the dog takes the mouse?"

Looking at the figures of the two who were in close contact, Yu Wenyan suddenly became angry, his expression gloomy.

Especially, he already regarded Xiao Dai'er as a prey to his mouth, a forbidden existence.

At this time, Luo Wushu's behavior was tantamount to grabbing love with a sword, adding a bit of color to his head.

Luo Wushu did not respond to Wen Yan's voice, nor did he make any movements.

Let Xiao Dai'er continue to vent the grievances in her heart without interrupting.

See it!

Yu Wenyan's expression became more and more cold, and a wave of human might and angrily moved toward Luo Wushu's oppression.

"Today, if you don't give me a satisfactory explanation, don't want to leave here alive."

Feeling the pressure of the King of Humanity, Xiao Dai'er calmed down instead, and reminded softly: "Be careful, Yu Wenyan is a core student of the Academy, the cultivation base of the early stage of Human King Realm."

Seeing Xiao Dai'er calm, Luo Wushu turned his head and looked at the wine imperceptibly, then threw a jar of fine wine from the storage ring.

Neither of them said much, just one look and one action.

Later, Luo Wushu slowly turned around, looked at Yu Wenyan, and said calmly: "You can judge yourself!"

The calm voice slowly spit out, but it seemed like thunder on the ground, causing the crowd to suddenly be in an uproar.

"who is this?"

"So arrogant?"

"People who don't know think he is the strong man!"

"As long as he returns to the king, I think he is the king of the mouth!"


Although Luo Wushu is well-known throughout the Shenzhou Continent.

But the time to practice in Tianxuan Academy is so short that many people only hear the name and don't know the person.

Of course, not everyone is unaware, and there are also very positive voices.

"He is Luo Wushu!"

Many students: "..."

Knowing the identity of Luo Wushu, the coldness in Yu Wenyan's eyes was a bit less, replaced by a thick sneer and contempt.

"You let me judge myself?"

Luo Wushu nodded slightly, "Fortunately, Xiao Dai'er has nothing to do with it, otherwise it would not be your self-decision and you can directly resist it."

The calm voice, at this moment, had a rock-shattering effect, causing the crowd to be in an uproar and shock.

Is Luo Wushu crazy?

Still, haven't you figured out your situation?

"good very good!"

Yu Wenyan couldn't help laughing.

It was an angry smile, and I could no longer contain the anger in my heart.

"I Yu Wenyan entered the Tianxuan Academy to practice. When the Shenzhou Continent became famous, you still don't know where to muddy, and you don't know who gave you the courage to speak up in front of me."

After speaking, Yu Wenyan directly raised his hand and punched out angrily.

The fist is like a dragon, making the void tremble, and it seems to directly contain the power of changing the heavens and the earth.

Seeing this scene, someone couldn't help sighing, but there was no sympathy.

Even though Yu Wenyan's arrogance is not pretty, but Luo Wushu is so arrogant, who can blame him if he asks for hardship?

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