Son of Marvel’s God

Chapter 1049: We speak science

Chapter 1068

On the earth, a large number of strange buildings have been created. They stand on the plains of the earth and are surrounded by human ruins.

"Sir, we only need to spend two days to build the required altar, and then we can find the escaped mouse."

"I couldn't even do this for such a long time? If it weren't for your trash, one should already be in my hands! Within a day, build this place for me, otherwise everyone will Die to me, have you heard?"


Facing the pressure of Malekiss, these dark elves dared not even lift their heads. They could only start processing silently, completing the construction of this altar as soon as possible, just as their leader said, if they can’t do it They will all die if they come out.

It is impossible for anyone to take his own life to gamble, except for the lunatic who has already gone to ruin.

Thor, holding Thor’s hammer, fell from the sky, and a powerful electromagnetic force swept the entire venue. Thor adjusted his earphones, held up the Thor’s hammer in his hand, and shouted: "I am the Thor of Asgard. , Malekis, I am here to take revenge!"

Malekis, who didn't leave the altar at all, walked down from the altar.

He looked at Thor, who was holding Thor's Hammer at this time, and after a closer observation, he said: "I didn't expect you to have the courage to come out. A coward who gave up his family and lover now finally has the courage to come out! Hand over the ether in your hand and I can spare you not to die."

Thor held the ether particles tightly in his hand, and said fiercely: "I won't give this kind of thing to people like you. I am here today for revenge."

As soon as Thor's voice fell, several cursed soldiers surrounded him.

These powerful cursed warriors, every punch is so terrible, Thor listened to the sound in the headphones, blocking as much as possible.

However, the opponent has a large number of people, two fists are hard to beat four feet, Thor has been seriously injured after several rounds of fighting.

Thor was punched in the face by a cursed warrior, and a mouthful of blood spurted out. He tried to use the power of the ether particles in his hand to redeem his current defeat.

But before he had time to use it, Malekis had already rushed forward, and a powerful force hit Thor's body. Before Thor had time to use it, the power of the etheric particles had been knocked down to the ground.

Thor accidentally threw the etheric particles he was holding tightly to the ground.

Malekis found the next to the etheric particle, picked it up, and regained the power of the infinite gem. He felt that he was extremely powerful now, and could even destroy the world.

He controlled the surrounding environment through etheric particles, trying to transform the world and directly complete the altar.

The altar is a large amplifier, as long as you complete it yourself, then the entire universe will be under Malekith's control.

Even Malekis can find other infinite gems through etheric particles.

He knew that there was no way to do it with his own body, so he still needed a perfect container. This container, or a substitute, is now Thor.

Although his strength is not very good, his body is solid.

The body of an Asgardian can withstand the bursting power of a planet, and can accomplish its own goals through this body.

Before that, he changed his body, replacing his weak body.


Mark's flagship.

The Avengers are sitting together at this time.

No one was anxious when Thor was caught.

"K out of K. I said Tony, don't be busy there, come and rest for a while, wait for you to be busy later." Mark shouted to Tony who was collecting current universe information not far away.

"This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I have never been to other universes. If I can collect information about this universe and derive it, I can even directly establish a connection point between us and the neutral universe. At that time, we may not even have to It takes me to pass the infinite gems to be able to reach this universe." Tony is doing a very crazy move.

Mark put down the winning card in his hand and walked directly to Tony to shut down the system.

"Do you know what you are doing?" Mark asked.

Tony did not apply for the data for Mark directly shutting down his system. When it was stored in, it was saved as soon as possible, so it would not be lost.

"I'll ask you again, do you know what you are doing now?"

"I am working for the welfare of all mankind!"

"This is not for the benefit of all mankind, you are harming them. Do you know why I let the Earth Fleet come here? My purpose is to let them understand the horrors of space wars and let them face a powerful cosmic civilization .It's not those pirates or mercenaries.

what are you doing? You are getting information about this world. I know you are very genius. You can do this, but we can no longer intervene in this universe. Taking away some of the resources has caused damage to the universe, you should know. If the various values ​​in this universe are stable, it is these stable balances that ensure that the universe will not collapse. But have you ever thought that once something starts to decrease drastically, from one universe to another, the universe will collapse at that time! "

"Quantitative change causes qualitative change? There is such a possibility, but not necessarily!" Tony was still a little bit stiff.

"Even if it is not necessarily, but whoever takes care of the behavior of connecting the universe will cause us more trouble. Our universe has Thanos, and there are also in this universe. Do you plan to let the universe experience another crisis?" Mark asked .

Tony shook his head and said, "Since we can defeat him once, we can defeat him a second time."

"You’re right, what’s the price? Now it’s hard to enter a stable development period. The price is to go back to the beginning from the current stable period. Tony, I’m not opposed to your research, but you should never take the last step. It's like humans making nuclear bombs! Once Pandora's treasure box is opened, it cannot be closed."

Tony didn't refute Mark's words, but after careful thinking, he could understand Mark's behavior and thoughts.

Finally, he completely deleted all the data in the computer. He calmly said to Mark, "You are right, I take it for granted. But please tell everyone the truth about these things in the future. Everyone is a family, everyone Don't want to be concealed."

"it is good!"

As soon as the conversation between the two was over, Thor walked from the outside.

"Did the action begin?" Thor was extremely eager, his eyes burning with revenge.

"Of course!" Mark and Tony said in unison.

It turned out that it was not Thor in this universe that landed on the earth, but Thor in another universe with a stronger power, that is, Thor in the universe where Mark is located.

His only mission on earth was to understand the purpose of the dark elf.

Now that you understand the purpose of the dark elf, you don't need to take care of it.

The Earth and Sandal fleet will intercept the Dark Elf fleet, and the Asgard fleet and soldiers will cover them to land successfully on the ground, king versus king! Will match! Soldier against soldier!

This will be a "equal" contest.

"I will enter the jump in 30 seconds." The Christmas voice echoed throughout the ship, and everyone was looking for the handle that could be held recently, and grabbing the handle as much as possible to welcome the upcoming treaty.

The intense vomiting of short jumps is painful.

However, the superheroes of the Avengers are all trained to be superhuman, so they still suppress this feeling by force.

Everyone put on their own uniforms, ready to land.

According to information provided by Thor before, this land is full of viruses and bacteria. If there is no precaution, it is very likely to be infected.

So everyone put on special combat uniforms.

"According to the original plan." After Mark finished speaking, he walked directly to the altar.

Others can fly into the sky and fly into the sky, but those who can't fly, let those who can fly take a ride.

Try to contain the cursed warriors as much as possible. The strength of these cursed warriors is still certain. Of course, this condition is also very harsh. A powerful elite fighter completely loses his mind. For any civilization, this is extremely Big loss.

Mark came to the deepest part of the altar. It looked like a primitive altar, but it was actually a barrier of high-tech civilization. Through the watch that Mark carried, Christmas came out of it and began to invade the system.

"How? Can you invade?"

"It's a piece of cake! It's even a bit simple. It can be done in two minutes, and I will be able to control the entire system at that time. It can even reverse the entire ceremony."

"Pretty! Then I'll take care of the choppy outside." Mark threw it outside, and the messy footsteps revealed his light blade.

After thinking about it carefully, I haven't made a move for a long time.

"Do you need my help?"

"You should always let me, an old man, move his muscles and bones. If I stay like this, I feel like I'm going to die." Mark moved his arm and said.

"Then you are free!" Christmas also replied with a smile

The conversation between one person and one artificial intelligence ends here.

Mark opened the door and walked out. Several dark elves saw Mark shooting without hesitation. The laser was cut open by the light blade in front of Mark and ejected onto the surrounding walls. The dark elves did not flinch from this, but instead launched a charge.

"Still the same as before!" Mark said, looking at these stupid dark elves.

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