Son of Marvel’s God

Chapter 101: The law of victory has been determined

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Chapter 100 The Law of Victory Has Been Determined

After Tony's shock, Mark appeared in the Frost Giant again, constantly cutting the body of the Frost Giant with the red light blade in his hand.

The Frost Giant ’s body had no way to resist the attack of this high-temperature light blade, and smooth cuts appeared one after another.

Then one after another the frost giants turned into waste, or died.

Seeing Mark rushing through the crowd with ease, Tony's heart became restless. Prompted this genius scientist plus superhero, and finally rushed towards the frost giant.

Tony's miscalculation cost Tony a big loss.

Mark is well aware of his strengths, shuttles back and forth among these frost giants, constantly searching for opportunities and then giving each other a fatal blow.

Tony is actually of this type. But now an assassin rushed into the warrior pile, this kind of head iron behavior is simply looking for his own way.

Although it is interesting to watch Tony be beaten, but this is not a game, this is a battlefield of life and death.

Mark looked at Tony, who was under control, and wanted to send it to help. But the frost giants stopped Mark again and again.

This was not a previous attack, but a rescue. The difficulty has increased by more than one grade.

"Mark ... quick ... come ... help ..." Tony ended the communication without saying the last word.

"Narud, is there any support?" Mark looked at Tony, who was badly beaten at this time, and immediately called Narud.

"My dear master, there is no way for the defense cluster to enable shields on a large scale. However, if individual shields can still be activated. If you need them now, the guard shell can be activated now." Have been waiting for this time to appear.

"Then nonsense. Target: Tony Stark." Mark naturally guided the strength of this shield and immediately ordered.

In fact, Mark's impression of Thor is actually not very good, mainly because this **** is really too good.

Of course, as a boss, he was still very generous. For his own money and work, Mark sincerely did not want this guy to die here.

And if you change to another boss, Mark's future leisure time will be completely worshipped.

"Yes, my master."

A blue beam of light is like a thin needle stuck into the earth. The clouds in the sky were also forcibly broken by this beam, and huge cloud holes appeared in the sky.

Mark looked at such a magnificent special effect, and even the action slowed down half a shot.

Even on the edge of the battlefield, you can clearly see the beam coming from the sky!

Tony was also stunned. Although the original severe pain did not disappear, the damage and pain caused by the new attack did not occur.

After the light blade in Mark's hand waved to solve a frost giant, he scolded: "You meow, why didn't you tell me that there will be such a big movement!"

"Master, this is a normal shield. If you need it, you can now equip you with a shield." Narud said with a smile.

Even if Mark didn't see this guy's face, he could feel the mischievous smile on the opposite side.


With the protection of the shield, Tony restarted his system in a short time.

"Jarvis, I was just exposed to the mysterious light beam, and now check my body immediately." Tony is also quite surprised by the abnormality of his body, but he can't find any problems at all, he can only order artificial intelligence Jarvey To detect.

"Please wait."

There is a detection system in Tony's Warframe. It's just that Jarvis is solely responsible for this detection system.

"Master, the mysterious beam just now was launched into outer space, but the source of the emission has not been found. And the effect of the beam on you is to form a layer of energy shield on your body. The speed of light There is no radiation, which is beneficial to you. It can absorb a lot of kinetic energy shocks and ensure that you will not be hurt during this time. "Jarvis quickly reported the analysis results to Tony.

Tony was also quite shocked by the analysis report. If this mysterious energy can be applied to one's own armor, then oneself can come and go freely without any damage even under the blow of artillery.

It is a pity that imagination is beautiful, and reality is skinny.

When Tony wanted to analyze what constituted this energy, Jarvis suddenly went down.

Tony called several times without success, and reconnected after half a minute.

"What's going on? Jarvis."

"An error occurred during the analysis and the calculation limit was exceeded." Jarvis replied that it was not as emotional as before, and it is obviously the reason why some systems have not yet started successfully.

Tony was also shocked by this set of shields on his body. It can actually make Jarvis down, knowing that Jarvis is one of his most confident creations.

The computing power is absolutely hanging on all the calculators in the world.

But now is not the time to struggle with this kind of thing. With the protection of Tony by the shield, he acted more recklessly. He even used the cluster gun directly in front of a frost giant.

It's just that Tony still doesn't realize that this shield is constantly declining.

Because of previous preparations, the media are now reporting on the scene.

At the beginning, you can still see the heroic posture of the National Guard, but in the back, the National Guard was completely beaten.

Even though the war machine is still fighting ahead, public opinion still appears one-sided.

This situation has been until Tony's appearance until now. In the middle, because Tony was trapped, there were also remarks that Iron Man had failed who could save them, but after watching Tony reappeared from the encirclement, everyone was unprecedentedly inspired.

The light falling from the sky gave Tony a sense of sacredness. Even some Catholic believers rooted in the United States believed that Tony was the **** sent to protect their existence.

After all, the giants in mythology have already appeared, will God be far behind?

Odin: Do you think I am the omnipotent God? Actually, I am a barbarian!

Barbaric ecstasy!

Mark's appearance rate is not high because of his high mobility. In contrast, the heavily armed agents of SHIELD gained high popularity.

Nick can swear to the sky that he never thought of anything like an idol hero. But the above hand, which was originally intended to advertise to himself, became the wedding gown of SHIELD and Tony.

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