Son of Marvel’s God

Chapter 1051: End of war

Chapter 1070

After all, the number of Protoss is not many, Mark intends to invest too many Protoss in this battle.

As long as the ground battlefield maintains a balanced state, it will not be able to slowly gain the advantage by crushing it. This is already Mark's ultimate goal.

This advantage will eventually become bigger and bigger like a snowball, and as an enemy, it will eventually collapse because it cannot resist the snowball.

Now that the anxious humans and the Sandal fleet have been hit in space, there is no time to look at the ground.

Originally thought that equipped with the most advanced protection system, the most advanced aiming system and electromagnetic pulse, these dark elf ships could be easily suppressed.

But now it's too naive to think about it. Who can stand in this universe, who is the one who is waiting?

Shandar knew the strength of these dark elves, so he was 200% ready to fight from the beginning.

The shields of the battleship are all activated, do not care about the waste of energy, and ensure the safety of the battleship as much as possible.

Dispatch warplanes, try to contain the attacks of those heavy warships, and facing the close cutting of the blade warships, Shandar has prepared a centurion.

The Centurion tried his best to prevent the blade warships from approaching the team and prevent the blade warships from completely cutting the team apart.

At the same time, human electromagnetic pulse, although there is no way to directly paralyze the opponent, it can also cause a certain impact on the opponent's system.

The Asian fleet began to pull kites, and most of the blade warships were taken away. These blade warships are closely chasing behind the Asian warships. Every time it seems that they are about to approach, the Asian fleet starts to jump short distances, and after the jump is a long distance.

The most important thing is that after the jump is over, it does not leave the opponent's attack range. The red lock lines are like urging souls.

The American Fleet also activated the electromagnetic acceleration gun.

The charging time of the electromagnetic acceleration gun is extremely long, but it can often penetrate 2 to 3 blade battleships.

Of course, the prerequisite is to be able to hit these extremely fast warships.

Mark's fleet was not idle, but began close combat with those large warships.

The wealthy Mark equips all his warships with the latest shields, and at the same time allows the surrounding warships that can replenish their shields to replenish their shielding energy.

It also formed the status quo that Mark's shield had just been knocked out, and then refilled in the blink of an eye.

Unless the opponent can break Mark's shield in a short time, don't want to hurt Mark's fleet, but this kind of thing is easy to say, but difficult to do.

All ships are like a large matrix network. Where energy is lacking, energy is supplied to the past.

This has led to the protection of the large battleships on the dark elf side one by one, and although Mark's energy has been reduced a lot and a lot of resources have been consumed, he is still fighting there.


Malekis had already noticed the failure of the dark elf now, but he didn't care, and soon he would have unparalleled power.

He stepped onto the altar step by step. He put the ether particles in his hand on the altar, allowing all his soul, spirit and power to gather on the ether particles, trying to complete the final transfer.

Trapped on the altar, Thor raised his head and looked at Malekiss mockingly: "You are so confident that your plan will succeed?"

"The defeated general is still here, dying and barking? But you don't have long time to call you here, and soon I will replace you and gain your body!"

The corners of Thor's mouth rose slightly and he smiled, not putting him in his eyes at all.

Malekis was extremely angry at this ridicule, but at this time he did not lose his mind because of it, but continued to complete the ritual.

But as time went deeper, he found that all his things were out of control.

The altar is changing! The energy is even being reversed, and the body, spirit, soul and own power are beginning to be distorted.

He realized something was wrong!

"No, it's impossible!" Malekis shouted before being sucked in.

"There is no impossible idiot," Mark said as he stepped out from underneath.

The etheric particles absorbed Malekiss, so that the power that originally belonged to him was completely integrated into the gem, and the gem that was originally dull was brightened a bit.

Thor did not absorb the power in the gem as originally planned, but gave the gem to Mark.

"Why?" Mark didn't understand why Thor wanted to do this.

"Asgardians still like to keep getting stronger by their own strength, so let this opportunity be given to you!"

"I don't believe what you said."

"I just don't want to get involved with these gems. It doesn't matter if you have two pieces there. It doesn't matter if you have one more or one less. A sheep is also rushing, and a group of sheep is justified. Isn't that the truth? Many ants are not afraid of itching!" Thor said, lifting the Quake Hammer aside.

"You guy... I found that what the old man said is right, you are lazy!"

"If I'm not lazy, I don't know how many years ago I was able to reach the current level. Father's expectations will always be endless. I might as well take advantage of it now. I will not be able to force me after this father. "Tor has known his father's ambitions since before, how big is it?

He intends to let his unfinished business be completed in his own children,

It can be said to be almost paranoid, and it cannot be said to be wrong, but it cannot be said to be right!

Mark held the ether particle in his hand and raised it high, just using this amplifier to start to change the surrounding situation.

The dark elf didn't even react to what was going on. A black and red storm had already swept all the surrounding areas.

In this area, the dark elf disappeared in ashes, leaving no residue.

The gems that were originally lit are now dimmed a lot, and seem to be no different from before.

"Only the dark elf fleet in the sky is still floating in resistance, but it is only a matter of time before they are wiped out."

Ben Universe Thor looked at the cursed warrior who was disappearing before his eyes, and the hammer in his hand fell to the ground. He fell to the ground with a thump, but his consciousness was still clear, and the feeling of revenge made him extremely relaxed.



"Need us to help you find the remaining people?" Mark asked Thor in this universe.

"No need. Slowly find for yourself, and then gain their approval and become their new king. I once abandoned them, now let me find them myself." Thor is ambitious.

Mark nodded and adjusted a ship.

"This is a colonial ship, and it can be regarded as a place for your people to live in. It is better than wandering in the universe."

"Thank you." Thor said.

"I promised that those humans, as well as the Shandars, will take the resources from the earth in this universe as much as possible at that time. You should have no opinion?"

"The earth doesn't belong to us, so take it as you want! And these things are useless to me."

"After all, you are a person in this universe, so I'd better ask you, just as a process!"

Outside the window.

Countless ships began to advance toward the surface, and some directly began to advance toward the location of the identified minerals, to obtain these resources in the shortest time possible.

Mark expects to wait here for a week, one week is enough to fill all the resources.

Only at the other end of the universe, a civilization detected the situation here.

"Those dark elves are actually annihilated?"

On Sandal, the people of the New Star Legion were also very surprised.

If it weren't for the reason that the whip was beyond reach, it is estimated that they would have already dispatched a fleet.

"I detected the information of our subordinate ships near the earth, so we checked the signal information and found that these ships are still lying in the dock. I don’t know if someone simulated our ship’s signal or what happened. other things."

"Did the survey results come out?"

"No, none of the dispatched ships returned."

"Assemble the fleet!"

The ruins of the Avengers base.

The Avengers looked at the huge sign left on the ground, and the big A seemed to tell everyone that this place once belonged.

Although Natasha is not the kind of sentimental woman, but seeing this scene before her, she couldn't help but say: "Is it possible that our world will become like this?"

"That's not good." Tony analyzed tightly: "It is very likely that our universe will also become like this. Because until now, we don't know how many terrible existences there are in the universe. With awe, Being ready for battle at any time is what we Avengers should do."

"Anyway, pay tribute to these avengers from another world!" Steve took the initiative to make a military salute.

People also start saluting.

At this moment, a big rock was pushed abruptly, and an old man crawled out of it with his waist.

"Excuse me, is this the end of the world?"

Mark recognized the old man right away, and he said to Tony next to him: "Take the other people away!"

Tony told everyone to leave quickly in the communication channel, although I don't know why, of course, I heard Tony said that it was correct.

And it was so weird that an old man suddenly appeared here.

After the others left, Mark walked to the old man and said with a smile: "Long time no see, old man."

The old man just glared at Mark without curiosity: "Can you show me my child?"

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