Son of Marvel’s God

Chapter 796: Revenge and revenge

Chapter 815

There was only endless anger in Hulk's eyes at this time, and there was no trace of reason at all.

Thanos has a lot of technology to control the human spirit. He can easily suppress a person's sanity and turn him into an inhuman beast.

These things are simply uncommon in the universe, and even some medicines can turn a living person into a walking dead (in various senses)

The Gamma Yingzi in Hulk is indeed very powerful, even immune to most physical and elemental damage.

It is said that when facing mental spells, Hulk is like a child who has not grown up and has no power to fight back.

Superstar! Among the Obsidian Five Generals, the actual combat effectiveness is lowest.

But don't think her strength is very weak.

The strength she possesses is also the most powerful in the entire team.

Mind control, telepathy, memory stealing!

As long as she wants, she can get everything from anyone.

Once he was just an orphan, and when he wanted to commit suicide, Thanos found out.

Thanos gave him a whole new meaning. As long as she worked for herself, when the time was right, she would give her the death she dreamed of.

In order to achieve this goal, superstars can be said to be extremely loyal. She firmly believes that no one in this universe can give her true death, except her current master Thanos.

After capturing Hulk, Thanos had already thought of how to control this beast and become his most loyal thing.

And the chain that bound him was the superstar.

The superstar did not disappoint Thanos, her ability successfully controlled Hulk, even tampering with all his memories, treating these people in front of her as her own enemies.

Mark has only two choices, or kill him, or use the power of infinite gems to save him.

There will be no other options, because it is the superstar who controls him.

Mark felt an unusual breath from the opponent.

Although the Infinite Gems cannot be used directly now, the increase in Mark has never been reduced.

Mark can clearly feel that the spirit of Hulk now does not belong to him at all, but has been manipulated and modified by others.

Mark intends to use the infinite gems in his hands, but he feels the reminder of Nemesis, the owner of the infinite gems: "If you use it now, you will face a joint attack from the court of life and other creation gods. . Even if I want to protect you then it won’t be possible.”

Mark made a quick choice between himself and Hulk. This problem was not as difficult as he thought.

"If you don't pass the power of the gem, can it be lifted?" Mark still asked unwillingly, but Mark had already made an impossible ending.

"It also depends on his own will. His memory has been modified now. If he can awaken himself and truly master his own power, then all these things can be solved. And I have already told you, last time The influence of the soul gem in his body has not disappeared, and the probability of awakening is very high. So at this stage, he is to be stunned and successfully controlled.

I almost forgot that there is another condition, which is to kill the guy who controls him behind the scenes, or let the guy who controls him behind the scenes release the control himself, or he can modify the memory and change it back to its original state. "Nemesis made a rare artifact of the old grandmother and explained to Mark how this can solve the immediate difficulties.

Hearing that there is still hope of saving, Mark immediately said to his companions: "Tony, is your suit compatible with your anti-Hulk armor?"

"No problem!" Tony said with a thumbs up to Mark.

"Guys, Hulk has now modified his memory. To awaken his memory, only he can do it, so guys have revenge for revenge, and revenge for injustice." Mark said this, the Avengers' Everyone immediately geared up.

Everyone's opinions on Hulk are not a matter of a day or two. In fact, more or less Hulk has caused a certain amount of damage and influence on the Avengers.

Sometimes Dr. Banner took the initiative to compromise, and released Hulk for a day or two, and then Hulk did all kinds of weird things.

If the danger is under control, it has not spread.

At the forefront was Steve Rogers, who had just recovered not long ago. The shield in his hand was swung fiercely and slammed on Hulk's head.

The one-stroke shield slam made Hulk's head a little problematic.

Hulk shook his head and roared loudly at Steve, but Steve looked at Hulk with a smile and said, "I told you to steal my sandwich!"

If it's an ordinary sandwich, Steve will definitely be entangled, but the key is that the sandwich is a loving bento carefully prepared by Carter.

What his wife made for himself finally fell into Hulk's mouth, and Steve was really angry to death.

But there was no way back then, and now I finally found a chance to get back.

But what Steve did was definitely not the most excessive.

Tony, who was standing next to him, had just put on the anti-Hulk armor, his whole body was fully powered, and he rushed towards Hulk at a very fast speed.

Seeing that Hulk hadn't reacted yet, there was a sound of Euler Euler. At this moment, Tony seemed to be possessed by Tony.

The most disgusting thing is that it is not Dior who stands opposite, but poor Hulk.

Hulk was beaten all over with cuts and bruises, and a lot of wounds appeared on his body. After being controlled by the spirit, his body's defenses actually began to decline.

Because Hulk's power suits his anger, it is directly linked. Without getting the anger bonus, his body is also very difficult to withstand, the anti-Hulk armor attack specially prepared for him.

Sam next to him didn't know when, he pulled up a part of the spacecraft with a thick thigh, and then slammed it at Hulk's head.

Instead, Scott exploded his body several times, and then stepped heavily on Hulk, looking at the scene of street fighting and gang fights in front of him, Mark just looked at him for Hulk. I felt a little pain, and I don't know if the attack worked.

Hulk actually stretched out his hand, backing continuously, like a child who was afraid of being beaten.

People looked at Hulk in surprise, then put down the weapon in his hand, seeming to accept Hulk's surrender.

However, in the next second Hulk was under everyone's surprised gaze. You caught the nearest Steve with lightning speed, then pushed him to the floor and charged with a trench.

With brute force, a trace was left on the steel floor, and it was Steve's body that left this trace.

Fortunately, Steve was wearing the newly developed suit, so he was able to face this weird situation without causing fatal damage.

On the other side, the Wasp assisted Barton and Natasha who had fallen on the ground and treated their bodies at the same time.

Prepared medicines to treat physical injuries in advance for them to ensure that they would not withdraw from the battlefield due to physical damage during the battle.

The effect of the medicine was very rapid. The two of them could not move before, and soon recovered. The two of them stood up and moved their previously injured parts.

"Hope, thank you!"

Although the Wasp rarely shows her face in the Avengers, everyone respects this superhero.

The Wasp can serve as her battlefield medic, but not everyone can do it.

"If it still feels a little uncomfortable, I can give you another needle." The Wasp took out a new needle tube from her pocket.

The two looked at the special needle, shook their heads and refused.

In the process of treatment just now, I didn't feel any better, even more painful than the treatment.

The treatment continuously consumes the energy in their own body. This abnormal consumption of energy is simply squeezing their bodies.

Take out an energy bar from their respective pockets. After the use, the body has recovered a lot.

These energy bars are not like chocolates sold outside, energy bars mixed with cereals. It is a special ghost product specially prepared by Mark for them.

Basically one can last for two or three days.

If the activity is not much longer, it can last for at least five days.

The Wasp who had just rescued two people, looked at Steve who was hit hard by Hulk, and started to have a headache again.

She had thought that this battle would be very difficult and many people would be injured, but she did not expect it would be so frequent.

"Mark, you don't give much." Although Hope reminded him in his own way, Mark should stop showing up the wounded.

Mark lurked in the dark, not watching from the sidelines, but waiting for the two guys who were lurking in the dark at the same time as himself.

Obsidian Five Generals, apart from the superstar who has been hiding behind, the couple are also very tricky.

General Dead Blade and Dark Night Proxima Centauri.

Feeling a wave of fluctuations in the surrounding space, a dark dagger was piercing Hope's heart, Mark Union showed his figure, and grabbed the dagger with his bare hands.

"I finally waited for you!" Mark gritted his teeth and said to the owner of the booger.

The owner of the dagger is no one else, but Proxima Darkye.

The famous hand-to-hand master and cosmic fighting master, the sharp spear thrown in his hand will turn into three rays that lock the target, each of which can kill most creatures.

A bit similar to Odin's Gangnir, but a weakened version.

The eldest son of God who likes Marvel, please collect it: ( The literature of the eldest son of Marvel has the fastest update speed.

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