Son of Marvel’s God

Chapter 1014: Strengthen Steve

Chapter 1033 Strengthening Steve

"Will Steve really choose us?" Riya suddenly asked halfway through the meal.

Everyone's pleasant mood was immediately affected.

Rui Ya is not the kind of person who doesn't understand style, but now this is a critical moment, and there is no time to laugh here.

"Yes, he is a very motivated person. He will climb up this rope if he has the opportunity, and what we do is just give him a chance. The powerful force you showed that day is the key to attracting him. , How does a weak woman possess that kind of speed and how to possess that kind of power, he will be very curious, unable to extricate herself, and eventually fall into our quagmire." Mark seems to be like an experienced hunter, has prepared the trap Okay, just wait for the prey to take the bait.

"Maybe I feel like speaking out of my father's mouth, my back feels a bit cold!" Rui Ya also moved her body a little uncomfortably.

"Girl, don't always think about something, no matter what things will turn out, I am your father. And I also know the physical fitness of you two, staying in this world for hundreds of years will not be a problem. In fact, I am not so anxious, but I don't want to waste time here, there is a strange familiarity to me.

If it is not necessary, I still don't want to stay here for too long, and there is a beautiful wife waiting for me in another world. "Mark said and took the family portrait from his pocket.

Let the family portrait be made in this world. Thanks to Riya, Riya’s equipment is entirely made of nanometers, and all the things needed for printing and taking pictures can be converted, so it is not a problem to get a family portrait.

Aurora looked at his father's happy face, and was really happy for him.


Encounter, another encounter.

As for whether someone has carefully prepared it, only they know it in their hearts.

Oncoming Steve did not notice the three people standing not far away. He lowered his head but drove forward silently, as if there was something urgent to do.

The false identity information in his hand probably has a lot to do with what to do this time.

Mark prepared carefully, and this time, he would not let the opportunity out of his hands so desperately.

"Unexpectedly, this gentleman, we will meet again." Mark said with a smile looking at Steve who was approaching.

Since what happened that afternoon, Steve himself has been a little lost.

In fact, the main reason is that beautiful figure. The result is that all the **** are simply and neat. The key is her figure. Although there is a little gap between her and her strength, it should not be much different. Why does she have it? Such a powerful ability?

Of course, the ability is only part of it, and that beautiful face is also what makes him fascinated.

But when I saw the man next to that person, I already guessed the result. I was just a thin and weak poor boy. How could he be worthy of others?

"You're the one before..." Steve didn't expect that he would meet Mark here, so he was quite surprised.

"The world is so predestined, why don't we sit down and talk carefully! I think my husband seems to be a little bit disoriented, and living like this is very dangerous." Mark said concerned.

Steve also noticed that his current physical condition was a bit wrong, and he was completely like a wandering spirit without a purpose.

"Oh, you are also aware of your own physical problems! Maybe we can find a place to have a drink and talk about how to change your current physical fitness. I can see that there is a heart yearning for peace. But you don’t have that ability."

Steve put everything down this time and looked into Mark's eyes.


Mark's eyes seemed to have a magical power that people could not resist.

Inside the coffee shop.

This is a very high-end coffee shop, and Steve's money will definitely not get in here, which means that Mark is rich.

Steve also learned from the side how rich Mark is.

At the same time, he himself was also worried about why such a rich man would find himself.

His sanity is still maintained and has not been washed away.

The waiter seemed to recognize the old and regular customers, and instead of asking immediately, he began to prepare coffee.

"Steve Rogers, male, was born on July 4, 1918, a thin young man in Brooklyn, New York, USA. Father Joseph Rogers, mother Sarah Rogers. Ordinary art students, but want to To participate in the army to serve the country, I was physically weak and sick, so I was rejected many times. Even using false identification information to apply for the army, the final result was all rejected. I should be right, Shi Mr. Tiff." Mark directly spoke out the information he had prepared.

This is the appearance of completely eating Steve, making Steve even more worried, did he meet any bad guys?

In recent broadcasts, it is said that there are spies for the spies. In this city, young people are constantly bewitched to become their eyes and ears. Those young people don't even know that they have become spies for the spies.

"I won't do things for you!" Steve himself was obviously over-supplemented, so he immediately refused.

"I think you have misunderstood something. I have no hope of getting something from you. I just want to give you something. And you think you are poor and sick. What is in your hand is worth me Coveted?

Steve, what is this place around you? High-end coffee shop, I am a regular customer here. The waiters didn't need to ask my opinion, so they started to prepare coffee for me because they knew what I wanted to drink. You and I are two people in different worlds. Why do you think I will take something from you? "Mark stretched out his hand and pointed to the distance, said the waiter who was preparing coffee.

"There is no simple giving in this world, and there is nothing that can be reaped without giving!" Steve said righteously.

"You are a smart person. I have to admit that. I don't deny the point you just said. There is nothing in this world that is simply giving, and there is nothing that can be gained without giving. If I want it. Is it just as simple as world peace?

It is rare to see the spirit of perseverance. If there are more American teenagers like you who are full of love and peace and are willing to join the army, maybe the world war will be over. I can't believe other people, but I saw something called trust in you, I can believe it.

Remember what happened in the alley that day? This is my friend Rui Ya, who went out of the same school with me and learned a special fighting technique. If you learn it, your fighting ability will be greatly improved, and your physical fitness will also increase. Soon you will get rid of this weak body and become a strong fighter. "Mark kept tempting Steve, step by step into the trap he prepared in advance.

Steve couldn't bear this temptation either, and he jumped into Mark's trap.

"I do!"


After leaving their respective contact information, Mark and Steve parted ways.

"Erskine will leave it to you to deal with." Mark moved his muscles and said.

"Is it possible that the doctor had already noticed Steve? Otherwise, why would you see Steve in the drafting booth of the Expo?" Riya was still a little worried.

"Anyway, now Steve is in our car and the door is welded to death by me. Don't even think about it. Bucky will go to the British front on June 15th, and the German offensive will intensify. Second He will receive the injection on the 12th. According to the current time calculation, it only has one week to receive our training before receiving the injection."

"Well! Time is still very short, or let me use the light spell... this way, it will be better for the body faster." Aurora offered to offer.

But Mark shook his head: "You are totally harming him by recovering him now. He can't understand his weaknesses. After gaining powerful strength, he will only expand. No one can guarantee that this Steve is really. The Steve we know."


As the saying goes, it's good to have money to make the ghosts.

In fact, when the military was studying the super soldier project, it had already overspend.

The people above do not plan to invest in this research anymore and continue to invest new funds. Therefore, the researchers of this project are struggling to find investors.

Mark took the opportunity to intervene when they were looking for investors. As the largest investor, there was only one small request.

Let the thin Steve join this experiment.

For the military, the most important thing is to keep the project going. And once Steve succeeds, it is almost equivalent to nationalization, and it is impossible for capitalists like Mark to influence.

He can say that he just wants people to join the plan this time, no matter whether he can become a super soldier or not, the things after that have nothing to do with him.

This is why the military agreed so happily.

The military is also not at ease, Mark will temporarily regret it.

All the agreements signed by Mark are there.

If Mark defaults, he will bear a huge amount of liquidated damages, but the people in the military want to take the initiative to let Mark default, so that they can get a huge amount of liquidated damages.

This liquidated damages will allow the military to stop being blinded by the group of adults above within two years.

From here you can see how big a sum of money this is.

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