Son of Marvel’s God

Chapter 1010: Arms race

Chapter 1029: Arms Race

The situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly. The roots don’t give these “audiences” any time. They have put down their wine glasses and stared at the TV. Even the bartender, who didn’t care much, is now watching idiotically. With.

At this time, a transport plane appeared above the team. Among the transport planes were more advanced marines.

It can be seen from the other party's helmet that the other party's equipment is not even a bit advanced.

The battlefield porcupine is completely equipped by Mark.

It is not that Mark hides and does not provide technology, but that these cannot be made with human technology.

The technology of battlefield porcupines is much higher than that of ordinary marines. In the end, it was OEM production from Mark. As for the mindless request for Mark to provide a production line...It was not that no one had proposed it, but that guy was digested internally the next day.

Mark is now the ancestor of all people. He has provided so many advanced technologies that humans can digest themselves now.

And if Mark really provided it, no country would dare to ask for it.

No one can grab Mark this, which means that everyone does not have such an over-spec weapon.

However, if a country suddenly has such a production line to produce super-spec weapons, it is a threat from other countries, and then it will be a desperate thing.

The German battlefield porcupine team landed, and the grenade was thrown out without money, showing a single word.


And it's that kind of inhumanity!

The ordinary marines on the ground looked at their equipment, and their envious saliva flowed down. If they don't have any chance, then they don't have this idea in their hearts.

But these battlefield porcupines have been selected from among them, if I could work harder... if I could!

For these soldiers, good equipment can not only increase the survival rate on the battlefield, but also a symbol of strength.

My physical fitness varies, and I finally exercised to the extreme, that is, that level. Maybe some people have some specialties, but most of the data gap is still not big.

In this case, the comparison is equipment.

After the grenade opened the way, the battlefield porcupines began to shoot with their modified C-14 electromagnetic rifle.

Compared with the average Marines, all of these guys are equipped with round drums, and these round drums can store more bullets.

However, operators who are not skilled enough will still be unable to control this gun.

This is why it is necessary to re-screen among these people.

The rhythmic burst of shots effectively suppressed the Zerglings in the charge.

The automatic locking system of the mask can reduce the energy required for the aiming of these battlefield porcupines, and it can be regarded as a technological burden.

The two zebras broke through the blockade of the firepower net and rushed in front of the battlefield porcupine. The team members of the battlefield porcupine unceremoniously used their bayonets to open the two zebras.

The bayonet made of the new alloy can effectively deal with the armor of light units.

The armor of the Zergling could not stop the piercing of these bayonets.

The offensive troops did not encounter any major worms. Most of the worms had been dealt with in the previous battles, and only a few sporadic ones were left.

Although the number is still a bit large, it is not surprising.

Will send so many troops, even the outstanding elite troops are sent to the front, just to prove it to others.

Mark is not a fool either. He provides technology directly to them for free, thanking Dade for nothing.

All of these guys are white-eyed wolves.

Counting on them to be grateful to Endeide, it is better to count on the sky, and now it will collapse.

Only when the Battlefield Porcupine now shows outstanding strength, will someone follow along to purchase the technology and equipment related to the Battlefield Porcupine.

After all, other people’s children have it, and their own children cannot be few.

In this case, the comparison is who has the money, and the Yankees and Brits, who have always been rich and powerful, will certainly not be stingy at that time, and Mark will be able to make a lot of money.

In fact, Mark Brit doesn't really care.

After all, I still have a long-term cooperation with the Queen of England. It is not easy to make money from the British. The key is the Americans.

The key is to earn American money. The annual military expenditures in the United States are no joke.

Mark also doesn't care whether the Americans can reversely research the relevant technology of the battlefield porcupine.

Although it is true that it can be made by hand, it can reach the accuracy of the battlefield porcupine equipment, but it is simply not worth the loss.

What is the use of battlefield porcupines that cannot be mass-produced?

The high manual cost will be discouraged before long. Mark can fully achieve assembly line production here, and it is not necessary to be comfortable.

Mark wants to start a new round of arms competition around the world, and in the new round of arms competition, all the benefits will eventually flow into Mark's hands, and Mark will become the richest and most powerful arms dealer in the new era.

Tony only saw the destruction caused by arms dealers to the world, but did not discover the influence of truly powerful arms dealers on the world.

As long as I can be strong enough to have an impact on the entire world, and all the arms are in my hands, then whoever wants to go to war will cut off his supply of resources.

Mark's idea is not ideal, and it is possible to realize it.

Because up to now human technology is provided by Mark!

Mark is not even paying attention to what is happening in Berlin.

For him, it was just a small battle in a small area on a planet.

Sooner or later someone will come to me, and my top priority now is how to deal with the immediate treatment and oppression.

Mark now knows that these two girls are his own daughters, but there is nothing he can do.

Mark tried various methods, but the final result was still failure.

Seeing that there was no hope, Mark had already planned to give up.

But at this moment, something unexpected happened and the watches of two people turned on at the same time.

It is very coincidental that Mark is also standing in front of the two people. Other words have already been said, and now there is no need to spend any more words here.

Mark just stood still and waved his hands, and the two people did the same.

But the three people disappeared in the next second.

Luo Ji, who walked downstairs, was a little surprised looking at the empty downstairs. After looking around, they didn't find any trace of them.

Although missing, Luo Ji shouldn't worry about her man, she knows how strong her man is.


In 1942, Norway.

The Germans rushed into Norway, and Norway also ushered in three saviors.

Mark looked around and looked at the destroyed environment around him. He guessed that this should be a war-torn area. Judging from the materials and architectural styles of these things on the ground, it should be the last century.

"Why did your function bring me?" Mark asked.

Rui Ya looked at her watch, and then thought of a very possible possibility.

"You are the maker of the watch, and there is a universe cube in your body, which is precisely the power left by all infinite gems."

"Impossible, the old man had already put what was in my body... Wait, you said that there is power left by infinite gems in my body. Did I say that in the future?"

Rui Ya hurriedly covered her mouth.

But she found that she was too late, and things had been revealed. At this time, she could only honestly confess: "Yes, it is indeed the future father, you tell me this situation. At that time, the Infinite Gems just left your body. But your successful connection and fusion with the infinite gem, and the will that the infinite gem should have at the time, all remain in your body. It is not so much that the infinite gem has left you, but the power of the infinite gem has left you.

All the power of infinite gems scattered in the universe will actively approach you. Or come back to your body in various forms, and our transmission has problems...I don't know this yet. "

"Okay, I should know what I plan to do in the future. I don't understand why I was able to survive." Mark did not forget the result that Gu Yi passed the time test. Now everything is thinking about that result .

If there is any accident in the middle, Gu Yi will come forward to stop him and guide the time to the right point.

In fact, there is no right and wrong, just to make the world better.

The big lizards in the next door are different from the big golden lizards who are all right in their dens all day long.

They follow the timeline rigidly and never understand that some timelines are wrong, and some timelines or the future can be changed.

Gu Yi is a typical person who knows how to adapt.

"So our goal now is to obtain the infinite gems at this point in time, right? After obtaining the infinite gems, we can go back. How do I understand?

"It's not necessarily. Just like when we went to the timeline of Dad and you, we have successfully obtained the Cube of the Universe, but we still waited for a long time on Dad's timeline." Riya said.

Whether it's related to this or not, it's the right thing to get the key material anyway.

As soon as the three men were about to leave the ruins, the German soldiers outside found them.

The German soldiers shot without hesitation. This is the war zone. They were in no mood or time to capture prisoners.

Mark shot a shock wave out! All the bullets were melted, and then the shock wave cut off the soldiers, including a tank that followed.

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