Son of Marvel’s God

Chapter 798: Resurrection failed

Chapter 817

A powerful soul wave erupted from the war blade, trying to prevent Mark's further attack.

But Mark's attack was not something ordinary people could stop. The fluctuation of the soul only stopped for a moment. Proxima Dark Night has been beheaded.

In the face of the enemy, Mark will not have any kindness. The kindness to the enemy is cruel to his own people.

Immediately after that, a strange scene happened. General Deadblade was not out of the warblade burst out a soul package, living in the dark night Proxima Centauri.

The body of Proxima Darkyx began to undergo drastic changes as the soul was wrapped.

Everyone began to move away from her body, and the nearest Mark also began to move away. I am afraid that the power of this soul will involve my soul, which has always been mysterious.

Even if Mark has a soul to keep protecting his body, he doesn't want to try. The pain of the soul being split is very terrible, and the continuous damage it brings is difficult to heal.

Some people have no way in their lives to heal the wounds brought by their souls.

This kind of thing is really difficult to tell others in a normal way. Of course, some people can heal their souls through their own spirit, but the requirements for the healer are very high.

General Deadblade swallowed the undissipated soul into the warblade. According to Mark's estimation, he should want to use a similar method to resurrect his Dark Night Proxima.

Whether it is for resurrection, it is estimated that he intends to use his soul to strengthen his own power, anyway, these two are almost the same.

Mark raised the light blade in his hand and said to General Deadblade: "Now, you are the last one left. Do you think you have defeated so many superheroes?"

General Deadblade sacrificed an arm. As a price, he grabbed Aranak's throat and said, "Just look at your abilities and see how many of you will I kill before the battle is over?"

Aranak also felt very humiliated. He never thought that he would be locked in his throat by such a guy. Under the anger, Aranak exploded with unprecedented power, and red energy continued to surround his body.

All of them felt that their mental energy was suddenly pulled.

Mark controlled his mental energy in time to ensure that it would not be affected by external forces.

The red energy passed through Mark's body, seeming to ignore the existence of Mark, and it was only a blink of an eye from the beginning to the end.

Mark took a look at Aranak who was caught in a hurricane of red energy. It should be that guy who was going to test his spirit.

The result of the current trial has already appeared, and it cannot be shaken at all. Aranak also gave up those immature ideas.

Compared to that without body, Amon has been lurking in the dark void. Now this Mark, who has an entity and super combat power, is the more threatening one.

"Alanak, don't do anything to entangle him anymore, get rid of him, we have more important things to deal with next!" Mark looked at the distance in a weak state, Hulk, facing you, Hello Aranak urged.

All the energy of Aranak gathered in his hands, and then pushed forward violently, the red energy rushed forward like a tiger.

The General Dead Blade, standing right in front, tried to block with his body.

But when he came into contact with this red energy, he found that this energy could not resist his body at all. It was like rubble that the energy could easily destroy the entire upper body, half of the body was swallowed up by this red energy. .

"This... this is impossible!"

He is ready to use his powerful recovery ability to recover his wounds.

However, he found that the recovery of his body was prevented by this red energy.

If you continue according to this rhythm, you will soon die because you have not recovered your body and lost a large number of organs.

At that time, it can only be resurrected through the soul in that war blade.

However, in the current war, not only his own soul is the only one, but the method of resurrection of War Blade is to resurrect one of the souls in a short time.

Then it will fall into a long period of silence, and the cost of such a resurrection is also considerable.

It does not mean that as long as they die, they can be resurrected immediately.

This kind of unreasonable resurrection simply cannot exist in this world.

Mark grabbed the warblade and smiled to General Deadblade, "Do you need this resurrection?"

General Dead Blade looked at Mark with a gray face, fearing that he would take further action with his weapon.

But Mark used his knees abruptly in front of him, and completely broke the war blade. Mark threw the broken war blade in front of him and said to him: "Look, now I'm reviving you. The opportunity is gone!"

Mark now looks like an evil spirit, looking at General Deadblade, as if waiting for his death to come, and then pounces on his corpse, devouring his body and soul.


Hulk has been imprisoned and is sending away from the spaceship.

The life breath of General Deadblade also began to disappear gradually.

Now Thanos Obsidian five generals, the last superstar is left. In order to prevent accidents, Mark connected all the nerves of himself and other people into one.

In this way, even in the event of a mental attack, the self-awareness can be guaranteed, and everyone can join hands to resist the spiritual invasion.

Although there is a nerve bundle on the head suddenly, it is a bit uncomfortable for many people, but for safety reasons, this is also nothing.

In a short period of time, everyone can communicate with each other, and there are hardly any secrets.

Of course it is impossible for Mark to disclose all his secrets to the public.

Just make a shallow connection, deeper connections require a thicker nerve bundle.

It's like using broadband. A nerve bundle now seems to be a mega broadband. And the connected nerve bundles are like 100M broadband.

The two cannot be compared at all, and the energy required to explore deeper secrets needs to be greater.

And now, how many people have time to explore other people's ideas.

A group of people went deep into the ship unimpeded, and Thanos seemed to have been aware of the coming crowd, put on his armor, and sat on the throne.

Aranak used his energy to break through the metal gate, and the gate fell to the ground. Everyone saw Thanos sitting on the throne and the superstar standing beside him.

"Retreat, the next battle has nothing to do with you. If I die, they will give you death." For Thanos, this battle is the last battle.

It's his last battle!

Sooner or later, I have already thought about it, one day!

And for this day, we continue to work hard, strengthen our body, and consolidate our spirit, in order to maintain the balance of the universe.

"Komunen, you are a smart person. You should know how much your actions will have on this universe and how much impact it will have. It is still too late to join me to control the population of this universe and ensure the stability of this universe." North took the initiative to reach out and tried to persuade Mark to join his camp.

But the path he chose from the beginning was wrong, and it was impossible for Mark to join his camp.

"Every race and every civilization has its own choice. In the future, there will be conflicts, wars, and even genocide, but those are not excuses for our slaughter of races! Even if the future is about to happen, it is impossible to What happened is blamed on them now, the energy in the universe will not have any change, only the creatures living in this universe will change. It is their own choice whether to live or die. You try to only To change these is just to become the creator of this world! Satisfy the vanity in your heart." Mark said.

Seeing that Mark had no intention of giving in, Thanos immediately gave up his intention to continue persuading. He reached out and grabbed the war blade placed on the edge of the chair, the two-headed war blade shining with cold light.

Just looking at it makes people shudder. No one dares to underestimate whether the sharp blade can look at their heads.

"In that case, there is only one battle between us! Let's start!" Although Thanos was polite, he did not immediately launch a sneak attack.

Mark also gave a cold snort, and then rushed up to the two people, the light blade and the double-headed war blade collided with each other, emitting a dazzling white light.

Whether it is light, heat or war blade, it contains powerful energy. At this level, it is impossible to rely solely on weapons, and more to use the power in your body to actively collide.

Most of the guys who rely on their weapons have died on the interstellar battlefield, and only those who use weapons are the best masters.

Otherwise, you will not be able to catch my eyes quickly, and even afterimages have appeared.

All the people present were stunned. They tried to intervene in the battlefield, only to find that they didn't even have any part in it and couldn't keep up with the opponent's rhythm.

Every time he saw the opponent he was about to chase, he didn't disappear again, as if he had never existed in that place.

But the battle traces left on the ground clearly proved that a fierce battle took place here just now.

Thanos didn't care what kind of damage his car would suffer, he just wanted to tell the outcome of this battle.

"Komunen, I have to admit that your power is indeed very powerful, but we can't tell the result of this. Let's change the place! A place where we can display all our power." Thanos said.

The eldest son of God who likes Marvel, please collect it: ( The literature of the eldest son of Marvel has the fastest update speed.

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