Son-in-law, God-Emperor

Chapter 79 Break your arms

None of these people at the scene could have imagined that Shan Yanghui had just fought a ruthless man with no outcome...

Turns out to be a door-to-door son-in-law?

Hearing the laughter of the people around him, Xiao Fan's expression also lit up...

He turned his head and looked coldly, and the people who had laughed loudly shut their mouths immediately.

They almost forgot that this was a ruthless person in front of them...

The man who beat Li Dong half to death...

Even if he is a son-in-law, they are not someone they can mess with.

But just because they don't smile doesn't mean Li Dong will shut up.

"Boy, I didn't expect you to be a live-in son-in-law. If you don't take good care of your wife at home, why are you here?"

The four people behind Li Dong also wanted to speak together...

But after seeing Xiao Fan's eyes, they all became honest.

Li Dong dared to laugh, but they didn't dare.

The steward deacon sneered and said: "It turns out that you are a son-in-law who comes to the house, and those who eat soft food deserve to be punished... cut off one of your arms to teach you a lesson. Be careful in the future in Jixian Sect."

He heard that Xiao Fan was his adopted son-in-law, and in his mind, Jingchuan City was an inconspicuous small city...

Therefore, he would not be polite to Xiao Fan at all.

After hearing this, Xiao Fan's face became even more gloomy, and he said in a deep voice: "Why only punish me? The two of them are looking for trouble, shouldn't they be punished?"

"Boy, are you questioning me?"

The voice of the steward and deacon suddenly became louder...

A ball of anger arose in Xiao Fan's heart, and he was about to explode, but Zhu Gang walked up beside him.

"Sir, please calm down. I am from the Zhu family in Pingwan City. Please consider that my brother is ignorant and forgive him this time..."

Zhu Gang smiled flatteringly, then took out a storage bag from his arms and stuffed it into the arms of the steward and deacon.

"Ping Wancheng's Zhu family... no wonder you, the little fat man, are so smooth." The steward looked at Zhu Gang with a smile, and then squinted at Xiao Fan: "You are your first offender, and the punishment is to break your arm. It's a bit serious, so I'll give you a light punishment and give you a hundred whips as a warning to others..."

Zhu Gang secretly breathed a sigh of relief and just kept giving him a hand.


However, at this time, Li Dong's voice came out, and then he whispered in the deacon's ear: "Sir, I have a mortal feud with Xiao Fan, and I hope you can punish him severely... My second brother is an inner disciple. Li Qishui, I hope you can help me with this little favor for my brother’s sake.”

After saying that, Li Dong took out a storage bag from his arms and handed it to the steward and deacon with a distressed look on his face.

Li Qishui is very famous in Jixian Sect, and he is also an outstanding person among the inner disciples.

The cultivation level is the same as that of this steward and deacon, who is in the Heaven-reaching realm.

The steward and deacon checked the storage bag given by Li Dong. Even he was a little shocked. There were a thousand spiritual stones in it...

This is a large amount of money. Zhu Gang only gave two hundred yuan just now...

"Don't worry, they are all family members." The steward and deacon nodded to Li Dong with a smile on his face.

Then he turned around and immediately changed his face, threw back the storage bag Zhu Gang had just given, and said seriously: "Zhu Gang, who do you think this deacon is? How dare you openly bribe me? I think you are For the first time, let’s forget it. I’ll punish you severely next time!”

At this time, the deacon in charge had forgotten what he had just said... and acted like a businessman.

Zhu Gang was stunned. He glanced at Li Dong with a bright smile and immediately understood the reason.

Xiao Fan naturally saw all this, and he must have received benefits from Li Dong without even thinking about it.


Xiao Fan cursed secretly in his heart. He remained calm, but silently activated the Nine Changes of Transformation Qi. If this deacon really wanted to take action against him...

Even if you know you are defeated by him, you still have to resist!

The deacon looked at Xiao Fan and said coldly: "Xiao Fan, wantonly caused trouble, destroyed the sect's buildings, contradicted the teacher, and broke his arms. He will be executed immediately."

His voice was loud and could be heard clearly by everyone around him.

The faces of these young people who gathered to participate in the selection also changed...

Although they didn't see what happened, they could guess that Li Dong and others must have gone to find trouble first.

In the end, it was Xiao Fan who was going to be punished?

But no one spoke up. Who would offend an outside deacon because of a stranger?

"Sir, please have mercy...that's not what you said just now." Zhu Gang panicked and hurriedly spoke to defend Xiao Fan.

However, the deacon didn't even look at him.

Li Dong's face was filled with a proud smile. He looked at Xiao Fan and seemed to be saying to him: Look, what can you do even if you are strong?

Shan Yanghui didn't speak, and whatever happened next had nothing to do with him...

He just looked at Xiao Fan with some pity. He obviously had good talent, but he didn't have a good background, so he was destined to be a mermaid.

Xiao Fan's eyes were cold and stern, and he didn't speak. He was ready to fight to the death.

"Xiao Fan, why don't you come here and accept your punishment..." The steward said coldly. He took a step forward and a wave of coercion enveloped Xiao Fan.

However, at this time, a middle-aged man's mighty voice came from mid-air.

"This is Xiao Fan's first offense. I will give you a warning and let the matter rest."

It was a plain sentence without any verbosity. Everyone present was stunned. They all looked into the sky, but saw nothing.

However, the steward's expression suddenly changed, and he quickly said, "I obey."

There was no reaction in the air, and the voice did not appear again. ..

Li Dong and Shan Yanghui were also stunned, but after hearing that Xiao Fan was fine, Li Dong's expression became ferocious.

"Master Steward, you have clearly announced the punishment for Xiao Fan just now, how can you change it!"

Li Dong did not notice the expression of the steward just now, and his head was full of anger.

"Shut up!"

The steward shouted hurriedly, and his shout made Li Dong regain some sobriety.

The other party could send a message without showing up...and the steward was so afraid.

The other party was at least a master of the Xuandan realm! !

"Let's stop this matter, Xiao Fan is not guilty."

The steward left this sentence and hurriedly turned around and left... He was unwilling to stay for a moment.

Xiao Fan was stunned, he was fine now?

Zhu Gang did not react either, but it was good that Xiao Fan was fine.

The crowd dispersed, and many people were whispering about who the person who had just spoken was...

However, no one could guess, but one thing was certain, that the other party must be a big shot from the outer sect of the Jixian Sect...

"Damn..." Li Dong looked at Xiao Fan fiercely, then turned and left.

Shan Yanghui looked a little strange, he looked at Xiao Fan deeply, and also turned and left.

"Brother, are you okay? I was scared to death just now." Zhu Gang patted his chest and panted.

"It's okay, let's go."

Xiao Fan spoke, although he was confused in his heart why the person who had just spoken helped him...

However, since the other party did not show up, he did not need to rush and must know the other party's identity, just remember this favor.

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