Son of Marvel’s God

Chapter 1034: Straight hook fishing

Chapter 1053

It's just that Mark's ships can basically make short-distance jumps. This ability can ensure that they can avoid deadly dangers.

This technology was already installed on the Spear of Arden, and it was a breeze to install it on these ships of which the Spear of Biaton was too small.

Even the ship’s system can calculate in advance the angle of the muzzle that needs to be adjusted after the ship’s fold, so that it can strike the opponent with a round of firepower after the fold.

It's just a pity that these advanced ships are not able to exert their full strength.

Because the people who control them don't understand the power of these ships.

If it is said that the upper limit of the combat power of the weapon is determined by the human, then it is now the upper limit of the combat power of the weapon determined by the human.

As one of the most terrifying conventional war machines at this stage, Mark's ship is absolutely excellent.

It’s not that Mark has never thought about directly taking the giant beasts of human technology (some say Leviathan, some say Behemoth, these two are behemoths, but it is certain that there are four-tier battleships , Leviathan, Behemoth, Minotaur, Gorgon)-class battlecruiser, or later Minotaur-class battlecruiser.

But in the end, he gave up this plan.

Whether it is the behemoth class, the predecessor of the Minotaur class, the later Gorgon class or the Vulcan class, they have exceeded the current upper limit of space ships.

Take the awe-inspiring Behemoth-class battlecruisers that have experienced three first wars as an example. Initially they were only equipped with bursting laser cannon arrays for space warfare and nuclear warheads for orbital bombing. Until later, before the first heavy invasion, Only the latest Yamato Cannon was installed.

Whether it is a nuclear warhead for an orbital bombing or the Yamato Artillery later equipped, both can easily destroy an entire city, while the latter can destroy several connected cities.

This shows the terrible aspect of this ship.

This is estimated to be very troublesome. Provided it to them, human beings do not have so many excellent technicians who can drive this huge spacecraft.

Take the Behemoth-class battlecruiser as an example. At least nearly a thousand personnel are required to maintain basic operations.

It seems unbelievable, but in fact this kind of ship can accommodate 4,000 to 5,000 people. After the upgrade, it can carry more than 2,000 people.

It is equivalent to a mobile space base.

These are still regular models, and the capabilities of some special models are even more abnormal.

The key is that these unconventional models can be mass-produced. They are not special vehicles for some big bosses. Under the attack of a large number of battlecruisers, they can only fall in the end.

As far as the current resources are concerned, there is no need to build these flashy big guys.

And building these big guys also requires a variety of technological support, let alone the final weapon Yamato Cannon.

Just the crew facilities, the folding drive, and the fusion reactor, this pile of technology also needs to be carefully studied and then implemented.

What you see is just a ship, but in fact this is the result of tens of hundreds of thousands of technologies, and finally stitched together.


Return to this battle.

The human side uses the technological superiority on the ship to almost crush the pirates to fight.

The green ship defensive matrix blocked the pirate ship and attacked from round to round. Even the pilot himself did not expect these green defensive matrices to possess such powerful capabilities.

They even began to sneak into the deepest part of the system quietly, trying to investigate the working principles of these defense matrices and where these devices were loaded.

I have to say that human beings are always greedy, they are full of curiosity about what they don't know, and they don't know the dangers under it.

These defense matrices are technologies taken from battlecruisers.

This temporary deflection position can absorb a lot of damage. The only drawback is that it does not absorb as much damage, and the duration is not as long as imagined.

Countless ships were saved during the Brood War. Later, this technology was improved by the genius scientists of Lars Technology and reused on the heavy Minotaur-class battlecruisers.

But now it is used on these ships, although it looks a little overkill, but in fact it is not at a loss.

The energy consumed by this defense matrix is ​​actually not much.

Of course, there are also special customized models, which can absorb the energy of the reactor to a great extent, and then become a defensive matrix to protect the safety of the ship as much as possible, but in that case, it is not worth the gain.

The battle is almost a one-sided advantage, and Shandal’s division tactics are also very good, easily dividing the pirate fleet into several areas, and then using superior forces to encircle and suppress a certain area, and other ships drag the pirates The momentum of the offensive ensures that ships in the state of siege will not be affected.

Of course, the prerequisite for the use of this tactic is the ship's quality.

If the quality of your fleet's ships cannot meet the requirements, there is still no way to complete this tactic.

For human beings, they are now in the Baoshan, but there is no way to use the resources in the Baoshan.

Shandal’s fleet, which was still underestimating humans, now doesn’t underestimate humans.

It turns out that humans possess such powerful technology!

Although the number of ships is small, such powerful technology can completely enable them to defeat most opponents with a small number of ships in the chaotic battlefield.

It is not uncommon in the universe to win more with less, and it is inherently wrong to perform such calculations simply by numbers.

Fleet pilots, fleet commanders, and whether the technology carried by the ship has been modified are all factors that must be considered.

The battle lasted for half an hour, and the humans and Shandal were victorious with very few casualties.

Human beings are also gathering up pirate spaceships that can be towed back for reprocessing and utilization, and at the same time sending soldiers to board these ships to deal with the pirates above.

Shandal's side really looks down on these scrap copper and rotten iron. Although I don't understand why humans want to recycle these ships, these things are really no different from scrap copper and rotten iron.

Both in terms of technology and weapon systems, they are quite backward.

This degree of backwardness must be used as a simple analogy, like the gap between the Second World War and the First World War.


A large amount of resources have been collected from the pirate base camp, which has greatly expanded the coalition government. They believe that as long as these resources are returned to the earth, coupled with the use and transformation of these gathered ships, they can completely build a fleet. .

There will be no need to look at Mark's face then.

Although he can't compete with Mark so much, he still has a lot of right to speak.

But it was also because of this time that they knew more about how terrifying Mark's strength is now. The thousands of ships, even if the remaining ships are all small, are also quite terrifying.

However, the fleet commander applied, hoping that the coalition government would invest heavily in purchasing the ships that Mark now provides, and even suggested that the resources in the pirate base should be used for purchase.

At first, the coalition government had a bewildered attitude toward this request, but after the video of the entire battle was passed back, they understood why the fleet commander had such a request?

Although the Shandars played a lot of roles in the battle, in comparison, the Earth Fleet is the real main force.

Although they don't know much about this aspect, the basic judgment of the situation can be seen as long as the individual is not blind.

After thinking about it carefully, even if they use these resources, plus the scrapped copper and iron recovered, it is estimated that they will not be able to build a better ship than these. It is better to spend the money on the blade and buy one from Mark. Batch.

At that time, we will continue to expand outwards and gather external resources. Maybe then we can really form a fleet that can threaten Mark.

But this kind of thing is just to think about it, they have not naively thought that they can take the initiative in this way.

The messenger who had had good negotiations with Mark last time, once again bite the bullet and came to Mark's company, trying to negotiate with Mark about the final ownership of these ships.

Seeing this messenger come again, Mark knew that these guys were really caught up.

I can't bear to let my children catch wolves. This trial period obviously made the fellows of the Earth Coalition Government very happy, and they have begun to feel a little bit reluctant to bear these babies.

Mark is now just in time to eliminate these gradually eliminated ships.

Although Mark has an invincible fleet like the Golden Fleet, this fleet is still not able to get to the surface, which is why Mark will build a fleet that can be used by humans.

But at that time, it was out of emergency considerations, so the products made were actually defective products, but even these defective products, in the eyes of other human civilizations, can be regarded as very good ships.

Mark took advantage of this action to give them ample opportunity to try it out, allowing them to bite their own straight hook obediently, even if they knew it was Mark prepared in advance, they had to bite it.

After these ships are eliminated, Mark can re-install new ships. Mark is going to absorb the technology from the local universe this time to strengthen the ships from another universe.

Kerax, an excellent Calla technician, had close communication with the human technician Siwang. He had an understanding of some human technology and the construction of human ships, and all of this knowledge was in his brain.

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